Chapter 12

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Devon's POV

"Are you sure you've got it?" I asked Jessica. We were on the phone talking about the plans for the party. "Yes, yes I've got it! Just come to me when you want to give it to him. Now hang up and get ready or you'll be late!" Jessica said and hung up. I looked at the clock 9:00 PM I had an hour to get ready. I got into the shower and put on my outfit. I looked in the mirror at my black dress and red shoes. I wasn't going to wear my glasses, so I put my contacts in. I decided it was okay and left the room. "Mom! Dad! I'm going to Jessica's house, bye!!" I didn't wait for a response before shutting the door and walking out

This was going to be the night. The night that I win the bet I made with Dan. I know I had just set it the day before, but I was going to end it before he even got a chance to begin. By the time I had gotten to the spot we were to meet up, Phil was already there. 

"Hey, Devon! You look, er, nice." Phil said to me. I noticed the way he hesitated before saying nice, but I ignored it. "Thanks! You don't look shabby yourself!" "Thank you."" he said sheepishly. He was wearing a black and white plaid button-up open with a green shirt underneath and some black skinny jeans. And damn, did those jeans make his legs look good. Before I had anymore time to drool over how good he looked, he asked, "So where is this party?" "At Jessica's house." I told him. His face brightened a bit and he asked "Is Becky going to be there?" "I don't know, but I suggest you not hang out with her, she's weird." His face changed into a look I couldn't describe  but he didn't say anything else about it. "Let's go, shall we?" he said and I nodded and lead the way.

Phil's POV

When we got there, it was loud. And I mean loud. You could hear it from a block away. I started getting nervous, thinking of all possible things that could go wrong. My anxiety started setting in but before I scared myself to the point that I left, which has happened before, we got to the door. Devon seemed to notice my nervousness and said "Don't worry, Phil. Nothing's going to happen." I nodded and smiled at her, and then she rang the doorbell. I secretly hoped that Becky would open the door, but instead a slightly drunk Jessica opened the door. "HAAAYYY, GUYS!" *hiccup* COME IN!" her voice was louder and more annoying as usual. I couldn't help but cringe. We pushed passed her and instantly got engulfed by the scent of sweat and alcohol. I held back the urge to gag and just followed Devon to wherever she was going. 

She ended up leading us to the kitchen, where more drunken and sweaty bodies were crowded around the breakfast bar that held the drinks. She turned to me and asked if I wanted anything to drink. I shook my head and she left to get herself a drink. Me and alcohol didn't really get along. I didn't even really like alcohol before Charlie. But after what  he did, I couldn't even look at it without remembering. 

Before I even had the chance to start thinking of what happened that night, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Becky standing there, smiling at me. "Hey, Phil! I didn't even know you were going to be here tonight." she said to me. "I didn't know I was either, but I came here with Devon." Her face scrunched up at the name, but she quickly changed it back and asked "Do you want to go sit and talk?" I nodded and she lead me to a unoccupied couch. We began talking about our shared hatred for school, video games, so forth and so on. 

Soon, a very tipsy Devon stumbled over to us. "Oh there you are Phil! I was looking all around for you! *hiccup* WHy are you hanging out with this loser?" I just rolled my eyes and Becky shifted uncomfortably. "Because she's my friend." She scoffed and said "Whatever. Let's go dance!" She was surprisingly stronger than she looked, and she managed to pull me over to the place everyone was dancing without spilling the drunk in her hands. She started dancing all up on me and I just awkwardly moved my body, trying to distance myself before I accidentally touched something I wasn't supposed to. 

"Oi Phil, why ya so tense! Hold on let me go get you something to loosen you up." Devon said, some of her words slurring together. Before I could protest, she was off. My eyes widened and I reached for my pocket. Whenever I went to parties or other places where someone else made my drink, I always carried these sticks that could detect weather or not the drink was drugged. A few minutes later she came back with 2 red solo cups and handed one to me. "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back" I lied and left to ask Becky where the bathroom was. Once I got there. i took one of the sticks out and put it in the drink. 15 seconds later I took it out...and the bar was red, meaning the drink was drugged. My eyes widened and I dumped it out in a hurry. I rinsed the cup out thoroughly and left. I went into the kitchen, surprisingly unnoticed by Devon, and filled it back up with some Coke that was on another table then went back to Devon.

"Phil, you're back! Do you like the drink?" she looked at me excitingly, so I nodded my head. Her lips curled into a mischievous grin that made me very uneasy and uncomfortable.  "Good. Now lets dance." She stared pushing her backside into me and that's when I lost it. "I would love to, but I have to go home. Bye." I tried walking away, but she pulled my arm back and put in onto her hip. "Noo! Philly, please stay. It's not even that late! For me??" She tried giving me puppy dog eyes, but it was filled with such lust that I almost wanted to run. "Sorry, I have work tomorrow." This time I wasn't lieing, I actually did have work tomorrow. She gave up and pushed my arm away. "Fine, be like that." I didn't say anything back, just turned and left. But instead of leaving the house, I went to Becky. "H-hey can I-I t-talk to y-you ab-bout somet-thing?" My voice was wavering. I was so scared. What did Devon plan to do to me if I had drunken the drink? "Of course! It's a bit too loud in here, so follow me." I nodded followed her to a room I'm guessing was hers. The duvet was light blue and the walls were minty green. She was a T.V on the wall above a dresser and that was a about it.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" I broke down and cried. She pulled me into a hug and let me cry onto her shoulder. "Phil, what happened?" she asked and I looked up at her with red eyes and said "D-Devon. S-she... she..." I started crying into Becky's shoulder again. After a few minutes, I calmed down enough to tell her. "I-it's Devon. S-she drugged m-my drink." Becky gasped and asked "How did you know?" "Something happened to me a few years ago. So now whenever I go somewhere where someone else can make my drink, I carry these sticks that can detect if it's drugged or not. When I asked you for the bathroom, I tested the drink and it came out positive." I told her. I expected for her to ask what happened those few years ago, and I was not mentally ready to tell. But instead she said "Thank goodness you had those! I'm so so sorry that happened to you. Do you want me to take you home?" I nodded and we left the house. 

When we reached my house, she turned to me and said "I'm so sorry that happened to you." "It's alright." Then she hugged me, which wasn't awkward as my usual hugs were considering that I'm a literal giant. But she was only a bit shorter than me, so it was okay. We pulled away and exchanged good-byes. "See you on Monday!" she said while walking away. "Same to you!" I said and she turned around and waved. I waved back and went inside.

A/N: this isn't really important, but some shit-heads outside my window keep FUCKING SETTING OFF FIREWORKS AT 1 IN THE MORNING, so I'm blasting Panic! songs into my headphones 

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