Chapter 14

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Thank you all for 200 reads!!

Dan's POV

It was the best kiss I've ever had. The moment was so amazing. Everything was still and it looked like Phil was going to say something, but there was laughter that came from from behind me. I turned around to see PJ walking towards us with his little gang. I heard Phil whimper and I pulled him closer to me.

"Oh my, oh my. What do we have here? Two little emo fags making out? In full view of everyone to see? How rude! Haven't you heard that PDA is disgusting?" And with that he pushed me off and leaned down so he was eye level with Phil. "B-but I t-thou-ught th-that you we-were h-happy with Chris?" Phil stuttered out. Anger flashed in PJ's eyes and he grabbed Phil's hair and slammed his head against the tree. "Don't you ever mention that name again, got it?" Before Phil even got a chance to react, PJ slapped Phil across the face and then punched him in the eye. "NOO!! STOP!" I cried out and tried to push PJ down in order to protect Phil. He just turned to me and laughed. 

"You want some too? Hold him down." Before I had time to react, I was having my hands held behind my back and PJ was walking towards me. I looked over at Phil and he was looking at me, holding a hand over the eye PJ punched, and he was crying. He mouthed the word 'Why?' 'I'm okay' I mouthed back, smiling weakly. He just started crying harder. I was fighting back tears. I had to be strong to protect Phil. "Oi, fag!" PJ yelled into my face. I turned my head to look at him but he slapped me. "Who gave you and that other loser the right to make out in full view? Huh?" I just smirked and said "Well, I'm sorry that our happiness upsets you." He stopped and flinched. His face softened and he looked down like he was remembering something. But he was quickly filled with more rage than before. He punched me in the gut and kicked me, hard, in the knee. I cried out in pain and expected to fall, but I didn't because somebody was holding my hands behind my back. He punched me in the jaw and in the nose. "Let him go and leave" he said with a low voice, but his voice wavered a bit. I fell onto the ground and clutched my knee in pain. I heard foot steps fading away until I could only hear the heavy breaths of PJ and the soft cries of Phil.

"Why, Chris, why?!" PJ yelled out. I looked up to see him crying, but furiously wiping the tears away. He picked up a thick branch that was on the ground near us. 

"I am better than her!" Kick

 "I could treat you better than she could ever do!" Hit with the branch

 "Oh God, Chris!!" Punch 

"Why'd you leave me?" Another punch

 "I loved you!" Hit and a kick 

"I will always love you!" 2 punches 

"I will change, I promise!!" Kicks and punches

"She's just going to use you, Chris!" 3 hits

"Just please......come back to me..." I expected another hit, but instead I heard a thud on the ground. I looked up to see the stick on the ground and a shaking and crying PJ, who looked like he would shatter. He fell onto the ground and curled up into a ball, still crying. I looked at Phil, who was watching the scene with wide eyes. I caught his attention and pointed to where PJ was on the ground, still crying  and chanting "Please come back to me, Chris." Phil just shrugged his shoulders and continued looking at PJ. After a few minutes, Phil reached out and touched him on the shoulder. "PJ?" "What?" he responded, his voice cracking in the middle. "Please tell us what's going on. We want to help you." Phil said.

"Why would you want to help me?" he lifted his head up to look at us. "Especially after I just beat the crap out of both of you. " Phil just shook his head and said "That's not the point. We want to help you. Just please tell us what you mean." PJ sat up fully and looked at both of us, and starting talking. 

"W-well the other day, Chris caught me beating up this one kid because he tripped me. He ripped me off of the kid and called me a monster and said he never wanted to talk to me again. I was heartbroken because I really love him and I cried myself to sleep that night. I had just asked him out the day before, too! And yesterday, I saw him walking down the hall with his hand around some chick named Devon's waist. That I heard that she sleeps around and likes to break people's hearts. I just ran into the bathroom and cried for a good 10 minutes. And today, I saw him kissing all over her and...I just snapped. I called those guys over and went to go looking for someone to beat up. You two were the first we saw and......I'm so so sorry, guys. I didn't really want to hurt you but I was just so angry with myself that I just let it happen."

I looked at Phil but he was speechless. "Okay, PJ, we are not going to forgive you just now, but if you really love Chris, then you absolutely need to stop beating people up. Everytime you have the urge to hurt someone, just remember how happy you were with Chris. And about Devon..I'm sorry, but she's just going to make Chris fall for her, do....the do with him, and then leave him. And by what you explained, it doesn't seem like they have, um, done the second thing yet, so Chris is most likely going to come to you a crying mess after she dumps him. And if you stop hurting people, he'll see how you've changed and possibly will take you back." I explained. Both Phil and PJ looked at me with wide eyes and PJ asked "How do you know so much about this?" "Devon went to my old school and I've seen it happen and had people come to me crying."  I said and they both nodded. "I suggest the first step to your change is to go cut yourself off from those other guys. Cut off contact with some of the others that hurt people. This way, you're temptations will be lower since you'll be around less violence." Phil said to PJ. He nodded and said, "Thank you guy so so much. I don't even know how to repay you. Bye!!" PJ said and ran off.

Wasn't expecting that, was ya?

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