Chapter 7

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"The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides" ~ Audrey Hepburn

Malik's POV:

Today was the day of my wedding. Just saying the word wedding makes me cringe inwardly. I thought that this day would never come.

I looked at the time on my watch and realized that it was already  10 Am. I went downstairs and saw a maid running around. This house is so big, even though I only use it when I come to Dubai, which is very rare.

I went in the living room and saw that she already cleaned the table and cooked breakfast. I sat down, and took my time to eat, since it was already 10, I couldn't eat earlier than that time for some reason. After I was done eating, I went in the kitchen to see the maid.

"After this, you can go home and rest. Tomorrow don't come either because I will be traveling back to London" I told her once she turned around to look at me

"Oh alright, are you sure you won't need me? I mean, if you do, you can call me" She said nervously

"I will, if I need you, but I most likely won't. Have a good day" I said before leaving her still surprised

I went back to my room, took out my laptop and started working again. Someone would have thought that I would get a rest the day of my wedding. But I have an online meeting to do, which couldn't wait until I get back to London. I took out my ringing phone, and started speaking in Arabic, since my interlocutor was an Arab investor from here.

~~~~Few Hours later~~~~~

After working forever, I realized that everything was on point and I can finally take a break . I looked at my watch and realized that it was almost 4:00pm, which meant that I was probably late for the wedding. The many missed calls I received from my dad and Tony only confirmed that. I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out and wore a white suit that was already in the room. I remembered that my secretary bought a diamond bracelet for that girl, because my Dad told me that I had to buy her a gift and the rings were also my responsibility.

So I put them in my pocket, took my car keys, and inserted the address on the GPS. After few minutes, I was already there and couldn't wait to be done with this wedding to finally have my hands on the contract. After that, I want to see my dad's face when I will announce that I am divorcing the girl the next day. Oh lord, I just know that it would be priceless.

I was now grinning just at the idea. I parked in front of the house, got out and went inside since the door wasn't locked, I guess for the guests.

Everyone was chatting except a woman who wore all white, and was facing the other side, probably the unlucky girl that would be married just for a day. I decided it was time to let everyone know that I was here

"Sorry for being late" I said not sounding sorry at all, The girl turned around. I made eye contact with the deepest green eyes I have ever seen. I have seen a lot of green eyed girls, but none, were as beautiful as her. She gasped after seeing me staring at her and directly lowered her gaze. This is going to be really interesting I thought. 

The girl's dad gave me a side hug, saying just my name, and in return, I said hello. My dad was standing there with his poker face that I was so used to. I nodded at him. Tony was already there, all dressed up, grinning at me, at the same time mouthing 'finally', I ignore him and finally faced the bride to be. She wasn't sitting anymore, but she was just giving me side looks.

A shy girl I see, this is going to be really interesting. The judge was really bored I guess, since his gaze was so intense that I could feel it. I looked at him and advanced in his direction. Trust me judge, I want to be done with this more than you do. And with the amount of money you are being paid, you shouldn't be complaining. So I sat on the chair, next to the bride and nodded at the judge for us to start the ceremony.

"We are all gathered here to celebrate the union of Ms. Yasmin Maktoum and Malik Qureshi" started the judge before I interrupted him

"Uhm, I am sorry but can we skip all unnecessary things?"I asked him in a bored tone. She looks at me again, with her eyes wide open this time, I guess she wasn't expecting this. But I really don't have time to waste

"Yeah sure. Uhm, do you have her dowry?" He asked me after glaring at me for a second.

"Yes" I responded "Here, I have this bracelet, and I hope she accepts it as her dowry" I added, taking the bracelet out and looking at her fully now. She started blushing before nodding her head.

"Yeah, I accept it" she said in a really soft voice, tending her wrist. I held her wrist slowly, receiving an electric shock all the way to my toes. What the hell? I need to get a grip of myself. After attaching the bracelet, I dropped her hand on her lap and took out the rings that I also bought, to make this whole thing a little real. 

"Do you Mr. Malik Qureshi take Ms. Yasmin Maktoum to be your lawfully wedded wife?"He asked

"I do " I replied without a doubt

"Do you Ms. Yasmin Maktoum take Mr. Malik Qureshi to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

No answer, I turned to look at her and saw that she was frozen. I waited impatiently with the others. The judge repeated the question again, and finally, she let out an even softer "yes, I do"

"Is there anyone who is opposed to this wedding?" He asked again. I already told him to skip the unnecessary steps, but I guess he couldn't do anything correctly.

"By the power invested in me, I declare you husband and wife"said finally the judge.

"Might the witnesses come forward to sign after you two do". I took the document, signed on my spot and gave it to her. She took it then, with hands that were trembling a little, signed also.

Tony stepped forward, at the same time, another woman, probably my bride's age. They both stopped, and Tony, gestured with his hand to the girl to go first. She glared at him, before signing the document, and moving on the side to let him sign also. I smirked, looking at both of them, I know for a fact these two will make a perfect couple.

The judge interrupted my thoughts by getting up and saying  goodbye. My dad came towards me, with an enveloppe in his hands. Finally, this whole thing is about to be done. He gave me a side hug, before putting the enveloppe in my hands. 

"You completed the side of your contract, and so did I.  I am so glad that you are finally married and don't even think about divorce for now."He smirked, before leaving me standing there. If one thing is sure, I know my dad enough to know that he has something else planned.

I looked at the enveloppe and thought about it. I just hope he didn't slip a loophole in knowing how sneaky he is. I opened the enveloppe and saw the 10 pages contract. I opened it, and was going through it really quick, but on the fourth page, I noticed something I didn't before. I started reading in the middle:

"This contract includes the following, without it, the contract is null and void. The one and only heir to all Suleyman Qureshi's assets named Malik Qureshi won't get any of the advantages cited on this contract, which says that he will be the owner of the 75% of all of his father's assets, unless these requirements are fulfilled: He has to marry the girl of his father's choice for at least two years (they both have to live in the same house), or opt to have one child. The child has to be from both parents mentioned above, or else is not valid; which means that adoption does not count..." and the contract goes on.

 I turned to the end of the page and saw both of our signatures. I see now why he was smiling.

Realization dawned on me. Damn, this bastard not only tricked me, I fell right into his trap, just like an idiot.

Dan Dan Dan, the wedding on Malik's POV. It's kind of hard writing in a guy's POV, but hopefully, I did him justice.

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October 8th, 2017

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