Chapter 34

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"A beautiful heart can bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn't obtain" ~ Dau Voire

Let's give this one last chance" I finally said, he takes me straight in his arms, smelling my hair, oh how I missed being in his arms, his perfume, just everything about him. We lay slowly on the couch half of my body on top of his and just him caressing my hair. I felt so good, so safe, so happy. I didn't realize how tired I was until now, all these sleepless nights without him. I was ready to just close my eyes, and dream and that's what I did, but not before hearing him say in a really soft and low voice "You won't regret it, I promise"

Yasmin's POV:

Waking up few hours later in the arms of the man I love, I couldn't ask for anything better. I just wanted to stay in that position forever, but I remembered that I did not pray yet, so I get up slowly not to wake him up and go straight to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I make Wudu and go straight to start the prayer. I've always loved the feeling right after the prayer. That feeling of happiness

I decide to open the Quran and read a little. I opened it randomly and it was on Surah Maryam, my favorite. I start reading from the beginning and was just lost on it, until I hear a little noise, I finish the sentence and look up to find Malik in new clothes, just standing by the door.

"That was beautiful" he said

I just smiled at him

"Keep going" He walked towards me. So I do what he told me, and just keep reading it. I can feel him now sitting down next to me. He was so silent. I close my eyes and read the last sentence that I knew by heart. I close the holy book, put it back on the nightstand, and go back to sit with him

"It's been so long since the last time I heard Surah Maryam being read"

"How did you know?"

"It used to be my mom's favorite, she used to read it for me all the time, before she died" I could see the sadness in his eyes so I just take his hands in mine, and he started playing with my fingers before continuing

"What happened to her, your mom?" I asked. He froze, I thought he was not going to answer me. After a minute, he took a deep breath

"I guess it's time you knew the whole story, if we are going to spend the rest of our lives together", and that's how he explained the whole story to me. How his mom met his dad, at first, they were happy, they fell in love or thought they did. A year after their wedding, Malik was born. That's when his dad changed. That's when all the beatings, emotional and physical abuse started. At first it was just this insult here and there, and then occasional slaps. Still, his mom stayed with him, because she wanted him to live in a happy family, even if she has to fake that happiness. But she stayed, even though she realized that she fell in love with the devil himself. Little Malik was too young to understand what was really happening, but one thing was sure, he started little by little hating his father, when he found his mom crying alone with bruises on her face. what he said to describe it was still fresh in my mind "At that time, I couldn't understand why a beautiful woman like her would cry, but now, I pretty much have a good idea of what happened, and will never forgive my dad for making her feel that way. Because of him, I grew up without a mother. But mama Tasmeen was there. She always took care of me, even when my mother was alive, but I still feel like there is a part of me missing, and still don't accept the fact that she is dead. In my heart, I still feel like she is alive" I could not stop myself from crying. When he was around 10, she fell really ill and was hospitalized for a really long time before dying on her bed with little Malik on her side

What can I say to comfort him? Should I tell him to stop? I can see the pain in his eyes, how hard it was for him to tell me what happened. I opened my mouth and he put his finger on my lips and murmured "Let me finish".  I just nodded, because I was not sure if I could trust my voice at this moment.  So I just listened, like I've been doing this whole time.

"I feel her in my heart, and would love for my father to pay for what he did to her. Abusing a woman that you declare you love? What kind of love is that? On top of that cheating on her and hiding the fact that you have another child? I can not forgive him, and from my young age, I promised myself that I will never give a women hope if I know I won't love her like she deserves. But at least he did one thing right, by giving me Swa. I just push everyone else away, but Tony and Swa never gave up on me, it was us three until Isabella came" At the mention of her name, I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart. How I strongly dislike that woman

"Even her, we were just friends, and things were not that serious, we were friends with benefits and we both agreed on it. Until she told me that she was in love with me, and so I believed her, and decided to make what we had work. We liked each other and she understood me, or so I thought, because she did not hesitate to go sleep with my dad. When I confronted him, you know what was his defense? That Isabella was just a hot piece of a*s, she did not deserve me and that he just wanted to prove to me that she was a wh*re.  The best part was her excuse, that it was just a silly mistake. My father never cared for me, his only worry was money, so I was hell bent on ruining him. That is why I accepted the contract. I wanted to own 75% of all his assets and do my best to kick him out of his own company, I just needed his investors on my side, and I already knew how to win them over. I thought about everything, marrying and divorcing you right after, however I did not realize that it was a trap. If I've known, I promise you I would not have married you because I promised myself not to hurt a woman purposefully. And that's exactly what I did to you. I trapped you in this wedding, and did not completely treat you nice, but I promise it was to protect you from myself. I am the devil's son, which makes me the prince of Darkness. I did not want you to fall for me, so I pushed you away and in doing so, I hurt you. I can not tell you how sorry I am. I tried so hard not to be like him, but I ended being worse than him"

I put my hands on his cheeks to get rid of his tears "You might be the devil's son, but you are far from being a monster, don't forget that your mother's DNA flows in your blood too. You have been a jerk to me, but you've also been sweet, caring and I saw the real you, and despite everything, I am still here with you, ain't I? That should be proof enough for you to know that you are not you father, and will never be like him. I understand why you hate him so much, but I don't think this is healthy for you, your mom sounds like an amazing woman, I don't think she will want you to carry this much hate towards your genitor, even though it's understandable. Be better than him, I know you can, he is trying to turn you like him, don't let him do it"

"Are you telling me to forget it Yasmin?" He asked me incredulously

"Far away from that, I want you to always remember it, but you trying to get revenge on him for what happened in the past is not healthy for you"

"You want me to give up on the contract?"

"I don't know Malik, it is up to you, but I don't want you to poison your heart with revenge"

"I don't know what to do"

"And I will support your decision"

"Thank you" he said kissing my forehead

I just nod my head and pushed myself closer in his arms, I could feel his heart beating against my palms. His breathing becoming one with mine, and no words are good enough to describe the happiness I feel in my chest


I am sorry for the delay, school has been really intense, but hey, you got yourself a long chapter. Anyways We are towards the end of the book. I am thinking about 4-5 more chapters. I wanted to finish before Ramadan but I don't think it is going to be possible but we will see. I also have a question, do you think he will end the contract or no? I already have an idea for the end but would like to hear your thoughts .

Please Vote and/or comments your thoughts if you really like the chapters.
Next update will depend on the support. Until then,kisses 😘


May 7th, 2018

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