Chapter 2

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Updating twice today cuz I really like writing this

~Phil's POV~

I was coming out of my class on my way to lunch when I saw them. I tried turning around and going the long way but unfortunately, they saw me too.  They ran through the halls to catch up with my and when they did the leader, PJ, put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. (this in no way reflects how I feel about PJ)

"Hey, hey buddy! We missed you! How was your break!" he said all friendly at first but punched me in the gut at the work 'break'. I groaned even though I was used to it. I guess all my bruises had gone away over the break. And apparently they missed me a lot because soon enough the other two, Charlie and Liam, joined in and I was in a ball on the ground while they kicked me, punched me, etc. But I heard a voice down the hall yell "HEY, QUIT IT!!" then heard foot steps running down the hall. Whoever it was pushed them off of me and I heard a crack, so I'm assuming they punched one of them in the face. They ran off, but not before one of them spat at me and said "Worthless faggot". (probably wont be writing many bullying scenes, they feel too real to me) The person helped me off the ground and when my vision cleared I saw Dan. "Oh my goodness! Phil are you okay?" I nodded even though I felt my leg bleeding and my arm swollen. I guess the blood seeped through my pants because Dan said "Phil, you're leg is bleeding! Let me take you to the nurses' office." So we walked- well I limped and Dan supported me all the way to the nurses office. When we got there, she patched up my leg and gave me an ice pack to put on my arm. I held the ice pack but Dan offered to hold it. So I gave it to him and our hands touched for a moment. I blushed slightly and looked away, hoping he hadn't seen.

By the time the nurse was done, lunch was over and she sent Dan and me to class. 'Why does he care so much about me? Does he like me?' I thought. I blushed at the thought of me and Dan dating. But I pushed those thoughts out of my head 'Do I like Dan? NO! We just met today But maybe he cou-' I was pulled out of my thoughts my Dan waving his hand in front of my face. "Phil? PHIL??" Dan shouted. "Huh?" I said, like the idiot I am. "We're at your classroom." "Oh" i blushed a little but because he was really close to my face. "Thanks Dan, for saving me back there. They apparently 'missed' me over break, so if you didn't come it probably would've been much worse. " He smiled and said "No problem. I hate bullying, so I had to step in. See you after school?" I nodded and we waved our good-byes. When i walked into my classroom I heard one of them say " Oohh looks like Phil's got a boyfriend. Ugh, another faggot." (not gonna use that word much, just in bullying scenes) I clenched my jaw and walked to my seat. 

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