Chapter 10

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I was walking out of the school to go meet up with Phil when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see..her. She had the same evil smirk that she always had at our old school. Except this time, she didn't have a group of other people following her. "Well hello, Danielle! How are you?" I visibly flinched at the mention of my old name. "Well, I'll have you know that my name is actually Dan. And I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" I saw her eyebrows furrow, as if she was getting frustrated. I just smiled at her and started walking away. I was not going to give her the satisfaction of having her words get to me. I felt her grab my wrist and turn me around. I snatched my hand back, but didn't move away. "What do you want? I have somewhere to be right now!" I said to her, annoyed that she was keeping me from meeting with Phil. 

"Okay, lemme just cut to the chase." she said. "I know we both want Phil, in different ways. You already know the way I want him, but you seem like you want an actual relationship with him. But, you see, we both can't have him. So have a little competition. Whoever can win Phil over gets to have him. The loser has to cut off all contact with him. Deal?" She stuck her hand out as if wanting me to shake it.

I knew she was right. We both wanted Phil in some way. But the way she said it made me kind of disgusted. It was like she was referring to him as some kind of object. But he wasn't, to me at least. Knowing her she would probably bang Phil, and then after 2 days leave him and make out with some other dude right in front of him. I didn't want Phil to go through that, he was way too sweet and precious for some girl like Devon.

"Ya know? You disgust me, Devon. But you're right. So.."

 I grabbed her hand and shook it.


im so sorry this one is so short! I just wanted to get something out tonight. I might post again later tonight.

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