Chapter 6

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(1 Week Later)


Make them stop....Dad and Mom are at it again. Oh no....I hear their footsteps coming up, dads massive wood creak steps and moms light ones. My Door bursts open, my eyes wide open.

(Dad)- " Danny my boy, wake up-- you're gonna miss witnessing a new Fenton invention!"

(Mom)- " It's the best one yet!" they say that all the time when they invent a new gadget.

(Danny)- "Can you guys show me it later? Its Saturday I was hoping to sleep in till noon." I curl up under the covers.

(Mom)- " Oh, sweetie! It's already Noon" she grabs the blanket and swiping it away from I'm blanket less and my feet are freezing.

(Danny)- " It is? Aww man..."

(Dad)- " What are your plans today son?" I had to think about it....nothing.

(Danny)- " Nothing, why?"

(Mom)- " our new neighbors across the street, they're having a barbecue. They invited us" (Y/n) didn't say anything about a having a barbecue.. Now that I think about it, haven't seen her around in a week. She's been with the popular people...

(Danny)- " How do you guys know (Y/n) and Ms. (L/n)?" I ask as I sat up at the edge of my bed.

(Mom)- " We ran into them when we pulled up out front. How do you know them?"

(Danny)- " I'm friends with (Y/n), she goes to school with me. I met her mom when they first moved in-- they looked like they needed a hand"

(Dad)- " That's our Danny, look at you...becoming a fine young man."

(Mom)- " Get ready soon sweetie, we're heading over there to help out with the barbecue right now" they leave my room without closing the door....that's one of my pet peeves.

(Time Skip)

I finished showering and putting on my basic clothes.After all these year, i should really upgrade my wardrobe.  I head out the house and make my way across the street. I knocked on their blue colored front door.. It opens and the person I less expected to see..

(Dash)- " What're you doing here, Fenton?" he leans on the doorway-- not letting me go through.

(Danny)- " The barbecue?"

(Dash)- " (Y/n), didn't tell me she invited the losers--"

(Y/n)- " Dash!" I hear (Y/n) call out to him, she pushes Dash aside.

(Y/n)- " Danny! Nice for you to come."

(Danny)- " You invited Dash over to your house?" she waves for me to come in.

(Y/n)- " Yeah, I mean...he's my boyfriend." That! I really didn't see coming. Thought she hated him?

(Danny)- " How'd that happen?" she closes the front door, seeing people from school and many adults. I see my family over in the kitchen.

(Y/n)- "Dash is a nice guy once you get to know him. He was really persistent." Dash? A nice guy....I doubt that. (Y/n) did look nice I got to admit. Dash is a lucky guy.

(Danny)- "Hmm."

(Y/n)- " I met your family, they're nice. Strange....but cool" she smiles.

(Danny)- " They get that a lot." I chuckle

(Dash)- " Come on (Y/n), I'm hungry" Dash pulls (Y/n) away from our conversation.

(Y/n)- " Oh, I invited Tucker and Sam! Enjoy the barbecue!" she shouts while being dragged into the kitchen by Dash. I don't like it, them two...rubs me the wrong way. I heard knocking at the front door. I was near by so I opened it. There stood Tucker and Sam.

(Danny)- " Hey guys"

(Sam)- " You the doorman duty?" she laughs

(Tucker)- " I'm here for some free food baby!" they enter in like they do to my home.

(Time Skip)

I sat on their couch for a couple of hours. Sam and Yucker were getting more food. Jazz sat next to me, she slouches down with a sigh.

(Danny)- " What's eating you?"

(Jazz)- " Everything...Casper University isn't what it's cracked up to be. So much studying"

(Danny)- " Take my place would you?"

(Jazz)- " way im taking your side job too" I scoff.

(Jazz)- " I met your friend, (Y/n) and her mom. (Y/n) seems really nice...."

(Danny)- " She's cool"

(Jazz)- " Too bad she's taken"

(Danny)- " What're you implying?"

(Jazz)_ " Nothing, just -- Dash got lucky I guess"

(Danny)- " So. I don't care"

(Jazz)-" Can't keep waiting on Sam, Danny...I mean you two both agreed to the break up."

(Danny)- " I'm not waiting on her-- I'm moving on in life. I'm focusing on my future and keeping my friends and family from danger."

(Jazz)- " Good for you."

I felt a cold shiver in my spine and a chill in my mouth-- shit, my ghost sense is going off. Oh no....not now. Jazz knew what I was sensing.

(Jazz)- " A ghost? Now?" she whispers. I nodded.

(Jazz)- " Go, I'll cover you" I make my way to the front door. I stopped when I heard (Y/n) call my name. She walks over to me.

(Y/n)- " where are you going? You can't go now"

(Danny)- " Sorry-- something came up, but I'll be right back" I leave closing the door behind me. I looked around to make sure no one could see me. I'm going ghost! I say it in my head.

I transition from Danny Fenton to Danny Phantom. My jumpsuit was ready to go. I fly up into the air to get a better view of what or whom is around (Y/n)'s house. There I spot Skulker, he looks like he was looking for something. I fly over to him but giving a distance between us.

(Danny)- " Looking for me?!" I smirk at him

(Skulker)- " I was searching for you ghost kid, This might be my last chance to hunt you down and hang out over my fireplace" I jot a confused look to him

(Danny)- " Last Chance,what're you talking about?" he didn't respond and he shot his ghost ray at my way. I manipulated my body to create a hole-- it went right through without touching me.

(Danny)- " Missed me!" I take flight towards him, I pull back my fist and got him in the face. He goes flipping away. He gets balance and aims at me in attempt to get me with his plasma. I go intangible-- going through me yet again. I know your tricks Skulker. I look at where the plasma went, it was heading at (Y/n)'s house! Everyones inside! I head fast to her house. I was too late. It made contact with the roof of her house, he blew up her roof causing the house to expose the roof and parts of the house. I spot everyone looking up at me, oh no....this is not good.

I looked at Tucker and Sam, and they knew what to do. I made eye contact with (Y/n) and she looked scared out of her mind. I'm Sorry (Y/n)!


Just an FYI, I might be terrible at explaining shit in Danny's POV. xD Sorry. 

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