Chapter 9

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(Time Skip)

After a long day, Danny and I just got home. I set my things upstairs in Jazz's room. I went back downstairs and Danny was in the living room watching tv. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of soda's. I closed the fridge door and turned to see Danny standing right with a blank face. I scared by the sudden sense of his appearance behind me.

(Danny)- " Oh god-- I'm sorry!" he laughs.

(Y/n)- " Holy hell Danny!" I smacked his shoulder.

(Danny)- "Ow! I said im sorry. Is one of them for me?" he said rubbing his shoulder

(Y/n)- " Huh?" I handed him one of the sodas

(Danny)-" Thanks. Where are our parents?"

(Y/n)- " My mom texted me, they went out to pick out things for my our house like floor colors and walls..all that shit"

(Danny) -" That's probably not the best idea" he chuckles.

(Y/n)- " Why?"

(Danny)- " Follow me." I follow Danny leading downstairs. I didn't know they have a basement. Is this where they keep people and toture them? We head downstairs and it was completely different, it looked very sciencey and just....pretty cool overall.

(Y/n)- " What the hell is all this?"

(Danny)- "You know my parents are ghost hunters, this is their bat cave."

(y/n)- " Does that make you Alfred?"

(Danny)- " Funny." I look past his shoulder and there was a giant vault like thing behind him.

(Y/n)- " What is that?" I point to it, he turns around to see what I was pointing at.

(Danny)- " Oh, that? That's the ghost portal."

(Y/n)- " Ghost portal? Ghosts come and go?"

(Danny)- " Not come and go, more like escape"

(Y/n)- " And Danny phantom puts them back?"

(Danny)- " Yeah"

(Y/n)- " He must be tired all the time. With a face like that-- ladies must throw themselves at him" I chuckled

(Danny)- " He wishes" he mumbles.

(Danny)- " Come on, I think theres a Rick and Morty marathon happening" he says pointing behind him with this thumb. I nodded and we headed upstairs. Just when we reached the top of the stairs-- the bell rang. I told Danny I'll get it so he can set up the tv. I opened the door and saw a large red and white figure.

(Y/n)- "Dash?!"

(Dash)- " Hey doll face"

(Y/n)- " What're you doing here?"

(Dash)- " Came to see my favorite girl." He passes through me entering the house.

(Y/n)- " What-- Dash!" I call to him.

(Danny)- " Dash? What're you doing here?"

(Dash)- " None of your business Fenton. Came here to do some homework"

(Y/n)- "You didn't bring any homework, Dash"

(Dash)- " Well why don't you look at that-- looks like we can your room" he reaches for my hand and playing with my fingers.


My eyes widened, Dash...(Y/n) jazz's room...together....alone. I shudder by the thought of it. No way she's gonna agree to that.

(Y/n)- " Sure Dash." I jolt up from the couch by her answering of yes.She pulls him by his hand and leading upstairs. I hear the door close and thats it.

(Time Skip)

Its been an two hours....what can those two be doing?! Its sort of driving me crazy! The front door opens and in comes our parents.

(Dad)- " Danny my boy! You keeping the Fenton headquarters safe from ghosts?"

(Danny)- " Yeah. Dad."

(Ms. (L/n)- " Where's (Y/n)?"

(Danny)- " She's....upstairs.." I stopped before I said "With Dash", I didn't want to play that card and get her in trouble.

(Mom)- " Go get her down here, it's time for dinner. We brought mexican food" she waves the plastic bag in the air. I said okay and headed upstairs. I have a bad feeling about this, I'm curious what they can be doing...Oh! Duh! Think Danny! I can spy on them. I reach jazz's room and make my head go intangible. No! Wait! I can't spy on them. It's wrong....I make my head normal and I knocked on the door. It opens and (Y/n) was there. I see Dash sitting on the floor next to the bed.

(Y/n)- " Yeah?" everything...looks clothes on the floor, breathing seems normal.

(Dash)- " Quit bothering us Fenton, can't you see we're busy?" he shot at me. Jeez....

(Danny)- " Dash, Im here to talk to tell (Y/n), so please shut up?" Dash got up from the floor coming towards the door. I really shouldn't have said anything. (Y/n) placed a hand at his torso to make him stop.

(Y/n)-" Can you guys stop? Why don't you like each other?"

(Danny)- " Ask him, he's the one who beats the shit out of me since freshman year"

(Dash)- " That's because you're a loser!" I feel the heat underneath my skin, I can Go Ghost right now. (Y/n) placed a hand on my shoulder, I noticed-- it made me calm for a second.

(Y/n)- " Guys, I would really like for you two....not to kill each other!" she punched both Dash's and I's shoulders. Ow, she really packs a punch. I rub my shoulder to sooth the pain.

(Dash)- " Ow, that hurt"

(Y/n)- " That's the point. Look, I just thought of an idea. I would really like for my good friend, and my boyfriend if they got along. So with that, let's skip school tomorrow and go to the beach. I already called Sam and Tucker and they're in." Man is she different, I don't know what it is about her..but I can't shake off this feeling.

(Dash)- " The beach?"

(Y/n)- " Yes, so pack your bags tomorrow boys. We're going to the beach."

(Danny)- " Oh man.." I uttered. She had a huge smile on her face, she must think this plan of hers is going to work.

(Danny)- " Besides this....little meeting,our parents are home, they want us to come down for dinner."

(Y/n)- " Really, they're home? Well than I guess..Dash would you like to join us for dinner?"

(Dash)- " I'd love to" he shoulder bumps me on purpose. We head downstairs to see the parents stare at the three of us.

(Ms. (L/n))- " Hi...everyone?"

(Y/n)- " Mom, Mr. and Mrs.  Fenton, this is Dash."

(Mom)- " We know Dash, he's a friend of Danny's" Oh please, Dash is not even close to a friend..

(Dad)- " Come join us for dinner kid, more to go around" oh no, dad...its bad that (Y/n) is planning this trip tomorrow but its worse that Dash is gonna be around cause he's dating her. We sat around the table, there wasn't enough chairs so (Y/n) and I stood up to eat by using the counter space. As we eat I spaced out, everyone was about done but I barely even touched it, just picked at it.

(Y/n)- " Danny? You okay? You're spacing out" she says before taking a sip of her drink.

(Danny)- " No I'm fine" just when I said that I felt my ghost sense trigger. God damn it, a ghost just has to be around at the worst of times.I gotta make up an excuse to leave dinner. Can't go with the...oh wait, I can.

(Danny)- " Uh-- gotta excuse myself, nature is calling" I ran out of the kitchen and went upstairs. I shut the bathroom door and locked it. 

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