Chapter 2

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(The Next Day)

I woke up on time, showered and dressed into blue skinny jeans, a red crop top-- just the right length to still cover my stomach and some basic black and white converse. I took my long (hair color) and threw it into a high pony tail. It's good enough. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see my mom making breakfast in her pink robe. I smell the amazing scent of pancakes and bacon. My mouth starts to water.

(Y/n)- " Morning mom" I say as I take a seat in the corner nook.

(Mom)- " Morning sweetie, made you your favorite breakfast. Eggs, pancakes and bacon." she dances over and places the plate on the table. This looks soo good! I grab a fork and begin to eat. I shouldn't eat too much or my stomach is gonna pop out of this crop top.

I went through 2 pancakes, 2 pieces of bacon and just a little bit of my eggs. My stomach is probably gonna stick out. I looked at the time, shoot-- I'm going to be late.

(Mom)- " I got your backpack ready. It's by the front door." she tells me, as she gets a plate for herself.

(Y/n)- " Lunch or did you pack me money?" I joked

(Mom)- " I made you lunch, but just in's $20 bucks." she hands out the money between her fingers. I get up and grab the money.

(Y/n)- " Thanks mom" I say as I quickly hugged her and headed out the door. I grabbed my bag as I went out. The morning weather was a little chilly but nothing I can't handle. I make my way to school, I think it was this mom gave me directions. I see other people walking to, I hope to Casper High...I'll just follow them but not in a creeper "I'm following you" type way.

There I see the school with the front Casper high. A ton of people hanging outside of the school. There are different cliques I see already. Can't wait what the cafeteria looks like...wonder where I'm going to sit.

As I get closer to the school, I spot Danny. He was with I assume were his friends. A guy with a red beret and a nerdy looking appearance overall. Next to Danny was a goth girl-- she looked very pretty, she has long hair, and dark attire-- she knows how to work the goth style. She must be Danny's Girlfriend, yeah she's gotta be. Danny spots me and smiles, he waves over for me to meet with him. I don't want to enter school friendless so this is a perfect time to make new friends.

I approach the three, his friends gave looks but I hope their good looks. I look at my shoes as I got closer.

(Danny)- " Hey (Y/n)" he greets. Does he have other shirts in his wardrobe?

(Y/n)- " Uh-- Hi...Danny" I waved my hand slightly.

(Danny)- " Guys-- this is the new girl I was talking to you about last night. (Y/n), this is Tucker.. Nickname The Techno Geek. Sam also known as The Goth Girl" he introduces me to his friends.

(Tucker)- " Hey"

(Sam)- " Are you vegetarian?" Sam asking questions on the spot. I was a little nervous..pfft no I'm not.

(Y/n)- " Sadly...I'm not, I ate bacon before I came here"

(Sam)- " Can this school enroll more vegetarians!!" she shouts with her fits up.

(Tucker)- " Face it Sam..Meat has taken over your life" he puts a hand on her shoulder

(Sam)- " No it hasn't. I'll convert more people.." she brushes off tuckers hand.

(Danny)- " So (Y/n), what classes do you have?" Danny chuckles at Sam and tucker.That's a good question.... I swung my back to my hip and pulled out a piece of paper folded neatly inside. I unfolded it to check as I put my bag on my back again. I handed it to Danny to examine. The trio looked at my schedule, Sam pointed and then Tucker pointed but not Danny.

(Y/n)- " Anything wrong? I mean-- I am at the right school right?" I say as I look back at the building of Casper High.

(Tucker)- " Your at the right school alright."

(Sam)- " You mostly have the same classes as us."

(Danny)- " It's similar to my schedule" That's cool-- I won't be alone walking the halls.

(Sam)- " Uh-oh...Brace yourself (Y/n)"

(Y/n)- " Huh? What?" I didn't get what she was saying. Brace myself? From what?

(Woman)- " Hey! You must be the new girl!" I hear someone say, I look to my left-- no one. I look to my right, there I see a hispanic girl with long hair and small thin waist.

(Y/n)- " What?" I blurt out.

(Woman)- " You're new aren't you?" she says with an accent.

(Y/n)- "Uhh-- yeah I am"

(Woman)- " Hi! I'm Paulina." she is being way to nice...

(Y/n)- " (Y/n).." 

(Paulina)- " Such a pretty name. Not as prettier than mine." okay....she's the stuck up type. I look to Sam who has her arms crossed on her chest. She must not like this girl..

(Y/n)- " Hmmm okay?" I look to Danny and he shrugs, Tucker shrugs too. Paulina looks to the trio in a annoyed disgusted look.

(Paulina)- " You guys still go to this school? Thought you dropped out" she says with sassiness

(Tucker)- " Why would we drop out?"

(Paulina)- " Because you're losers....and losers shouldn't be associated with us"

(Sam)- " Us?"

(Paulina)- " Yes, Us. The New girl and I" paulina intertwined her arm with my left arm.

(Y/n)- " I have a name.." I uttered

(Paulina)- " You shouldn't be talking to these losers. Let's go meet the rest of the popular people" since my arm was locked with hers she dragged me away. Before I can say anything, I grab my schedule from Danny's hands.

(Paulina)- " Those three are like the headquarters for geeks and losers. Stick with me and my friends you'll make it through senior year."

(Y/n)- " They don't seem that bad"

(Paulina)- " Don't let them draw you in." Paulina drags me to a group of people...probably her friends. There stood out jocks, and a ton of pretty girls.

(Paulina)- " Guys! Meet the new girl!"

(R/n)- " Yeah--I have a name!" I raise my voice.

(Guy)- " Is that name, Heaven? Is that where you came from?" a tall big jock with blonde hair, dark blue eyes and red and white varsity jacket. He's hitting on me right? Is that his attempt?

(Y/n)- ", it's (Y/n)."

(Guy)- " Oh! Well, I was close enough"

(Paulina)- " (Y/n), That's Dash, Kwan and.... her" she points to a blonde girl

(Y/n)- " Nice to meet you all"

(Kwan)- " So where'd you come from?"

(Y/n)- " Aren't you a little old to know where people come from?" Dash,Paulina and the blonde girl laugh at my response.

(kwan)- " No! Not what I meant! Where did you move here from..whatever"

(Y/n)- " I'm from (home town)."

(Dash)- " Well they lost a sweet Gem like you. We should go on a date sometime" Dash places his arm around me. What the hell...better get your hand off, I may not know how to defend myself but I know where to hit a man if necessary.

(Kwan)- " Hey- wait...maybe I want to go on a date with the new girl" Kwan stands to Dash.

(Y/n)- " Guys! I have a name!" I shout louder, how many times do I have to remind them!

(Paulina)- " None of you are taking her, not before we go on a shopping spree!" Paulina jumps in joy. Oh her! We have different clothing styles. The school bell rings, it startled me.

(Paulina)- " Let's head on in bestie" she pulls me my arm entering the doors of casper high. 

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