Chapter 7

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(Your POV)

The house shook and an explosion took place outside. I fell to the floor by the sudden attack. I look up to see someone floating in the air! How is a person in the AIR! I looked to this person, white hair, black and white jumpsuit..glowing bright green eyes. Did he do this to my house?! We made eye contact-- I couldn't look away from his gaze. They were so pretty....snap out of (Y/n)! There's a giant hole in our house!

There was something floating right behind the white haired guy. A guy with flame green hair and green eyes like the other one, who're are these people!?

(Mom)- " (Y/n)! Are you alright?! What the hell is going on?!"

(Mrs. and Mr. Fenton)- " Ghosts!" they shout at the top of their lungs. They put their jumpsuit hoods on. They looked really serious about-- wait..what did they say? I went up to Tucker, Sam and Jazz.

(Y/n)- " Did they just shout Ghosts? There's no such thing as ghosts..." I say as I hear shouting and grunting from the battle going on outside.

(Sam)- " Welcome to Amity park" she forcefully smiles

(Tucker)- " Ghosts tend to pop up around here"

(Y/n)- " Ghosts are real!?"

(Jazz)- " Ghosts are definitely real.."

(Tucker)- " Come on-- we gotta help Danny!" Sam punched tuckers arm with force. He realized what he said.

(Y/n)- " Danny?"

(Tucker)-" Uuuh..."

(Sam)- " That's his name! Danny. Danny Phantom"

(Y/n)- " Really? That's kind of funny."

(Jazz)- " Uhh guys, you help Danny Phantom and I'll help everyone here get out of the house." I followed Jazz and started helping people move out the house and out to the front. We all gaze at the sky between the green haired ghost and the white one. They battle it out here and there, destroying more houses and other property. Tucker and Sam head over underneath those two. Sam had what looks like a thermos? There's no time to serve soup, Sam!

Tucker distracted the green ghost, the white ghost punched him and send him flying. Sam opened the thermos and a beam of blue and white light sucks up the green ghost. He shouts and screams but couldn't make what he was saying. Whoa...ghosts are real...ghosts are damn real. My sister and my Dad are not gonna believe this...

The white ghost hovered over Tucker and sam and floated away. I jogged over to them.

(Y/n)- " What the hell was that?"

(Tucker)- " The Fenton Thermos. The best ghost capturing invention" he takes it from Sam and flips it in his hands to show off.

(Sam)- " Careful Tucker! You always let them out when you do something stupid"

(Tucker)- " Not true"

(Y/n)- " Guys...what's happening? What is that ghost and who was that ghost! And how the hell are there ghosts!?" I shouted.

(Sam)- " They come from the ghost portal, they escape time to time.It's our job to put them back and make it safe."

(Y/n)- " Ghost portal? Whoa....this is heavy. Where's Danny?" I look around trying to find the black haired,blue eyed teenager. 

(Danny)- " Guys! What happened!? (Y/n)-- what happened to your house?" speaking of Danny he was running toward our way.He was out of breath.

(Y/n)- " There were two ghosts? This is still too weird. You know his name was Danny too?"

(Danny)- " Yeah, he's like famous around here."

(Sam)- " He's a cocky bastard" she scoffs with a giggle.

(Tucker)- " Highly"

(Danny)- " Hey....don't talk about my hero."

(T/n)- "He's your hero?"

(Danny)- " He saves everyone. I look up to him. I hope everyone is okay..Sorry about your house"

(Y/n)- " I know! And we just got settled in! I just hope my mom isnt freaked out by this...with ghosts. I think its sorta cool--creepy but cool.Hopefully she doesn't think of moving back with my dad and my sister. "

(Tucker)- " Don't think of it like that, she can't move back home-- you guys just got here. It'll work out"

(Sam)- " Yeah, it happens all the time here...Happens. All. the. Time" she says rolling her eyes at Danny.

(Danny)- " Let's go see if anyone needs a hand inside." The four of us went over to my mom and Danny's parents speaking.

(Mom)- " You kids okay?" she asked us.

(Y/n)- " Yeah, what now, mom? I mean...our house-- has character now"

(Danny's mom)- " We were talking to your mother (Y/n) and since your house is in no living condition, you can move in with us for the time being"

(Danny & (Y/n)- " What?!"

(Danny's Dad)- " Jazz is going back to her dorm-- (Y/n) can stay in her room and her mother can stay in the guest bedroom"

(Danny)- " That's....great" he awkwardly chuckles scratching the back of his neck.

(Y/n)- "Yeah, I mean...Mom-- is that okay?"

(Mom)- " We have no other choice, we'll stay with them and rebuild the house."

(Danny)- "We'll help in any way, right Dad?"

(Danny's Dad)- " Got that right, we'll help our new neighbors"

(Mom)- " Thank you all" 

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