Chapter 1

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"And that is what the project will be about." Phil was sitting in a classroom while the teacher droned on about a Romeo and Juliet project that they would be working on. everybody will be working in partners so go choose one. Just as everybody was about to get up to choose partners, Dan walked into the classroom. He was wearing a loose  sweatshirt and skinny jeans and holding a hall pass along with his books. He handed the teacher his slip and then put his books down to get out his schedule. He gave it to the teacher and she started to introduce Dan.

"Everybody, this is Miss Danielle Ho-" Dan cut her off by saying ," Um, sorry. I am not a 'Miss' and my name is not 'Danielle'. I am a boy and my name is Dan". This instantly got everybodys attention, but especially Phil's. 'So Dan is transgender' he thought. So far, Phil was the only homosexual person in the school. The rest of the people are snobby, homophobic assholes.

"Excuse me, fix your tone! And on here it says you are female so I will call you a female. Now take off that sweatshirt." Dan's eyes widened when she said that. "W-what?" Dan whispered. "I said take off that sweatshirt. Either do it or go to the office!" Now everybody was staring at the teacher and Dan. Slowly, Dan took off his sweatshirt, revealing his larger chest. "Now I forbid you to wear that sweatshirt in this classroom. Go take a seat next go Phil over there." Dan grabbed his stuff and walked over to his seat, tears silently falling down his face. When he sat down Phil turned to him and was about to talk but Dan said "J-just please d-don't t-talk to me." 

Phil was about to turn away but then he said "What that teacher did to you was messed up. This school is full of a bunch of homophobic assholes that can't accept that people can be and love whoever they want. I'm sorry. I'm pansexual myself and understand how you feel. By the way, I'm Phil." Phil stuck out his hand for Dan to shake and Dan took it. "You probably know already, but I'm Dan." Dan said, still looking away from Phil. They both let go of each others' hands and Phil explained the project that they were doing as best as he could to Dan. "So basically we're doing this project about Romeo and Juliet and we have to read the book, take notes, and tell our opinions about it. We need to do it with a partner, so would you like to be my partner?"

Dan looked at Phil, as if trying to find out if he was pulling any tricks but he wasn't so Dan  nodded his head and said "Yea sure." "So you want to meet up after school outside by the football (soccer in America) field?" Dan nodded and then the bell rung. All the students walked out the classroom to their next classes (I have no idea how British schools work) . Phil was walking and looked back to see Dan  standing by the lockers, putting his sweatshirt back on. Phil couldn't help but smile at the thought of Dan. He liked basically everything about him: his brown eyes, his bravery, etc. He was happy that he was going to be able to spend time with Phil outside of class.

A/N: Ya like? This is my first phanfic soo yea. Also, I HAVE 0 KNOWLEDGE ON HOW BRITISH SCHOOLS WORK so ill probably get a lot of stuff wrong

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