Chapter 27

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My mom and Tatiana managed to calm me down after about 10 minutes. I told them what we had figured out about yesterday night, and try both were enraged. They said that they were going to report Devon. It turns out that we missed whatever my mom and Tatiana had planned for us to do today, which I later found out was this play that they were looking forward to seeing. 

"I'm sorry for making us miss the play." I said. We were currently getting ready to play another game of Uno. I would've suggested Monopoly, but I knew it was really rage inducing. Tatiana shook her head and grabbed my hands. "Oh, its okay Phil! You needed us, and we could always see it another time. Please don't apologize, it's not at all your fault. It's those rude as-" She stopped herself before she could say anything further. "Just, don't worry about it" She finished with a smile. I smiled back and my mom started dealing out the cards.

A few rounds later, we stopped and decided to go out and get take-out to eat. We got into my mom's car and drove to the nearest one. We went inside and my mom ordered for all 3 of us. I thought I felt someone staring at me, so I turned around. Devon staring at me with what seemed like sad eyes. She was sitting there along with Jessica and Becky, all of them sharing one dish. I quickly turned around and decided to check my phone. I hadn't turned it on since my mom called this morning, so I wasn't surprised when I saw a whole lot of notifications pop up. I saw that I had 10 missed calls and 7 messages.

I looked at them and they were all from Dan. The messages were saying things like 'Please come back' and 'We're all worried about you.' and the familiar line of 'I'm sorry.'
I went to my voicemail and listened to a few of Dan's. There was a lot of background noise, but his loud sniffles blocked a whole lot of it out. "Please, Phil. Come back to us. I'm so so sorry, and there was a reason I didn't tell you. But we have to be face to face to be able to talk about it. If you are listening, please please call me back. Bye..." His was cracking a lot in between his words, and it made me feel horrible that I was the one that made him feel like this.  

Should I forgive him? He told me that he needed to talk to me so he could tell me why he lied. But did I even want to hear it? I wasn't exactly mad at Dan, but I was very confused about the whole thing. There were so many things that I didn't know about this whole situation with Devon, Dan and me. I knew for a fact that something had to have happened with them at Dan's old school. I didn't even know if I wanted to know about it. But I was going to deal with all this tomorrow, and focus Tatiana and my mom today.

I was thinking of all this while walking, and I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't know that we had even left the place until my mom was waving her hand in my face. I was staring blankly out of the window and she had to shake me to get me to snap back into reality.

We all went inside, ate, then I went upstairs while my mom and Tatiana were together on the couch doing whatever. I grabbed my laptop and went onto Tumblr. I didn't use it much, only when I was a bit stressed. All of the moodboards and art was satisfying and it calmed me down. I saw this one really nice post by someone named 'danisnotonfire'. I decided to look at their profile, and it was awesome! It was almost all full of moodboards. The sight was so aesthetically pleasing that I decided to follow. I kept scrolling until I saw a face reveal post. It was Dan! I shut my computer and groaned loudly. Why can't I get away?!

"Phil? Are you okay?" My mum yelled. "Yeah, I'm okay!" I yelled back and flopped down face first. Although it was only 6PM, I was exhausted. All the events from today mentally drained me, and I drifted off to sleep thinking of what would happen if I was a lion.

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