Chapter 20: Day 2

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When typing this I thought of the Tool eye album :D

Carry on...



I woke up to a snore in my ear. I turn my head slightly to peak at Danny. He was still asleep...didn't know he's a drooler. I giggle to myself. Danny holds me in his arms... so warm and gently. He's the big spoon and im the little spoon. I turn my head back and see...the Reaper! I scream and it shrieks. It grabs a hold of my arm and drags me off the bed.Danny goes ghost but the Reaper's tail grabs him and whips him across the room crashing onto his desk. I wiggle and try to get my arm free but it was holding it so firm. I scream for Danny but he wasn't moving.

(Y/n)- " DAANNNYYY!"


Get up. Get up-- Get up! I get into a push up position-- my arms were weak and fragile. I fall back on the ground. Fucking shit-- the Reaper is taking (Y/n)! Get up now! I got up-- slowly but I made it to my feet. I phased through outside my room. I floated there still holding myself up. I look all around for (Y/n). I don't see her! Where the hell is she!? I can hear her screaming for me.

(Danny)- " (Y/n)! (Y/n)! Ahh fuck!" I took flight around to try to find her. Her screaming was getting faint.....I'm losing her!

(Danny)- " (Y/n)!" I stepped on a rooftop looking all around for her. I held my head-- panicking-- I breathe heavy, oh my god.I knelt down on my knees and shouted. I punched the ground as hard as I can.

(Time Skip)

I phased into Sam's room. I landed rough-- Tucker and Sam were here sleeping.

(Sam)-  "Danny? What're you doing here its like 6 in the morning?"

(Tucker)- " What? Danny?" Tucker woke up from the chair by the desk with Sam's new computer.

(Danny)- " Re-Reaper took (Y/n)" they both jolt up for the shocking news about her.

(Sam)- " Whoa-- wait are you serious?" she says sitting at the end of her bed. I noded

(Tucker)- " How did the Reaper find you? Why would it take (Y/n)?"

(Danny)- " I don't-- I don't know. It grabbed her and it flew me across the room-- I-- I"

(Tucker)- " Calm down, man. We'll find her" Tucker places a hand on my shoulder

(Danny)- " Fucking how, Tucker? I fucking lost her-- I lost her! I don't know where she is!" I shoved his hand away, I shouted at him.

(Sam)- "Danny-- relax!"

(Danny)- " How can I, Sam!?" I got in her face shouting at her too. She eyes me-- like she's examining me.

(Sam)- " Danny, sit down" she grabs my shoulder and sits me on the edge of her bed. She lifts my head up and looks at me.

(Danny)- "What?"

(Sam)- " Tucker....take a look at this" I slowly calm myself down. I was a little out of line on them. Tucker looks at me the same way Sam did...with concern on their face.

(Danny)- " What is it, what's wrong?"

(Sam)- " Take a look in the mirror." I got up and went towards the corner where her tall mirror stands. I stared at myself ....I see nothing wrong. I shrug

(Tucker)- " Take a closer look, man" I leaned in a little bit. I still see---- oh shit. My eyes.. They were like..I have two in the same eyeball. I widened my eye lids to see more of my eye. I looked to the right and it moved with my original eye.

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