Chapter 16

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Hope you guys are having a perfect day :D 

I am back....for now. I spent time with family-- and I can't really type. Imma be typing as much as I can this week and post some before I leave again this weekend to my cousins. xD <3


(Two Days Later)

Dannys POV

I lay in bed throwing a small hacky sack in the air. I catch it and throw it again. (Y/n) went home just a few days ago. Her house finally finished renovation. I'm kinda torn that she's gone. The house is empty without her. I toss the hacky sack and caught it on the way down. I'm so stupid, I should have told her the truth-- she's mad at me and at the Phantom. "Go on a date with her," who's stupid idea was that? There was a knock on my door.

(Danny)- " Enter...if you want to join in the "I fucked up, club" I say tossing the hacky sack again.

(Tucker)- " Hey man, how you doing?" he enters my room and closes it.

(Danny)- " Feels like me and (Y/n) just broke up...And We haven't even started a relationship"

(Tucker)- " least you're getting this part of the way, right?" I look at Tucker as I caught the sack in my hand.

(Danny)- " You're not helping, Tuck"

(Tucker)- " Why don't you go and see her? She's probably as miserable as you are right now"

(Danny)- " Who says I'm miserable?"

(Tucker)- "You've been in your room since she left..." I missed the Hacky sack and it landed on my face. Ow. I picked it up and started tossing it up again. Maybe he's right, but she's probably on her way to see Dash to get back with him...Or she's perfectly fine without me.Ugh! Don't think about it's (Y/n), we're talking about...she wouldn't do that.

(Danny)- " You're right. Man, I miss her....I miss her face, her personality, that amazing smile and laugh." I sigh just thinking about it, she's so pretty... haven't felt this hard for a girl since I had a crush on Paulina, and when I was dating Sam. 

(Tucker)- " Then go, you idiot. She lives across the street" he heads over the window to point out her house.

(Danny)- " Alright-- I'll go. If I come back in about 5 minutes...have Netflix and pizza ready for me." I say as I got up and shook my hair. I asked tucker if my hair was good, he gave me a thumbs up. I go ghost and phased through out of my room. I fly over to (Y/n)'s house. I hovered outside her window, intangiable of course. She's in her room eating a tub of ice cream. I thought stuff like this only happens in the movies! Look at her...I just want to hold her.


This (fav ice cream) is really hitting the spot. I take a massive spoonful and shoved it into my mouth. I dropped the spoon into the tub and put no top of my bedside table. I grab the covers and pull them over me, I just want to be in bed and create a crater of my sadness. I miss Danny. I miss being over in their house...I'm mad at myself for getting mad at Danny, but he did lied to me and I hate liars. Now the madness is over....and I just want to make up with him-- but I can't be like " Oh Danny, I know I was mad but I want you". He'll think im being too forward. If he comes to see me...I'll play it cool and then I'll forgive him. Tap, tap, tap. What is that on my window! I removed the covers and saw Danny outside, he's in his phantom form.

(Y/n)- " Danny?" I stood up from the bed, covers slowly coming down.

(Danny)- " (Y/n). I needed to see you" he shouted from the other side of the window. Aww those eyes of his. Stop-- I said play it cool.

(Y/n)-" Uhh-- come in? Phase in?" he phases through the window.

(Danny)- " Thanks. You look great-- by the way"

(Y/n)- "Danny, I'm wearing pajama shorts and a tank 4 pm."

(Danny)- " anything you wear looks great on you" he steps forward, oh no...he's trying to work his Fenton/Phantom charm he has going on. I can resist him.

(Y/n)- " I'm still mad at you." cross my arms to show I am...but I'm really not. I just want everything to get back to normal. 

(Danny)- " I know...I know..I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have I just didn't know how to tell you"

(Y/n)- " Maybe you could have just been like " Oh (Y/n), I'm Danny Fenton... oh! And I'm also a half ghost!" I punch his shoulder. There, I feel better...

(Danny)- " Go ahead and hit me, I deserve it."

(Y/n)- "'s not fun when you're letting me hit you."he chuckles a bit.

(Danny)- " I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you, please accept my apology" I looked at him, his green eyes, tall fit figure and cute handsome face. Should I forgive him now or should I wait?

(Y/n)- " You think I'm going to accept that short..sorry excuse for--" Danny's lips collided with mine. His soft lips move and I move with them. He placed a hand at my lower back and on holding my cheek. He pulls back and places his forehead on mine.

(Y/n)- " Apology accepted" I say as I took a breath in to figure out what happened. He chuckles and smiles. He lowers down and kisses me some more. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls back again and pecks my lips a little.

(Danny)- " Now that we got our first fight out of the way....will you go out with me?" Oh my lanta, Danny Fenton---er I mean, Phantom.. Whatever. Danny! Is asking me out.

(Y/n)- " Yes." I smile so widely and kiss him first.

(Danny)- " I want to start this relationship with telling you everything."

(Y/n)- " Everything?"

(Danny)- " Everything. You may want to sit down.." 

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