Chapter 21: Day 3 [ Ending]

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I peaked my eye open in front of Reapers. Thank god. I yawn and rub my eyes. I turn my head and see Danny curled up in a ball position. I look down at myself.I have the entire blanket on me. I giggle as he starts shivering.

(Danny)- " So-o--o....C-cold...Can't...make breakfast..." ha.ha.-- This girl wants some pancakes...hmm how can I make him jump out of bed? Spiders? I bet he's afraid of spiders.

(Y/n)-" Danny! Spider!"

(Danny)- " Where!? He quickly got up making his legs change into a tail. He floats looking aorund for the spider. I laugh hysterically-- I can't believe he fell for it.

(Y/n)- " Oh good-- now that your up, you can go make breakfast." I say as I stretch and get comfortable on his bed.

(Danny)-" Wha--damn you" he chuckles and pops his legs out. He gets back on the bed and grabs me and starts to tickle me. I resist him playfully. I lie back with him slightly on top of me, with his left elbow supporting his weight. He stares at me, like he's admiring me. He smiles and pushes my hair behid my ears. He was leaning for a kiss but I covered his mouth. He looked confused

(Y/n)- " Not before we brush our teeth and you make us some breakfast.." I say kissing my hand right where my hand covershis lips.

(Danny)- " Alright-- I'll get to it."

(Y/n)- " Great-- I'm gonna use the you have an extra toothbrush I can use?"

(Danny)- "Yeah in the closet in the bathroom-- should be a spare."

(Y/n)- " Great. See you in a bit"I say as i got up from the bed. I felt a small smack on my ass. I turn to look at Danny. He's the onlyone in the room.

(Danny)- " Too far?" I giggle and lean down to kiss his cheek. I wanted to tease him a bit. I didn't say anything on purpose. I opened the door and leave.

(Danny)- " Wha-- Hey!"

(Time Skip)

I made it to the bottom of the stares and skipped my way to the kitchen. Danny was making breakfast--wait....something smells like it's burning. Oh no-- he better not be burning my pancakes. I rush to Danny and jumped on his back, his left arm grabbed my leg to support me. I looked over his shoulder to see the pancakes slightly burning and sticking to the pan.

(Y/n)- " Did you rub the pan with butter?"

(Danny)- " Butter?"

(Y/n)- " Oh my god, I'll take over." I kiss his cheek and jump back down. He moves away from the stove and hands me the pan and spatula.

(Danny)- " Oh good, you can throw that one away-- I burnt that one on purpose." He whipped his hands on a paper towel--rolled it up and tossed it into the garbage can. Wait-- I can't believe he played me. I took a small lump of pancake batter from a bowl near the stove. I threw it at him, the batter landed on the bottom of his shirt.

(Y/n)- " Ha!"

(Danny)- " Hey! This is my favorite shirt" he pulls it over him revealing his...very....muscular..tone-- body of his. Calm down (Y/n), you've seen him before...but I still can't get over it. I mean look at the guy!

(Danny)- " Hey-- my eyes are up here" he pointed to his body moving up to his beautiful eyes of his.

(Y/n)- " I wasn't looking at you-- I was....thinking"

(Danny)- " Thinking about this hot bod-- I know" he smirks pretending to be full of himself.

(Y/n)- " Oh please." I focused on the pancake batter and poured some into the pan. I waited a few seconds and flipped it to the other side. A nice golden brown. I feel hands creep behind my back wrapping around my waist. He puts his chin on my shoulder and hums.

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