Chapter 5

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"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life" ~Richard Bach

Yasmin's POV

Even though I agreed to marry Malik Qureshi, it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it? Right? I have the right to be mad. I mean it's not like you see people get married because of a contract everyday. I am still mad at my Dad, and tears were forming in my eyes just thinking about leaving Omar behind.

I don't want him to stay with my dad alone, but I know I can not bring him with me, at least not for now until I am sure that it is safe to do so. I don't know how my future husband will react from the contract, because I am pretty sure he didn't choose me. Because if he did, he wouldn't stay this whole time without seeing me. Right?

I kept on walking outside, still not ready to face my father. I knew where I was going. Just few houses down, I could see Fatimah's house. My one and only friend, my best friend. She is an only child and lives alone with her grandma, having lost both her mother  and Father. Her grandma is an old lady that I truly love, she is like the grandma I never had. Since my young age, She took care of both Fatimah and I. For the past 5 years, she has been a parent to me more than my own father, which I would be forever grateful for.

The small door of wood marked her courtyard. On the left, you could see fresh planted vegetables and on the right, few chickens just walking around. I opened the courtyard door and kept walking forward. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open it for me. Few seconds later, I heard a weak "coming" from Madam Hanifah, Fatimah's grandmother. She opened the door like she knew it was me and gave me a long motherly hug. Oh God, how I needed that

"Assalamou Alaykoum Madam Hanifah" I said before finally letting her go

"Wa Alaykoum Salam yasmin, come in" She says moving to the side to let me in

"Fatima went to do some shopping, she will be back anytime now" she said closing the door behind me, before sitting down comfortably on the only couch that filled almost the whole living room. I sat next to her, still trying to smile.

"How is your father?" She asked filing the silence "And how are you? You better not think about lying, I can read your eyes" She said not once looking elsewhere. I guess I just have to tell her the truth now. I sighed before starting.

"Madam Hanifah, my Dad doesn't want to change his mind, He wants me to marry in less than a week now. I don't want to. I really don't, but at the same time, I don't want to be selfish. I want to help Omar more than anything but I just don't want it to be this way." I paused, before continuing

"You know I will always do anything for Omar. With the money my Dad will get, Omar will get the education he deserves. If I don't marry that guy, I know I won't be able to help him go to school with the amount of money I am getting from my little job. Who knows when another opportunity like this would come? That is why I won't let it pass. But I am still sad mama. I am sad that my mother won't be here that day, I am also sad that I would have to go out of the country leaving my dad alone with Omar. I am not ready to leave you or Fatimah either. But I know this is the right choice to do, Allah is on my side"

She was still looking at me, and by this time, my scarf was already on my shoulders, and my face wet with tears. She pulled me towards her and put my head on her lap. I was sobbing by now and I heard her take a deep breathe

"You know dear, things happen for a good reason. We plan and Allah plans, and out of all, he is the best planner. I am sure this would turn out great. Trust him, as I am sure, he will guide you. Maybe this is for the best, even if you don't agree right now, you might be happy you know, and it won't be so bad." she said still running her fingers through my long hair.

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