Chapter 15

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(Time Skip)

I flew in with great speed passed the ghost portal. That's probably the fastest I've ever went. I think Sam and Tucker are waiting for me by the portal.

(Danny)- " Sam, Tucker! You're not gonna believe what I found out from Ember--" I switched to myself as I flipped and rolled passed the portal and into the real world. I landed on my feet to see Sam, Tucker....and (Y/n)! She stood there with wide eyes and her jaw too the floor. Sam and Tucker were shocked as well, they look to each other and to me and (Y/n). Her face turned to shocked too--eyebrow frowning...ooh, she looks mad.


Danny! Danny Phantom?! Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom?! He stood there with a surprised expression to his face. He's probably thinking of an excuse right now-- but he can't! I just caught him.

(Danny)- " Uhh...(Y/n)--"

(Y/n)- " Save it" I stomped my way back upstairs. This entire time, he's-- I'm confused, and mad...I rushed upstairs and into my room. How is he a ghost? Is he dead? Is he alive? The person I like is the same person!? Ugh! I flopped on the bed and shouted into the pillow. The door opened and incoming Danny.

(Danny)- " (Y/n) I can explain--"

(Y/n)- " Out. Out. Out!" I say as I point to the door, shoving him out. I shut the door behind him and lock it. I don't want to see him right now, I'm mad but I'm totally confused about my feelings for him.

(Danny)- " (Y/n), please. Let me talk to you"

(Y/n)- " No."

(Danny)- " Funny, you're talking to me right now"

(Y/n)- "uhh--Er-- shut up! I'm mad at you!" damn it, I fell for it. No more speaking to him. I sat in the middle of the bed hugging my pillow.

(Danny)- " (Y/n) I'm coming-- well--uhh phasing in" his head stuck through the locked door. I shriek by his head though the door, where's his body?! He enters through with no problem., I locked the door and he still entered in. Ge gets closer and sits at the edge of the bed.

(Danny)- " Okay-- so I'm Danny Phantom. I was afraid of this happening. I wanted to keep my identity secret from you, too many people know already"

(Y/n)- "Who else knows besides Sam and Tucker?" I figured they know by now.

(Danny)- " Jazz..Sam..Tucker...ghosts in the ghost zone...and now you"

(Y/n)- " What the hell Danny? I thought we were friends? I liked you-- I like Danny --Phantom..I'm confused. I'm-- I'm" I didn't know what else to say, I'm out of words.

(Danny)- " I'm sorry for not telling you--"

(Y/n)- "I can't think right now, I just want you to go.." Danny opened his mouth to speak but he stopped himself. He walked towards the door and phased through. 

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