Chapter 8

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(Couple Days Later)

There was banging on the door. Knock, knock-- bang bang!

(Y/n)- "Mom-- just five more minutes!!" I shout placing the pillow over my head. The door creaks open.

(Danny)- " Better get up, our Moms are making a massive breakfast" I hear Danny's voice then and gone once the door closes. I jolted up. Holy shit...I forgot I'm staying here in Danny's house. Jazz's room...This feels like a dream. I rub my eyes and yawn. I removed the covers and went to my luggage containing clothes that survived the collapsed house. I picked out skinny khakis and a olive green top. I laced up my converse and exite dout the bedroom. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. There by the Fenton's toothbrushes a separate cup for my mom and I. I take the purple toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush my teeth till I get the great minty fresh feel. I brush my hair with my fingers and grab my hair and tie it in a messy bun. Heading downstairs to the kitchen. My mom, the Fenton's all around the table eating breakfast.

(Everyone)- " Good morning!"

(Y/n)- " Morning everyone."

(Danny's Mom)- " Would you like some breakfast?"

(Y/n)- " I would, everything looks good but we should get going...before we're late"

(Danny)- " Yeah, we should go." Danny gets up and we both head for the door. He grabs his backpack and mine. He hands it to me and I grab it from his hand. We left saying goodbye to everyone.

(Y/n)- " Strange waking up in someones home." I say jumping down the last step of the house

(Danny)- " Yeah-- I almost forgot you lived here. I went downstairs and saw our moms making breakfast. I can get use to a huge breakfast" he rubs his stomach. I laugh. Danny's facial expression changes.


Are you kidding me!? Now!? Oh man.....we're walking together to school...I can't leave her behind. A ghost is around Danny... I gotta leave her.

(Danny)- "Uh oh. I shouldn't have eaten 4 pancakes and 2 cups of milk" I held my stomach, which I lied-- it's an excuse.

(Y/n)- " Haha, got the runs? If you run now you can make it to the school bathroom?"

(Danny)- " Think you'll be okay?"

(Y/n)- " I'm a big girl-- go before you stain your underwear" she giggles. Worst excuse I can come up with but she'll understand...I nod and run towards school. I turn so it seems im heading to the school. I hid between two houses. I quickly changed into my other form. I flew up into the air and checked my surroundsings. Nothing in sight. I go in tangible so (Y/n) doesn't see me. She looks pretty today. Snap out of it Danny. She's Dash. I shake my head to stop looking at her. There..... I spot the box ghost, oh jeez....nothing to get serious about. I head straight for him, he was searching for something-- I don't know.

(Danny)- " Hey!" I call out to him

(Box Ghost)- " Ghost kid-- I don't have time for you"

(Danny)- " You don't? I have plenty of time for you"

(Box Ghost)- " There's no more time! I gotta prepare-- gotta get more boxes for my safety" I tilt my head in confusion.

(Danny)- " Safety? From what?" I hear the school bell ring.

(Danny)- " Oh great-- you're gonna make me late. I don't have time for this." I take out the Fenton thermos and opened it sucking in the box ghost.

(Box Ghost)- " Noooooo...bbeeeeewaaaarrreeee!" he says as I capped the thermos.

(Danny)- " Beware. pfft. " I fly straight for school

Your POV

First class of the day, I sat at my desk grabbing my books and notebooks. In comes in Dash and Paulina. They look like they have worry in their eyes. Them worried? I don't think so.

(Dash)- " Hey, please don't tell me you're living in the Fenton household?!"

(Y/n)-" I am--"

(Paulina)- " I feel sorry for you, their super weird. I'd offer you to stay at my house but-- too late" she whips her hair and places her hands on her hips.

(Dash)- " I don't like you living there, stay with me for a couple of days." Is he serious? I roll my eyes. Its way to early for this....

(Y/n)- " Dash, my house isn't going to get rebuild in a day....besides I like living there."

(Dash)- " If Fenton does something funny...I'll kick his ass" he makes his fist pound into his palm. They both go to their desks finally. I drop my head onto my textbooks. That really hurt but I dealt with it. 

(Time Skip)

Classes go by and lunch time arrives. I bought myself some lunch and head over to the trio. Tucker saw me and scooted. I sat next to him, Danny was sitting next to sam.

(Tucker)- " How's living with Danny and his family?"

(Y/n)- " Not bad, nothing weird happened yet"

(Sam)- " Not yet"

(Danny)- " Oh great....Dash is coming." I turn to see Dash stomping his way here, fuck-- not this again.

(Y/n)- "Dash--" I stood up to speak to him

(Dash)- " Fenton, since my girlfriend is gonna be living with you-- I don't want any funny business" he points his finger to him.

(Danny)- " Okay Dash, whatever you say" 

(Sam)- " Go on, head back over there" sam gestures for Dash to leave us.

(Tucker)- " Yeah!" Dash looks to Tucker and Tucker keeps his head down to avoid him. He stomps over back to the popular table and his friends and Paulina's friends giggle at him and whisper. I sat back down and eat my lunch.

(Sam)- " What do you see in him (Y/n)?"

(Y/n)- " I-- I don't even know. I gave him a shot-- I thought I liked him, I don't know." I say before I sip some water.

(Tucker)- " Speaking of (Y/n), I've been texting your sister and she seems really cool. We have so much in common"

(Y/n)- " I told you, maybe I'm looking at my brother-in-law?" I joked nudging at him.

(Tucker)- " Tucker Foley still got it" he crosses his arms in a cool stance.

(Danny)- " Ew" he points. I laugh at his response to Tucker doing that. 

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