Chapter 10

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Danny is sure acting weird, specially his bowel movements. I put plate away in the sink. Mom and Mr. and Mrs. Fenton head over to the living and relax. I was left alone in the kitchen with Dash. 

(Dash)- " So, alone again" he says pointing out the obvious.

(Y/n)- " Yeah, we are-- in that case you should be going...I got loads of homework to do " I say as I grab him and gently push him towards the front of the house.

(Dash)- " I can help you if you want?" help? he's terrible in school.

(Y/n)- " No thanks, besides Danny's here he can help" Dash lowered an eyebrow signaling me like I shouldn't do that. No one tells me what to do.

(Dash)- " Don't ask Fenton" he pointed at me. I rolled my eyes and said okay, I know Im not gonna do what he tells me. I gently shove him closer to the door. He opens it and leans down to try to go in for a kiss. I moved away at the last second and his lips made contact with my left cheek. I akwardly smile at him-- he was okay with what happaned. He says goodbye and I was in the clear. I really don't know about Dash, I'm kind of getting second thoughts about him.

(Mrs. Fenton)- " Hey sweetie, can you take out the trash please?" she says holding the bag.

(Y/n)- " Yeah sure" I grab the garbage bag and head out the door. Going down the steps, heading around to the side of the house to toss the barage into the trash bin. I opened it up and threw it in, jesus it smells bad. I hear a blast sound and someone yelling. Before I can see who was shouting-- it came closer and closer. I slightly turned and got knocked over by something crashing into me. My hit slightly hit back on the concrete, Ow fuck...headache-- this gave me a headache.  I opened my eyes to see a white hair and glowing green eyes.

(Stranger)- " Hey! You alright?!" he got off me and checked on me to see if I was alright. I am, sort of.

(Y/n)- "Ow, yeah..."

(Stranger)- " Wait here." he flies off into the nether. I leaned up to get th dizzy spell out of me. I look up into the sky to see green beams go here and there. It all suddenly stops. Is that him? Danny Phantom? I see him fly back to me and his feet made contact to the ground. He stuck out his hand out.

(DP)- " Sorry about that, you alright?" I accepted his hand and he lifted me back up to my feet.

(Y/n)- " Is this how you greet new people?" I say rubbing the back of my head.

(DP)- " It's sort of my thing. You're head okay?"

(Y/n)- " I think so, I got a major headache though"

(DP)- " Again, I'm so sorry."

(Y/n)- " I'll be fine, an ice pack can fix this...and some aspirins."

(DP)- " That ghost really got me, I lost control"

(Y/n)- " You got it right?"

(DP)- " Yeah, gonna send its ghost ass back to the ghost world."

(Y/n)- "What? There's a ghost world?"

(DP)- " Uhh-- did-- Fenton not tell you?" he stutters 

(Y/n)- "What? You and Danny-- er I mean...Danny...know each other?" the names were getting kind of confusing.

(DP)- " We run into each other..time to time" he chuckles and scratches his white hair.

(Mom)- " (Y/n)!" I hear my mom call me. It startled me quite a bit.

(Y/n)- " I'm being called. So I guess..I'll uhh, see you around"

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