Chapter 12

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(Couple Days Later)

I lay in my bed, looking up into the ceiling. Sam was leaning on against the bed on the floor with a magazine in hand. I invited Sam over for a girls only hangout. Danny invited Tucker and had their own little guys only thing.

(Sam)- " So, have you admitted to you feelings yet?" she caught be off guard, what?!

(Y/n)- " What feelings? Sam, what're you talking about?" I said nervously.

(Sam)- " You have feelings for Danny."

(Y/n)- " I don't have..feelings for Danny..maybe Danny Phantom maybe?" Its true, remembering those bright green eyes, and snow white hair-- he is very looking --no shut up! Stop it, you just got out of a relationship..

(Sam)- " You have feelings for both don't you?"

(Y/n)- " Mostly Danny Phantom, he's really cute...." Sam shut her magazine and sat up on the bed.

(Sam)- " If I could somehow, get a hold of Danny Phantom...would you go on a date with him?"

(Y/n)- " What? Theres no way he would go on a date with me.." he's probably out there saving the world and he probably doesn't have time to go on a small date with a girl who's in highschool.

(Sam)- " I'll see what I can do.I'll be right back gonna get a few snacks." Sam leaves the room and closes the door behind her.


Tucker throws popcorn in the air and catches with his mouth on the way down. Damn-- he's beating me, its 4 to 3. I throw mine up-- the door bursts open and I look to see who came in and the popcorn lands at the corner of my mouth.I missed it! Damn it!

(Danny)- " Damn! Sam what're you doing here? I thought it was only a girls only night?"

(Sam)- " I have some vauble information for you Danny."

(Danny)- " What kind of information?"

(Sam)- " You know you have feelings for (Y/n), Right?"

(Danny)- " Wha-- What? I don't have feelings for her. What makes you say that?"

(Sam)- " You think Dash got in front of those dodgeball on his own?" she crosses her arms and has a grin to her face.

(Danny)- "Ok-- ok-- I like her. Whatever. I mean...what's not to like her, she's pretty, she's smart...she's funny.."

(Tucker)- " Easy Danny, you're drooling." Tuckers said as I wipe away the drool at the corner of my mouth, oh shit-- I was drooling,

(Sam)- " You know, your ex-grilfriend is standing right here"

(Danny)- " I thought you didn't care if we start seeing other people?"

(Sam)- " I mean, yeah but you were my first love Danny...look this doesn't matter anymore. (Y/n) told me she has feelings for you"

(Danny)- " For me?!

(Sam)- " That's not all--"

(Tucker)- " I knew she had feelings for me too. Gotta let her down, her sister and I...were sort of together now"

(Sam)-" Dating someone who you haven't met in person isn't dating, Tucker. But not she doesn't have feelings for you, she has feelings for Danny Phantom. Strong feelings"

(Danny)- " What? She has feelings for me too! My ghost form?"

(Tucker)- " Well, at least she doesn't like two different people?"

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