Chapter 6

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I haven't updated in a month! I'm sorry school was busy, but I got out today so yay. Enjoy :)

Dan's POV

I ran out the front doors, despite hearing the teachers calling for me to stop. I knew exactly where I was going. I ran to my 'cool off spot' I found last week.

(Last week)

I was walking to the shops to get some school supplies. My mum didn't really agree with the fact that I was trans so me and my dad moved before she could get violent and hateful with me. I was going to get a new start in this town. So I wore a grey short sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, and red converse. As I was checking out, the cashier looked me up and down, analyzing  me. I was trying really hard to be positive in this town, so I assumed that she was just looking at my outfit. Her eyes stopped at my chest and she smirked.

When she finished bagging up my items, she handed them to me and said, "Here you go ma'am." My face slightly turned to an angry expression, but I quickly changed it to smiling. "Thank you. And I'm a boy by the way."  I said to her and then walked off. She scoffed "You? A boy? Well, I've never seen a boy with such a large chest!" she said rather loudly. Other people were looking now and I started getting nervous from the attention. I forced a smile and said "Well, there's a first time for everything" started walking away. A few people started laughing ad I got angrier.

I had extra money so I decided to get some ice cream because ice cream makes everything better, right? I ordered it and the guy gave it to me and said "Here you go, ma'am."

I. lost. it. 

I screamed 'I. AM. A. BOY!!" right in his face and ran off, not bothering to get my ice cream. I ran out the store and down the street. I saw a park and ran into it. Since it was a Saturday, thre were people in there, so I slowed down a bit and power-walked through the people. I saw kind of a forest and walked into it. I soon found myself at a pond. I dropped my stuff in the ground and sat down. I saw some pebbles near it so I grabbed them and skipped them across the water. "I. Am. A. Boy" I said with each one I threw. When I ran out of pebbles, I just sat there looking at the water. It was so beautiful. When I calmed down enough, I left.


Just as I turned into the park's entrance, I heard someone calling my name. i turned around to see Phil running down the street. I stopped and waited for him to catch up, then kept going to my spot so he would know where I was going. I reached the spot and started looking for some pebbles that I could skip across the water. I found them and sat down, and that's when Phil bust through the trees. He looked around and saw me and started coming near me.

 "What do you want, Phil?" I asked angrily and irritably. He put his hands out as to defend himself and said "I just came to see what's wrong. You ran out so quickly and I got worried." I looked down, feeling guilty for snapping at Phil. 

"I'm sorry for  snapping at you. I just really hate when people misgender me!" Phil nodded and came down to hug me. "And some assholes do it on purpose!" He hushed me and hugged me tighter. "I know Dan. Lots of people in this town are transphobic and homophobic. We just have to forget them and focus on the good people in this town, who accept us for who we are." I nodded and we sat there in silence for another 5 minutes. It wasn't a awkward silence, it was nice. 

He broke it by saying, "Are you up to go back to school? Or do you want to just skip today?" I thought about it for a minute. It wouldn't be good for my reputation, skipping on my first week. But my reputation is trashed already but because I'm trans and the transphobic idiots so.. not much there. At least it'll give me more time to hang out with Phil. 

"I'll just skip today. Its not like anyone'll miss me. Are you going back?" He shook his head. "It would feel wrong just leaving you." I nodded and we fell silent again. Phil got up and then helped me up and we started walking back to the park. We walked close and I looked at our hands. 'So close. Just do it Dan.' I reached out and grabbed his hand. I looked at him for his reaction. He looked at our hands, then at me, and smiled really wide. I smiled just as wide back at him and we kept walking.

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