Chapter 4

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(Time Skip)

I finally made it home from shopping with Paulina and that blonde girl... I forgot her name. I opened the front door with multiple bags in both hands and some even in my backpack. I dropped them all on the floor and crashed on the couch in exhaustion. Wait a minute...I looked up and gazed around the room, when did we get furniture?

(Mom)- " You like what I've done with the place? Bought some furniture at a goodwill store..they look great right?"

(Y/n)- " I like it"

(Mom)- " Where did you go-- you're late getting home"

(Y/n)- " Ugh....I met some interesting people" sighed and laid back on the couch.

(Mom)- " Friends?"

(y/n)- " Sort of....they're the popular people..."

(Mom)- " Must be nice...every guy is gonna come after you now." she smirked placing her hands on her hips.

(Y/n)- "Oh I know....I already have a date." I roll my eyes at the thought of Dash.

(Mom)- " oh! Is it Danny? I like him-- he's a nice kid"

(Y/n)- " No! We're just friends. I met his friends-- I like them"

(Mom)- " Hmm. When is your date?"

(Y/n)-" I don't know....He didn't ask for my number?" Dash is dumb, now that I think about it.

(Mom)- " Hmm...what do you want for dinner, kiddo?"

(Y/n)- " Pizza and a movie?"

(Mom)- " You read my mind" she says as she walks into the kitchen.

(Time Skip)

I finally organized the clothes that Paulina chose for me...I only picked a handful of clothes that i liked. I really like this black t-shirt and jeans I got. Paulina chose mostly pink and yellow clothes....I'm not into brightly colored all just depends.

(Mom)- " (Y/n), Pizza's here! Better come down before I eat the entire box!"

(Y/n)- " Coming! Don't eat without me!" I shout jumping over my mess in my room-- running down the stairs. I make it to the living room and she was already taking a slice-- noo better not be a big slice. I grab the box at the living room coffee table to stop her grabbing the big pieces.

(Mom)- " Too late! I already have it!" she waves it in the air.

(Y/n)- " I call dibs on these!" I grab two other slices and lick them and place them back

(Mom)- " Gross (Y/n)!"

(Y/n)- " Hey! I told you to wait!" I say laughing placing the box back

(Mom)- " Come on! I already put a movie in" I sat next to her enjoying some pizza and a scary movie. 

(The Next Day)

My alarm went off near my bed side. I jolted up by the shock-- I instantly woke. Looking at the clock-- shit! I'm late! I ran out of bed quickly going through shirt by shirt. No time to shower! No time to think about what to wear, I took off my nightwear and put on a grey tank top and put on an oversized blue plaid button down. I put on some black leggings and slipped on my converse.I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth real quick. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I hear mom making clings and clangs in the kitchen.

(Y/n)- " Running late, mom!"

(Mom)- " Oh! What about breakfast!?"

(Y/n)- " I'll get something at school!" I ran out the front door. Shit..I hope I'm not too late..

(Time Skip)

I missed a period or two... Time for English. I entered in like I was here the entire morning. I sat at the desk I sat at in yesterday. In comes in Dash and Paulina.

(Paulina)- " Hey! Where were you? We've been looking for you" oh great..

(Y/n)- " Woke up late.."

(Paulina)- " That sucks...but you still look decent." she shrugs and goes to her desk

(Dash)- " Hey-- so about our date. We should do something tonight?" My back straightens up when he says the word date.

(Y/n)- " Date?--uhh oh yeah...forgot about that...uh Dash, I'm gonna be busy tonight...and the next few days. So--uh, how about next Tuesday?" Dash looks sad by the news I give him-- but it was a lie. I'm delaying the date as long as possible.

(Dash)- " Oh! Alright... Don't forget about our date next Tueday. I'll start making plans." he and Paulina walk away over to their desks. Incoming Danny, Tucker, and Sam-- they wave to me. I wave back at them with a smile.

(Danny)- " Morning Hero"

(Y/n)- " What?" I scoff and chuckle at his greeting

(Tucker)- " No one tells Dash to back off unless getting a punch out of it. You survived-- you're the hero of Casper High!"

(Sam)- " Oh please.." sam rolls her eyes.

(Y/n)- " I agree with sam's statement. I'm not a hero--anyone could stop Dash."

(Sam)- " Right?! But people at this school are either too scared or lazy"

(Tucker)- " Calm down Sam, geez."

(Danny)- " Anyways. Overheard Dash talking about his date with you next tueday? Ready for your wedding?"

(Y/n)- " is not my type."

(Tucker)- " What is your type? The geeky guy with glasses type?" he winks and snaps his fingers pointing to me. I couldn't help but laugh

(Y/n)- " I don't know what my type is but not it"

(Danny)- " Well, since you're "not" busy... we're going to the Nasty burger after school, wanna come?" Mr. Lancer comes waltzing in with lazy expression.

(Lancer)- " Alright class let's get today started." He starts writing on the chalkboard.I lean over to the Danny.

(Y/n)- " The Nasty Burger? That sounds.....Gross" he quietly chuckles.

(Danny)- " It's a burger place. Trust me-- they're good."

(Y/n)- " Sure. I'll go" I smile at him and look straight ahead to focus in english.

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