Chapter 19: Day 1

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(The Next Day)

I stare myself in the mirror, today's Friday. We'll see if the urban legend is true. I finished brushing my hair. Mom went out early for work. I still don't know what to wear and its hella early. I couldn't sleep last night.

(Danny)- " Hey" I hear his voice outta nowhere. He phased into my room. I shriek by the sudden greeting

(Y/n)- " Gahh-- Danny. What the hell?!"

(Danny)- " Sorry-- Sorry. Forgot you're not use to it still." He chuckles coming near me and kissing my cheek.

(Danny)- " You look like you didn't sleep at all"

(Y/n)- " I didn't. It's the first day-- and you aren't scared, I mean you're a ghost after all"

(Danny)- "I'm a half ghost-- and no I'm not scared. Look,to get your mind off of this... how about we finally have our first date. We never got to finish one" he strokes my hair and Pushes it behind my ear. It calms me for the moment. A first date would be nice to get my mind off of it.

(Y/n)- " I guess that sounds like a good idea. Remember last time we ditched school for the beach. Who's stupid idea was that?" I said sarcastically

(Danny)- " It was your stupid idea turned worth it" he cups my face and gives me quick kisses.

(Y/n)- " it was." I smile speaking while him still giving me kisses.

(Danny)- " Hmm-- there's something I've been meaning to ask you" he pulls away.

(Y/n)- " Oh no-- its nothing bad is it?"

(Danny)- " No. no-- just.. uhh I remembered...When you were living in my house, and dating Dash. What did you two do for so many hours?"

(Y/n)- " Why? Curious? Jealous?" I teased

(Danny)- " Sorta...kinda.." He scratched the back of his head.

(Y/n)- " Kiss me and I'll tell you" he leans down and kisses me slow and gently. I was taken by that kiss. He really is a good kisser..

(Danny)- " So what did you guys do?"

(Y/n)- " We just talked for hours...he wanted to do more than talk but I stalled."

(Danny)- " So all that time he wanted to get it with you and you stalled?"

(Y/n)- " Get with, get in my pantaloons... Yeah basically. I wasn't going to with Dash."

(Danny)- " Who are you going to get with then?"

(Y/n)- " I don't know-- come on we'll be late."

(Danny)- " Were not walking"

(Y/n)- " What do you mean?" he smirks and takes form of his phantom side. I don't care what he looks like-- he's still pretty hot. The jumpsuit fits him well.

(Danny)- " Shall we?" he says bowing down like a british butler.

(Y/n)- "Yes sir" I said played along.

(Time Skip)

We're in P.E possibly the best and worst of the day. Sam and I were by the stairs waiting for Tucker and Danny. Everyone else were heading towards the gym-- the glares and stares by my so called "friends" from the popular group. I frown and look down at my gym shoes.

(Sam)- " Ignore them. It'll pass sooner or later" she nudges my shoulder.

(Y/n)- " That's not really what I'm worried about..."

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