Chapter 23

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"Life is all about taking risk to get what you want"~Adam Lambert

Yasmin's POV

Sometimes people just wake up, happy, ready to face anything. For some reason, I woke up with a smile today. I was feeling at peace. Maybe because I dreamt of a world filled with chocolate, who knows? But what is for sure is that my smile is not being forced. Today's smile is really genuine, which is making me even happier if that makes sense. I look at my phone on the bedside and see that it is around 10:00 Am, so I jump out of bed and go straight in the bathroom. After a while, I was already done taking a shower and brushing my teeth, so I wear one of my dresses and go straight to the kitchen.

Surprisingly, no one was in the living room or the kitchen. So I tie my hair in a loose ponytail and started taking out the ingredients from the fridge, like the eggs and butter. I kind of want to make scrambled eggs, bacon and french toast today. After making the food, I fixed the table and brought everything down there.

"That smells delicious" said a voice behind me, I turn around to find Mama. I smile at her "Breakfast is ready"

"Hum, I can't wait to eat then. I thought I would find Malik down here" she said scratching her nose

"I saw the door that leads to the pool open, I bet he is out there"

"Why am I not surprised though? My poor baby must be cold, can you go get him please?" She said with puppy dog eyes. What is she up to now? I looked at her, and she smiled innocently, so I shook my head and went through the door to find him still swimming. I stood next to the pool and waited until he was next to me.

"Good morning" I said with a smile

"Morning Sunshine, slept well?" He asked with a grin. Did he just reply to me nicely? What on earth is going on with the people in this house?

"What are you up to now?" I asked looking at him suspiciously. I mean, why would he be nice unless he has something up his sleeves?

"What? Nothing" He said in a British accent

"Sure. Breakfast is ready" I added, not believing him once, I kept walking when I heard him again

"Can't you help a fella here? The stairs are too far" He asked innocently. I look at him, and the pool, him, then the stairs and was having an internal debate. "Please?" He added.

My decision was made, I walked up to him and gave him my arm, what I was not expecting however, was him using it to pull me towards him, which made me fall over him and going straight in the pool. The best part of it was that I did not drown because I was pulled up few seconds later, and the bad part was that in those few seconds, I managed to drink the pool water, which made me cough right after I was on the surface.

"Malik, I-I- I can't swim, I- please help me, I-I don't want to drown, please" I begged, he was about to smile but looked at me in a confused way, I am afraid of swimming

"You can't swim?"

"Please" I begged again. He held my waist and told me to tippy toe to keep my head on the surface. He saw me struggling, so he told me to put my legs around his waist, I did not question him, and did what he told me and we were literally walking in the water. With his hands holding my legs, we went up the stairs of the pool and kept walking towards the kitchen

"You know, you can put me down now" I said sounding relieved that I was back on normal ground. He ignored me and kept walking after a while, he answered me


"On second thought, I don't want to. Now bring me to my room I need to get a change of clothes" I ordered him

He froze and turned to look at me. Being the silly person I am, I turn his head forward and kept it there

"Bossy much?"

"You know how much I wanted to get on a horse?"

"So now I am your horse?

"Well you are giving me a piggy back ride"

He just kept walking and started going up the stairs to go in my room but murmured under his breath something like 'I should have left you in the water'. So I pinched his cheek and told him I heard it, he was silent after that and so when we got in front of my room he dropped my legs and a second later, I was pinned on the wall.

"What makes you think you can just boss me around sweetie?"

"Uhm, maybe because you deserved it" I retorted with a duh tone

"Whatever. You are so heavy, so thank me for bringing you right next to your room"

"Is that what you want?"

"Of course. A thank you kiss" he stated smirking

"Sure" I said kissing him on the cheek and running in my room to lock the door

"Hey you cheated" He yelled outside of the door

"A kiss is a kiss darling. Sorry if that wasn't what you were expecting " I added before going in the bathroom with my beating heart. What was that?

I look at myself and my wet clothes. Damn Malik for pushing me in the pool.

I took a quick shower and wore another of my dresses. I need more comfortable clothes since I am going to stay home a lot, which means I should do some shopping sometime

I pin my hair with my favorite pin, the one my mom gave me before her death, and quickly get out of the room to go to the dining hall. I found Malik and Mama Tasmeem already eating

"Sorry Yasmin we couldn't wait for you, Malik wants to go to work as soon as possible and I want to go and visit my son today. Remember the one I told you about? And I might stay there for a week. You will be fine right?" She asked

I responded with a smile "Of course Mama, but I will miss you. Come back soon okay?"

"Of course dear"

"Mama are we going together or do you prefer for me to come and pick you up?" He asked her, putting his fork down, after emptying the plate

"Let me just get my bag. You will be fine right Yasmin?"

"Of course Mama. Be safe and I will see you in a few days " I replied. I can't believe she is leaving too, I guess I will spend my days here alone. Malik must have read my thoughts since he smirked at me "Don't worry, you are going to have some company soon"

"Are we having a guest over? Why didn't you tell me before, I might have to buy..." I did not get to finish my sentence that he interrupted me, confusing me even more

"More like a guest who loves showing up unannounced"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He took a deep breath "It means that my baby sister is coming to visit us and she is just dying to meet you" He said with a grin

Wait what?


What do you think about this chapter? Apart from it being a little late?

I am sorry, I have been busy this whole week and was experiencing a writer's block. I don't know when the next chapter will be posted, but stay tuned because I will introduce a new character, Malik's little sister. I kind of dropped a hint in one of the old chapters, but I don't know if you guys really noticed

Please Vote and comments your thoughts. I would like to hear them, also, they motivate me to update :)


December 31st, 2017

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