Chapter 1

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Helllloooooo Fellow readers!! 

Who else reads when their by themselves so people don't look at what you're reading?

I do! I don't want people looking at me when I'm reading a Levi x Reader, or Leon Kennedy x reader.... No judgements here. 

Anyways, everything i needed to say is in the description-- but if you skipped that part....*sigh* its okay, i'll type it again. The Phantom gang are now in High school, so we're older now :D 

** warning: swearing will occur :D 

*** warning, Warning: misspelling, and sentences that don't make sense will happen too. Just a heads up. 

Enjoy <3

 (Y/N)- (Your Name) 


My head hit the passenger side of the window making it go bump. Ow-- what the hell? I instantly woke up. My eyes were blurry-- my breath smelled, where the hell are we?

(Mom)- " Oh-- sorry honey, the roads are terrible in this neighborhood." she says as the car takes another bump in the road. I took out my earbuds, my music was starting to annoy me. This neighborhood looks boring....plain....and a little damaged? Many potholes, holes in some buildings ands homes-- just patched up. This place seems like it's been through hell and back. People were walking around enjoying this place,I mean I guess they do like it here. Mom makes a sharp left turn-- I held onto the handle above the window. My moms a crazy driver.

(Mom)- " We're here!" she shouts as she brakes hard. The seatbelt pressed hard against my chest keeping me from flying through the windshield and to the next universe!

(Y/n)- " Mom-- holy shit!"

(Mom)- " Sorry, My legs are cramped up-- been driving for hours."

(Y/n)- " You could have let me drive, ya know."

(Mom)- " Yeah, but you were sleeping-- didn't want to wake you up." I scoff. I opened my side door, looking around the neighborhood around-- I had to do a double take of a house that stood out the most. Probably the satellite out in space can see this house. The two story building was normal like the rest of the house....but what makes it stand out is a massive hunk of metal on top of it. Looks like it's gonna topple over. I walked around the car to get to the side walk. There was our new home. I stand looking up and admiring it. Mom stood by me put her arm around my shoulder. She pulls me in closer as we both look at our home.

(Mom)- " Looks great, huh?"

(Y/n)- " Mom....There's like a chunk of the wall missing on the side" I pointed out.

(Mom)- "But that's what gives it character! Come on, let's get our things inside" her arm let's go and heads up to the house to unlock the front door. I turned to face the car and get things out the car. We honestly didn't bring much...

(Time Skip)

I reached for the last box in the back seat. It was heavy-- what the hell is in this box?. I quickly was struggling-- this box was gonna tip. I bumped into someone with the box at the gut. My gut was pressed by the box-- I think it hit my bladder...Now I gotta pee.

(Stranger)- " Oh sorry! I saw you struggling with that and thought you can use some help" a guy with black hair and bright blue eyes said.He was dressed in a white t-shirt with red trimming and an oval in the center of the shirt. Blue jeans and red converse. He was sure tall, taller than me. He was kinda cute, looks like he works out as well. 

(Y/n)- "Umm...thanks?" I say awkwardly. I handed him the heavy box. He takes it and direct him to the house. We both entered in. Mom was organizing where everything was going. She looks over and notices I brought a stranger in.

(Mom)- " Oh...hello." She awkwardly greets. I know where I get my awkward greetings from.

(Y/n)- " Hi- mom...uhhh" I didn't know what to say.

(Stranger)- " Sorry to intrude-- I'm Danny Fenton. I saw your daughter struggle.. I offered to help" Danny? He didn't look like a danny. Wait? Fenton? Where did I see that name before?

(Mom)- " Oh! So your Fenton? The house across the street?" What?! That huge house across from us?! He lives there?! 

(Danny)- " Yeah, My family is....Different" he shyly chuckles as he scratches the back of his head.

(Mom)- " Well I'd love to meet your parents and thank you Danny for helping us. I'm Ms. (Your last name), and this is my daughter (Y/n)"  Oh god..sometimes the introduction is cringe.

(Danny)- " Nice to meet you both. What brings you to Amity Park?" he asked

(Mom)- " Change in scenery, fresh new start for the both of us."

(Danny)- " Well, let me be the first to welcome you two to Amity park"

(Mom)- " Well thank you Danny. Do you go to school here?" mom, please stop.

(Danny)- " I go to High-school, Casper High."

(Mom)- " Senior?" she snaps a finger at him like she's trying to win a guessing game.

(Danny)- " Yeah, I am"

(Mom)- " Oh, So is (Y/n). She'll be joining the seniors at Casper High tomorrow" say what now? I thought we agreed to wait at least a week?

(Danny)- "Oh, cool. So I'll be seeing you there then" he smiles as he looks at me.

(y/n)- " Yeah" I say as I returned a smile.

(Danny)- " Well-- I should be heading back home." he looks to me and my mother.

(Mom)- " Alright-- well you're welcome to stop by anytime Danny"

(Danny)- " Thanks, Bye Ms. (last name)..see you around (y/n)" he waves at us as he leaves through the front door. He seems a little too nice, theres gotta be a flaw in him or something. Ignore him now-- time to focus on my mother.

(Mom)- " He seems nice"

(Y/n)- " Yeah,yeah,yeah-- what's this about me going to school tomorrow? Thought we agreed that I would go to school in about a week?" I wave my hands in the air, I was kind of upset.

(Mom)- " We didn't shake on it. So be ready to wake up early in the morning" she winks and gets back to organizing. I sigh and let my arms slap my thighs as a sign of giving up.

I enter further into our home. Mom shouts to me that my room was upstairs towards the front of the house. I made it to what looks like my room, it was dark and small but it is my room. At least I get a good view of the outside. I walked to the window to see the view but I realized all the view I get is the metal spaceship across the street. I sigh heavily...

(Mom)- " You like your new room?" I hear my moms voice stand outside the doorway.

(Y/n)- " Yeah, it's great"

(Mom)- " This is our new home, (y/n). I think I'm gonna like it here."

Phantom. [ Danny Phantom x Reader ] (( BOOK 1)) [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now