Chapter 17

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(Time Skip)

(Danny)- "So that's everything." He says and scratches his black hair.

(Y/n)- " So you've been through a lot of shit, battling through ghosts and other dimensions." I say as I sit Criss Cross on the floor. Danny did the same and sat across from me.

(Danny)- " Yeah, I mean all these bruises and scars are from past battles. Sucks that my human side doesn't let me heal fast like my other form." He chuckles, Lifting his shirt a little. I saw a peak of a row of his abs. Damn.

(Y/n)- " Can you lift your shirt again?" I asked, he chuckles and does what he's told. I couldn't help but look and touch.

(Danny)- " Any reason why you're touching me?"

(Y/n)-" Just making sure I made the right decision" I say as I take my hand away and he puts his shirt back down.

(Danny)- " You're joking right?"

(Y/n)- " Yes. I am."

(Danny)- " There's something else I want to tell you, but I don't even think it's important"

(Y/n)- " What is it?"

(Danny)- " When you saw me coming out of the ghost portal, I was in the ghost zone to get information."

(Y/n)- " Mhmm."

(Danny)- " Ember found me, the rocker--guitar ghost. She was telling me theres evil coming" he says sarcastically.

(Y/n)- " If a ghost says there is evil...shouldn't you believe them?"

(Danny)- " They're evil ghosts, I wouldn't trust them. Anyways, Ember says theres this urban legend about a ghost coming out every 60 years and feeding on other ghosts. She's even afraid of this urban legend"

(Y/n)- " Urban legends are scary man. Have you heard about slender man?"

(Danny)- " Doesn't mean he's real."

(Y/n)- " What else did Ember say? Did she say when this urban legend is coming?"

(Danny)- "Uhh-- three days?"

(Y/n)- " Danny! That was two days ago when you came out of the ghost zone"

(Danny)- ""

(Y/n)- " Danny! Take it seriously!" I shout playfully punching his legs. He laughs as I punch them. He blocks my punches.

(Danny)- " Hey! Dont worry.. Tomorrow nothing will happen. She said once the 3rd day is up. The next 3 days it'll come out and find ghosts, I don't believe her. So it'll be fine" he says leaning up and reaching for my face. He cups my cheek and kisses me. My door swings open and Danny and I look to see who's entering themselves into my room. There stood Dash with one rose in hand and a box of chocolates. His face read "happy to see you" to "what the fuck?"

(Danny)- " This is not fine"

(Dash)- " What the fuck are you doing here Fenton! You're kissing my girl?!" his neck vein grows another vein. I stood frozen,I didn't know what to do-- but what is Dash doing here? is he trying to get me back? He's too late. 

(Y/n)- " What do we do?" I whispered to Danny.

(Danny)- " I know. Listen Dash, (Y/n) is not your girl anymore..she's my girlfriend now. You're not allowed to drop by anymore. He stood up to face Dash on his own. Oh my god, Danny looks so cool and hot right now.

(Dash)- " You think you can steal her away from me?!" he grabs Danny's shirt collar---feet still touching the ground.

(Danny)- " I didn't steal her, I took her" he says sternly to him. Probably bad choice of words..

(Dash)- " Piece of shit" Dash punches Danny. He falls on the floor. He held his face, aww shit.

(Y/n)- " Dash! Get out. Get out! I don't want to see you ever again!" I got up in front of his face.

(Dash)- " Fine. Be with your loser boyfriend-- bitch" he utters leaving out my room, droping the rose and chocolates. I scoff and focus on Danny. I kneeled down to him, I pulled his hand away from the side Dash punched.

(Y/n)-" Danny, you okay?"

(Danny)- " I'm fine," he lets me take a look at him

(Y/n)- " You're gonna get a black eye..I'm sorry about this"

(Danny)- " Hey..." he grabs my chin with his index finger and his thumb he leans in to kiss me. 

(Danny)- " I'll get a black eye for you any day."

(Y/n)- " Shut up...Hey, he left the chocolates.." I say giving him a smirk.

(Danny)- " Dibs!" he shoves me to the ground and crawls after the box of chocolates. 

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