Chapter 5

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(Time Skip)

I was outside the school building waiting for the Trio. I texted my mom telling her I was gonna be late coming home. She texted me a smiley face and to have fun.

(Tucker)- " Hey (Y/n)"

(Danny)- " Ready to go?"

(Sam)- " I'm starving."

(Y/n)- " Yeah, I'm ready to try a nasty burger." That was a really stupid pun. 

(Tucker)- " Let's go! I'm dying to get a burger, I might even get three!"

We got to the nasty burger, it was a fast food place-- the place has meat smellin up the place. It was really inviting. We enter in the place and it was fairly crowded.

(Danny)- " There's a booth over there" Danny points and we head over to the booth. Danny and tucker sit together and Sam and I together.

(Danny)- " Alright I already know your usuals, (Y/n)-- what would you like?"

(Y/n)- " Oh-- get me anything that has double the meat"

(Danny)- " You got it" he snaps his fingers and scoots out of the booth

(Sam)- " I'll go help, make sure you don't forget" she leaves the booth, leaving me alone with Tucker.

(Tucker)- " Pfft those two." He scoffs

(Y/n)- " What about those two?"

(Tucker)- " They play if off like nothing happened"

(Y/n)- " What're you talking about?"

(Tucker)- " Danny and Sam, they dated freshman year....they recently broke up" huh, I kinda had a feeling they had a thing, but I did have a feeling Sam doesn't like me since I'm new and already getting friendly with Danny-- not friendly friendly but friendly like a friend way....I'll shut up now...

(Y/n)- " Those two? Total opposites"

(Tucker)- " We're a trio! They can't just leave me by myself...Haven't had a girlfriend since...I don't think I've ever had a girlfriend"

(Y/n)- " Why did they break up? Danny and Sam? Got me curious" I was curious.

(Tucker)- " I don't know-- I was out of the loop. I was trying to get a girlfriend at the time.." he slumped down.

(Y/n)- " Tucker...I know I'm still the new kid on the block, and since those two ditched you when they got together, I will hook you up." His face looked joyful

(Tucker)- " Hook me up? With who-- is it people from the popular area?"

(Y/n)- " My sister, (Sister's name?) She's a geek herself." I've never seen someone's face lit up as much as tuckers.

(Tucker)- " Really! She is?"

(Y/n)- " Yup, she lives with my dad...they live (hometown). She's visiting in a couple months. I can give you her number?"

(Tucker)- " Depends..what grade?"

(Y/n)- " She's a junior."

(Tucker)- " Okay-- sure" I took out my phone and went to my sisters number. I passed my phone to tucker and he dialed it down in his phone.

(Danny)- " Tuck, what're you smiling about? Did any new tech come out today?" Danny and Sam come back with two trays full of wrapped burgers and drinks.

(Tucker)- " No. (Y/n)'s helping me hook up with her sister"

(Sam)- " Good for you Tucker"

(Danny)- " I didn't know you had a sister?" Danny looks to me

(Y/n)- " She lives with my dad."

(Danny)- " So that's why you moved here, parents divorced?" I nodded.

(Danny)- " Well sorry to hear. I got you a soda, hope that's okay?" he passes me a cup with a straw.

(Y/n)- " That's cool"

They sat back down and we all unwrapped our food. I looked to Sam's burger-- most likely a veggie burger. It.....looked unappetising. I took a bite of the nasty burger and it rocked my tastebuds.

I looked up to Danny and he had a quick 2 second shiver. It wasn't so cold in here..

(Danny)- " Uhh-- Guys, I'll be right back, gotta go to the men's room" he says awkwardly.

(Tucker)- " Want us to come with you?"

(Y/n)- " All of us go to the bathroom?"

(Sam)- " Go on ahead, Danny. We'll stay with (Y/n)" Sam told him and Danny rushes to the bathroom. Hmm maybe he did have to go..

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