Chapter 13

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Dannys POV

Play it smooth, just act cool-- just don't do something the real me would do or she'll think I'm lame. Who can possibly be here to interrupt the date. I turn to look at her....She's really pretty. A ghost flies passed behind us with fast speed, a random unknown ghost-- nothing important.

(DP)- " It'll just take a second" I say as I stood up.

(Y/n)- " No worries, I'll be here" she says smiling, thank god she understands. I change my legs into a tail and chase after the green ghost. I caught up with it and grabbed it by the end of his tail and whipped him towards the ground. It landed on its back whimpering. I stood over it with my arms crossed over. The ghost weeps and was shaking.

(DP)- " You're interrupting my date." The ghost weeps some more. I take out the thermos and put the ghost inside. I heard screaming coming from the direction where (Y/n) is. Oh shit. I took flight as fast as I could, fuck! I thought it was just one ghost! Who can it be?! I stopped to float in mid-air. There floated skulker, he had her captive and tied, dangling below him. Her mouth was covered by some plasm.

(DP)- " Blue..." I uttered. 

(Skulker)- " Sorry to take your date--ghost child, but I need someone for a sacrifice"

(DP)- " A sacrifce? What're you talking about?"

(Skulker)- " I'd like to chat-- but I have things to retrieve" he jets off with (Y/n) still dandling on by rope.

(DP)- " Blue!"


Danny Phantom shouts for me but it was already too late. Skulker already jetted away.Oh my god, I'm gonna die-- by this robotic ghost. I can't move my arms, he tied these ropes fucking too tight. Im gonna be a sacrifce? For what? A ghost volcano?!

I think I can get out, I can move my hand-- ow! No I can't. I'm trapped. I look back to see Danny chasing after us. He was really concerned-- he's going really fast. I can't shout or speak to him since my mouth is covered by this glowy green stuff. Danny caught up enough and shot at Skulker. He notices and dodges the shot, by dodging it-- it hit the rope causing it to snap. Shit! I'm free falling without a parachute! I can't scream! I'm tied up! This is how I die! I shut my eyes-- I don't want to see how it ends. I felt arms wrapped around me with a thud. I opened my eyes to see Danny Phantom catching me in time before I make an impact on the ground. He gently floats us down. He rips off the rope and the green stuff keeping my mouth shut. I gasped and breathed so heavy as I wrapped my arms around him.

(Y/n)- " Oh my god, you saved me"

(DP)- " You alright?!" he places his hands-on my shoulders checking every visible part on my body.

(y/n)- "he got away--" I say still trying to catch my breath.

(DP)- " That doesn't matter, i'll catch him another day" 

(Y/n)- " Sorry" I mumbled.

(DP)- " Thought you said you'll stay put, blue"

(Y/n)- " I did...technically." He chuckles and puts my hair behind my ear. His touch made me really nervous.

(DP)- " I'm sorry-- but I have to go. "

(Y/n)- " Oh," it's not, i want him to stay longer.

(DP)- " Maybe we can do this again..sometime. See ya"

(y/n)- " Bye!" I shout as he takes flight. This is the weirdest date I've been on, but honestly even though I could have died-- it was pretty fun.


Sorry for the short chapter. I've been lazy typing it and I'm also working on other stories. I'm still working on this story-- don't worry <3 

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