Chapter 18

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(The Next Day)

I finished getting dressed, it's a nice thursday morning. I look at myself in the mirror, I couldn't stop smiling...Danny's going to pick me up and we're gonna walk to school a couple. I told Sam what happened and she's happy we worked things out. I took my hair and put it into a messy bun...or should I put it down or straighten it? Look at me..already having trouble what to look like for a guy. I know Danny is gonna like whatever I wear or do with my hair. Maybe he'll like my hair straight? No-- no, he's gonna be here any minute.

(Mom)- " (Y/n)! Danny's here!" Oh shit-- no time for a wardrobe change. I grabbed my backpack and left my room. I took a quick look back and my clothes were everything chair  was clean for once. I went downstairs and see Danny in dark blue jeans and his white and red t-shirt. His hair is always a ball of a mess.

(Y/n)- " Hey" I greeted to him

(Danny)- " Hey, uhh-- you look great." He scratches the back of his hair and smile at me.

(Y/n)- " Thanks" I shy smile back.Mom looks at the both of us, she looks to Danny than to me than back to Danny. She grins and puts her finger to her chin.

(Mom)- " You guys are together aren't you? I knew it-- I knew you guys liked each other...I'm so happy for you guys"

(Y/n)- " Danny we gotta go" I passed mom and grabbed his hand to pull him out of my house before Mom takes out her phone and starts taking pictures. I told her I'll be home later-- I shut the door and finally catch a breath.

(Danny)- " You're mom is funny" he chuckles to himself. I looked down to see our hands were still holding together. I let go and akwardly laughed.

(Danny)- " (Y/n), relax...we don't have to make this awkward"

(Y/n)- " Awkward? Who's making it awkward?" I nervously laugh. I don't know why I'm so awkward and making myself look stupid. It's Danny-- I was never nervous with's just different now that I know he's the phantom. Don't make it a big deal, we're just going to--school! Everyone is going to see that we are together. Oh no, what if everyone things I'm a slut for already going for someone new?! I felt warm hands placed on my lower back and on my left cheek. Lips gently pressed on me--Danny's lips. I kissed him back-- how could I not?

(Danny)- "Don't overthink it...and I'm really glad I chose the minty fresh toothpaste." I laughed at the last part. He pecks my lips, I don't know why his kisses are like magic.

(Time Skip)

We made it to school early, people are outside in their little cliques. I see our group....we just gotta pass my old group. I can do this-- oh shit they're looking at me. Dash turns around and sees me, he frowns towards us. Danny wraps his arm over to my right side of my waist and pulls me in closer to him as we pass Dash and everyone. I blush hard. Dash's face was grew angry-- he looks away and tries to ignore what he saw. I look at Danny's face and he glows  a confident look. I couldn't help but gaze at him..

We approach to Sam and Tucker over by the bench under the big tree. Tucker was in utter shock and Sam couldn't help but smile and explain to Tucker what happened.

(Tucker)- " Are you guys actually together? You two worked things out?"

(Danny)- " Yeah, we're cool" he smiles to me and to them

(Sam)- " Told you everything will work out, (Y/n)"

(Danny)- " You guys keeping secrets about me?"

(Y/n)- " Girl talk, Danny." Sam and I giggle.

(Tucker)- " Not to ruin the chill mood, but..-uhh is anyone still nervous that today is day 3 of what Ember said?"

(Danny)- " You don't believe what she said about the Urban legend right?"

(Sam)- " But all the other ghosts in the ghost zone are preparing for tomorrow. You should at least take little precaution."

(Danny)- " It's an urban legend you guys"

(Y/n)- " But this is a ghost urban this has to be true"

(Danny)- " I don't believe anything that comes out of the ghost zone.."

(Tucker)- " Lies."

(Danny)- " Look, if what Ember says is true-- than we'll see if these urban legends shows up."

The school bell rings-- time for school. We all walk towards the front of the entrance. Tucker and Danny still talk about the urban legend. I think it's real, I mean if a ghost says it and prepares for it than it must be true. Danny gets a hold of my hand, he intertwines his fingers with mind and grips it. I held his hand in secret, to be honest with the this being the last day before the next three days... the urban legend starts to hunt for ghosts to feed on. 

(Time Skip)

Lunch time. I put all my stuff into my locker. On the side of my locker door is a picture of the scooby gang and I at the beach. Another one of just me and Sam, Tucker and I and Danny and I. Looks like we predicted the future. The locker door slams shut-- behind it was a tall blue eyes, blonde guy. Dash Baxter.

(Dash)- " Taking down pictures of me isn't going to make you forget this face" he draws an imaginary circle around his face with his finger.I scoff and make a blank expression.

(Y/n)- " I would be taking pictures of you down but sadly we never took pictures when we were together. It's all of my friends"

(Dash)- " look, (Y/n)--baby..we had our first fight. You're not serious about being with Fenton right?" he steps closer to me. I took a step back.

(Y/n)- " We're together, Danny and I."

(Dash)- " Are you serious about him?" he takes another step forward.

(Y/n)- " Yeah, Dash."

(Dash)- " Alright-- fine or whatever...just so you know-- if you ever get bored of the loser, we can do friends with benefits  or whatever" he winks and tries to place his had on my cheek. I shove his hand away and take his head and slam it into the locker walls.

(Y/n)- " Don't touch me!" I say sternly. I walk away heading towards the cafeteria. I pass through the double doors and look for my friends. I see them already sitting down after getting their lunch. I approached them with anger lingering on me still.

(Sam)- " Whoa, (Y/n) what happened you seem pissed. I can sense it all over you"

(Y/n)- " Dash. He wants to do a friends with benefits with him-- he tried to make a move on me"

(Danny)- "What?" he stops eating and focuses on me

(Y/n)- " It's okay, I hit him against the lockers."

(Tucker)- " You're badass (Y/n)"

(Y/n)- "Thanks Tuck."

(Danny)- " Fucking Dash." I hear Danny mumble.

(Time Skip)

In the middle of class, I couldn't help but shake my legs under my desk. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow. If those things roam tomorrow....what do we do? Nothing? Danny should take this seriously. I took a quick peek at Danny. He's troubled by the work we've been given. He's cute when he's thinking. Sam caught me looking. I went to looking down at my work. I look to the other side of the classroom to see Dash eyeing me..oh brother...

(Tucker)- "I still say we should prepare our selves for tomorrow" he leans in and whispers to all of us

(Mr. Lancer)- " Quiet mr. Foley"

(Danny)- " Nothings gonna happen" he whispers.

(Sam)- " Something's gonna happen" in a sing song like tune. 

(Y/n)- " Watch, when tomorrow comes-- something is coming for us" 

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