Chapter 10

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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye"~H. Jackson Brown, Jr

Yasmin's POV

I started moving around after hearing a door being opened. Wait, a door? I jumped after remembering that I was trying to stay awake, but ended up sleeping. I looked around me, and saw that Malik was there looking handsome, but a little pale. After seeing this, I don't know how I got up from my chair and went straight towards him

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Where are you hurt? Should I call a doctor?" I said breathlessly checking his arm, and touching his forehead. Oh my lord, what happened to him? I am really worried

"Why. are. you. touching. me?" He asked a little coldly for my taste, taking a pose after each word. After hearing this, I noticed that I was actually touching him. Oh waw, I don't know what's wrong with me this morning being touchy and all. I took few steps back, and regained my composure. Honestly, he took me by surprise.

"Sorry" I said in a really soft voice, looking at the floor, or anywhere but him. I guess he is right, he barely knows me and I am here touching him.

He left me standing there, not looking at me twice, before going up the stairs. Oh waw, remember I said maybe being married isn't going to be so bad after all? Scratch that.

It seems that I am right, he didn't choose me. Because if he did, he wouldn't be acting like this. Maybe, he is just trapped in this wedding just like me. That is why, I am not blaming him. But that doesn't mean I am going to give up either. Yup, I am going to make this wedding work. I am going to make him like me, even if it's going to be hard, I am not giving up on my wedding, or him. Getting married, and getting divorced right after have never been in my plans.

"Uhm" said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw that the guy that returned me home yesterday was there. I just blushed, realizing that he had witnessed what just happened and on top of that, I didn't notice him this whole time, too engulfed in my thoughts.

"I am sorry for the way he is acting. He really isn't a bad guy, you might think I am making excuses because I am his friend but I am telling the truth" he said sounding sincere and for some reason, I believed him

He took a pause before adding "Just give him some time, and at the same time, just keep being you, he will like you in no time. Trust me in this" he said now grinning like a kid

"Hopefully," I said honestly

"Go find him. Don't mind me. I am just going to go back home I am tired"

"But don't you want to stay for..." I wasn't even done that he interrupted me

"No, I don't want to stay to eat breakfast here, I just need to go home " he said smiling. Wait, I didn't even finish the sentence

"But, how did you know..."

"You are just too obvious" he said, interrupting me once more,

"Tell Zayn Malik I left" he said, not even waiting for my answer before going out again. Zayn Malik? Why is he calling him like that? Is it a joke between them? I fixed my hijab as I was going up the stairs in the bedroom that we shared but never slept in. Just thinking about that made me blush once more.

I looked at the door and thought if I should knock or just wait for him downstairs. Again, he doesn't look good, which means he will probably need my help. I knocked twice and when I didn't hear anything, I opened the door slowly to peek in. The room was empty from there, so I went in and closed the door behind me. I saw something on the floor and suddenly jumped. It wasn't something, more like someone. Malik was just sitting there. I gave him my hand and helped him get up, to go to the bathroom. I put him in the shower and just turned on the cold water on him. For some reason, I thought it would help him feel better. I got out when I knew he could move on his own to give him his privacy. I went in the room and opened the draws to find anything for him to wear. I found some jogging and some shirt, I took it out and put it on the bed, that's when he got out of the shower, water dripping everywhere, wearing only a towel that is really hanging low, and almost looked like it will fall on the floor. He then looked at me in the eyes, and came near me like a predator. For some reason, I took a step back

He touched my jaw with his thumb "Don't look at me like that. Not every man will be able to resist. It's really a shame. You are too pure for me to touch you" He then licked his lips slowly. Oh lord, why was I looking at his lips? What the hell is wrong with me? This guy is just preventing me from thinking straight. I couldn't even open my mouth.

He then touched my lower lip before adding "Too bad this is just temporary, you are only a part of a contract. I guess if we met in a different life, it wouldn't be like this"

He left me standing there with my mouth open. By the time I realized what was really happening, he was already sleeping on the bed comfortably. Oh lord what just happened? I think I just need to go in the kitchen again, to clear my head.

I left the room real quick and went straight to the kitchen. I just hope that he gets well. Most likely, he is going to wake up with a hunger so I need to cook something. I opened the drawers and was able to find everything necessary to cook. I guess someone did some grocery shopping. I am just happy to know that I can put something edible on the table. Maybe, just maybe he will be less grouchy after waking up. I should have known better by now...


I know this chapter is a little shorter than the previous one, but I will publish another one in few days. I am thinking about writing it in Malik's POV, what do you guys think?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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October 29th, 2017

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