Chapter 39 Part 1

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"More marriages might survive if the partners eealize that sometimes, the better comes after the worse" ~ Doug Larson

Malik POV

With Yasmin on my back, I walk towards the car. She puts her head down on my back, and slowly rocks her feet back and forth. None of us was saying anything, it was that type of silent walk. Thinking back to the proposal, I don't know what I would have done if she have said no. Technically, she was my wife, but for this time, I wanted to make sure it was what she wanted. As heartbreaking as it would have been, I would have let her go if it was her choice, but I would have kept trying to win her over. She made me feel like more than a robot, she made me feel alive,  needed and more importantly, she made me feel human. There was no way I would have left her alone. Waiting for her answer, I felt like my heart was about to burst out of my ribcage. I am pretty sure that people on the other side of the world could hear my beating heart, I was nervous as hell, but totally worth it!

"Where are we going now?"She asked just after I opened the car door. she got off my back and got in the car

I turn on the car and smile at her "I have a surprise for you, but we have to go take a shower and change too"

At the mention of the word surprise her eyes got wide from excitement "A surprise? What is it?Tell me"

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise, now would it?"

"Come on now, just give me a hint?" she blinked, and gave me the puppy face

"You blinking like that makes you look like you are having an eye attack"

"An eye attack?" she asked incrediously, what, she never heard of it?

"Heart attack, only, the organs affected are the eyes, not the heart, so eye attack, get it?"

She stares at me for awhile, shakes her head and sit back on the seat comfortably, this time putting on her seatbelt. Safety first right?

Hearing my phone ring, I pick it up, after looking at the caller ID



"Yes we are on our way"


"You think I don't know that? You are the one calling me I am reminding you"


"Deal with it"


"Sounds perfect then"

~~~~~End of phone call~~~~~~~~~~

Hanging up the phone, I see her looking at me suspiciously.

"Who was it?" She finally asks after a while

"It was Swa, nothing important" I answered shortly

"yeah and I am a cow" she rolled her eyes

"But you know, you low key look like one right?" I tried to hold my laugh

"Hey, that was rude" she hit me on my arm, her expression was too funny, I couldn't help but laugh like a mad man, she is so cute when she is mad. I shouldn't have laughed because now, imaginary smoke is coming out of her ears. God help me


*No answer*


*No answer*

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