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Yasmin is a 17 years old muslim girl who has for only family her father and little brother. She will do no matter what to save her father. But what if the only thing he wants will cost her her freedom and happiness? All of this just for one mistake he committed?

Meet Malik Qureshi 27, one of the hottest bachelor in the world. His name is spoken everywhere by everyone. He is the heir to his father's known chain of hotels, Qureshi Hotels. What if, the only condition to become one of the top 5 richest men in the world is to marry this girl he doesn't know? And for him, he would do anything to get his inheritance, even if it means marrying a nobody just on paper.

Their paths will cross, tears will be shed and mistakes will be made. Mistakes, we all make them and we all suffer from the consequences, some people more and others less. But what if this one mistake is worth a billion dollar? Or actually, no amount of money will be enough to pay for it?

Buckle up and follow them on their journey filled with uncertainties and all kind of emotions.


Hey everyone. this is my first time writing in English, and I warn you, it is not my first language. I ask you to bear with the mistakes if you see any and I will try to edit the story once it is over. Again this story might have few curses in it, so you've been warned. Read at your own risk. Apart from that, I will try to update once or twice every week, either a friday or a saturday insha Allah and I will try to make it pleasant and interesting for everyone. Also, all constructive feedback are welcome.

All rights reserved. All reproduction partial or complete without my permission is forbidden.

Copyright 2017 ©

This being said, I hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters ----->

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