Chapter 11

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(Time Skip)

(Danny)- " Alright guys, we're here" he says as he shuts down the engine. I opened the side door and jumped down. I stretched my arms up to get the blood flowing from sitting too damn long. Sam jumps down next.

(Tucker)- " It's hotter here then at home"

(Y/n)- " Guys lets go find a spot, for it being a weekday-- people are still here"

(Danny)- " You guys find a spot, I'll get the cooler."

(Y/n)- " I'll help."

(Sam)- " Come on Tucker" Sam pulls him by the arm to head over to the beach. Danny went inside the van and passed me the cooler to bring it out. I dropped it down next to my feet. Next comes the bags filled with towels, snacks, all the essentials to bring with you to te beach.

(Danny)- " Still can't believe we ditched school to go to the beach."

(Y/n)- "I know, I like to live dangerously." I say wickedly

(Danny)- "I-- Also-- like to live dangerously" he horribly acted. The way he said it-- like he was not sure. Made me laugh pretty hard. Danny jumped down from the rv, i guess we got everything out. I grab many bags and even a small black umbrella, this must be Sam's. Danny carries the cooler and some other bags. I offfered to help but he said he's got it, I believe it....have you seen how fit he is?

(Time Skip)

Sam's POV.

Those two, look at them...they are acting like kids. Danny building a sand castle and Tucker trying to destroy it. (Y/n) and I are just relaxing in the shade enjoying some ice cold water bottles. Danny calls (Y/n) over, she heads over there with her strut. Honestly, I love her bikini. I usually hate bright colors but...I'll make an exception.

(Sam)- " Tucker! Come here-- I need your help" I don't need his help. Tucker jogs his way over here. He takes off his beret and dusts off the sand off of it.

(Tucker)- " What do you need help with?"

(Sam)- " Nothing, just giving those two some space" I open a magazine and take a sip of my water.

(Tucker)-" What? You want (Y/n) and Danny to be alone? Why?"

(Sam)- " Danny and I might not be together, but I care about him and his feelings. I want him to be happy. She makes him happy-- kind of pains me that they aren't admitting to their feelings yet"

(Tucker)- " Don't you love Danny still?"

(Sam)- " I loved Danny before I loved Danny. We weren't really meant to be so...I thought why not help these two get together." Tucker looks to (Y/n) and Danny. I look at them above my sunglasses, they were sliming and laughing away. They got to realize it eventually that they have feelings for each other. Give them time.

Your POV.

(Y/n)- " Danny stop! You're getting sand in my hair!" I laugh trying to make him stop.

(Danny)- " You're gonna end up with sand in your hair anyway." He says as he throws sand in the air. I shield my head as much as I can. We both laugh and we look to the castle. It was lopsided...what did we do wrong?

(Danny)- " We're not architects" she smiles and chuckles. I returned the smile back and looked over to Sam and Tucker. They were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying, probably talking about.....Something?

(Danny)- " So, I guess after today-- are you thinking of breaking up with Dash?"

(y/n)- " I don't know."

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