Chapter 22

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Dan's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt...weird. I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30AM. I felt something warm on the sheets beneath me. Then I realized something

Oh no...

It's been a month

I just started 'Shark Week'

How could I forget?! Oh well, I'll just get up and wash the sheets, my dad will understand. I reached down to pull off the duvet when I noticed something different. It wasn't black and grey like mine, but it was green and blue. This is Phil's duvet. I'm in Phil's room. In his bed. WITH HIM. 

I started panicking. What am I going to do? What is Phil going to do? This has never happened to him before. He's going to be so mad, probably yell at me and tell me to get out. I started tearing up at the thought and my hands started shaking. I was about to get up and start walking around the room try to calm myself down, but Phil started moving around. 

"Ugh, Dan what is this?" he said in a sleepily but annoyed tone. Oh no, he's mad. "I-i'm sorry! I-i didn't k-know it was g-going t-" I started but I cut myself off by silently crying. 

"Woah woah, calm down Dan. Just tell me what it- wait, is this blood?!" he said and shot up out the bed. I nodded and started crying harder. "Yes, I-i'm sorry! I-i'll wash y-your sheets and blanket f-for yo-" I managed to squeak out but  was interrupted by Phil. 

"Ugh, how am I going to get rid of this?! And I'm going to have to take you home! UGH" he yelled. I stopped trying to say anything, just cried. I got up and picked up the blanket and took the sheet off of his bed. "I-i'll wash them. Just tell-" I said, but stopped because Phil put his hand up. 

"Just be quiet. I'll do it. Just go into the bathroom so you don't stain anything else. You've already done enough." he said in a harsh tone and snatched the sheets out of my hands. I put my head down and rushed past him into the bathroom. I slid down the wall and cried more, way harder than before. I was full on sobbing at this point.

He hates you now. You messed up his things. You've ruined his day before it even started. He sees you as some bothersome girl now. He's going to kick you out and make you walk home yourself.

After about 5 minutes of these thoughts and me crying, the door opens.

Phil's POV

I knew I shouldn't be mad. He didn't know and couldn't control it. But I was very tired and confused, so my brain and mouth weren't exactly corresponding. When I was putting my things into the washer, the realization of everything I said came down onto me like avalanche. Oh god, he probably thinks I hate him now. I put the rest of the things in and rushed upstairs to the bathroom Dan was in. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. His head was down and he was crying. My heart broke at the sight of him like this because of me.

"Dan?" I said softly. I kneeled down so I was on eye level with him. He flinched and I saw his eyes widen. "Ohmygosh I'm so so sorry! I'll help you clean up and I'll sit in here and I'll call my dad later and I'm so sorry, just please don't yell at me more!" he said really fast. He turned his head away from me and put it towards his body like he was bracing himself for an explosive. 

"Dan, please stop apologizing. You've done nothing wrong. I know that you were just as surprised as me and that you couldn't control it. It's my fault for lashing out at you like that. I wasn't mad at you, I was just tired.  I'm so so sorry that I made you feel like this. Do you have your house keys?" I said to him. He lifted his head up to reveal his tear-streaked face and shook his head. "I was in such a rush to get back here that I forgot them on my dresser. I'm sorry."

"Dan, it's alright. You don't need to apologize. I suppose you are still tired, but we can't sleep on my bed right now. What should we do?" I said. "Well I'm not so tired anymore after all this, so I'll just get my laptop and watch a few movies while you go back to sleep. Okay Phil?" he said.

I shook my head and replied "Nope, I'm not just going to walk away after making you feel so horrible. We'll watch some movies together." "Really?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. I returned it and he went into my room to get his laptop.


3 hours and 2 movies later, me and Dan got up and ready to go back to his house. "Um Phil, am I just going to go in this big shirt and sweat pants?" He said, motioning to the clothes he was wearing. I laughed and said "Ehh, its early morning, so no one will really be looking at us. Plus it's break, so there's a very low chance anyone from school will be awake to see us." I reached into my closet and tossed Dan a grey hoodie. "Here. It's probably gonna be a bit cold(?) this morning."

He took the hoodie and thanked me. Soon enough, we were off to his house. Just as we were walking out, a car drove past. Dan called out to it and it slowed down and stopped in front of my house. I was about to ask him a whole lot of questions, but the driver rolled down the window to reveal the face of Mr. Howell. 

"Hey Dan, hey Phil! What do you two need?" he said. I waved and Dan said, "Hey Dad. Uh, could you please drive me and Phil back to our house?" He looked confused, so Dan went up and whispered something to him. When Dan pulled away, his dad said "Ohh, I see, of course! Get in." 

We got into the back seat and his dad started driving again. "Hey, whenever I see an opportunity to get out of exercise, I'll take it." Dan said. We all laughed and fell into a comfortable silence. Soon, we pulled up to Dan's driveway. We all got out and Mr. Howell had to unlock the front door for us. 

"Alright, bye guys! Dan, be sure to take your keys with you and lock the doors afterwards." he said and started going back to his car. We nodded and waved until he drove off. I closed the door and turned to Dan. "So, what should I do while you're getting ready?" I asked. I was just going to turn on his Xbox and start playing, but I didn't want to be rude to him.

"Uhh, you can do whatever. Play any of the games, watch some TV, I don't care." he said. I nodded then kissed his cheek and walked away.

this chapter was very weird for me to write, because I kept imagining it happening to me :/

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