Chapter 14

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(Time Skip)

Dannys POV.

I'm such an idiot! I should have stayed with her! I shouldn't have left her there! Is it too late to go back? Ahh damn it. I need to talk to Sam and Tucker. I flew over to Sam's house. I phased through to her room, Tucker was here too.

(DP)- " Guys!"

(Tucker)- " Nice outfit Danny."

(Sam)- " Your date is over already?"

(DP)- " No, Skulker Interrupted. I'm going to the ghost zone"

(Sam)- " What for?"

(DP)- " Skulker-- mentioned something? Come to think of it, all the other ghosts I caught a while ago mentioned something like running out of time?"

(Tucker)- "Maybe they left the stove on at home?"

(DP)- " All jokes aside, Tucker. I'm gonna go find out--"

(Sam)- " Danny. What about (Y/n)? She's probably going home to talk to you you." Just when I was going to fly out of Sam's room, Sam spoke out.

(DP)- " Oh shit, umm..."

(Tucker)- " Why didn't you duplicate yourself?"

(DP)- " Wha-- now you tell me?! It's too late now, go keep her occupied. I'll see you later" I take off and head fly towards home.

(Time Skip)

I phased through my house and into the basement. I should change back into my jumpsuit but I need to find out what Skulker and the rest of the ghosts were saying. I pressed the button and the ghost portal doors separates. I fly in and float steadly inside. It's been a while being in the ghost zone, still gives me the chills. Doors here, doors over there... Everything seems....quite? Like there are no ghosts in the ghost zone? This is freakin' weird.

(Ember)- " Well, look who decided to show up.." I turn around to see Ember and her guitar in black armoured gear.

(DP)- " Ember, is that a new look?" I say sarcastically pointing to her gear.

(Ember)- " Ha.Ha-- This is for my protection"

(DP)- " Protection? From what?"

(Ember)- " Are you stupid? How haven't you heard?"

(DP)- " Evil ghost, good ghost. Evil ghost....good ghost." I say pointing to her and to me back to back.

(Ember)- "I outta smack the shit out of you" she says about to give me a backhand.

(DP)- " Anyways, where is everyone? Skulker, the box ghost, Lunch lady--"

(Ember)- " You really are stupid. So you haven't heard anything?"

(DP)- "No, what's going on?"

(Ember)- " There's evil coming--"

(DP)- " Evil? Everyone in the ghost zone is evil--"

(Ember)- " Will you shut up!!" I put my hand up to surrender.

(Ember)- " There's something coming."

(DP)- " What's coming?"

(Ember)- " It goes by many names...Most ghosts just call them Reapers. Urban Legend says these Reapers roam around every 60 years to collect and feast on ghosts" she's gotta be kidding no way theres these "Reapers."

(DP)- " Yeah right." I scoff, folding my arms across my chest.

(Ember)- " You think I'm joking?"

(DP)- " You said it yourself, Urban legend. I mean--have you seen these Reapers every 60 years?"

(Ember)- " No, I heard these take form of other ghosts. We--ghosts in the ghost zone prepare ourselves from these things.In about 3 days...they will arrive, and for 3 days they will feed then after that third day they will disappear till the next 60 years."

(DP)- " Even with it being Urban legend you guys prepare?" she nods. I still don't buy this crap.

(DP)- " How do you guys like kill it or whatever?"

(Ember)- " No one knows how. When they get too close, the ghost it touches becomes shredded"

(DP)- " Shredded?"

(Ember)- " Ghost goes for a long walk, ghost is in a better place-- the ghost dies! Jeez you may have grown up but you're still the same."

(DP)- "Hey! I get it.I don't believe all of this-- it's an Urban Legend."

(Ember)- " Believe me or not kid, but if those Reapers come after you don't go crawling to me" She hops away to where ever, I don't buy all of this, Reapers...ghosts being shredded? That's a first. Sam and Tucker are never going to believe this 

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