Chapter 20

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Dan's POV

I was going to end this dumb bet today with Devon today. I mean technically, I won like 2 weeks ago, but Devon doesn't know that. What she did to Phil yesterday was totally crossing the line. And I was going to make sure nothing like that happened again. 

Yesterday Phil had to go home early so he could go out with his mom and her girlfriend, Tatiana. I had met her a few times and she's very nice and can make AWESOME pizzas. Anyway, when Phil left, it made me realize how much more exciting he made my life. My bed seemed much larger without him lying in it. Mario Kart was much less exciting without having him yelling at me and accusing me of cheating. I found myself craving his hugs and kisses. I was told they were going to a movie or something, so I couldn't even text him. I even found myself just wanting to hear him talk. I was so bored without him, even if it was only for a night. 

When he came to my door so we could walk me to school today, I basically tackled him in a hug. "Phil! I missed you!" He laughed and said "What do you mean? I was only gone for one afternoon." "Then you must not understand how painfully boring my life is." I replied. He just shook his head and grabbed my hand. I kissed his cheek and said "Welp, let's go." 

When we got there, we were met by Louise standing at my locker again. "Hey guys!" she greeted us when she say us. "Hey Louise." we both said. "So I told my friends a bit about you two, and they really want to meet you! Will you guys be able to sit with us at lunch?" she asked. "Yeah! But we'll be a little late." I said. "We will?" Phil asked, looking confused. "Yes, we will. But can we bring a friend with us?" I said. "Of course!" Louise said.

"LOUISEEE!!!" someone yelled from down the hall. She looked over in panic and said "Ohsorryseeyouguyslaterbye" then ran off. Me and Phil looked at each other in confusion, then just shrugged and walked to class. "So Dan," Phil said. "why will we be late to lunch today?" I just smirked and shook my head. "We need to tell a certain someone something." I said. He looked very confused, so I said "Don't worry about it." He just smiled and kept walking.

In class we were learning about- well I didn't even know because me and Phil were too busy passing notes to pay attention. We didn't want to talk because..reasons. When the bell rung, I accidentally knocked my books off the table. Phil bent down to help me but I stopped him. "It's okay Phil, I got it." He nodded and left. Devon was walking past and looking down at me like I was a dead street rat. I put my hand out to stop her. "UGH! What do you think you're doing Howell?" She said. "Meet me at the back off the school at lunch. We need to talk about the bet." I explained. She had a disgusted look on her face, but still nodded. I smiled, but she just scoffed and walked off. I picked up my things and went left the room to find Phil waiting for me.

-time skip-

Me and Phil were about to enter the lunch room, but I stopped. "Hey Phil, can you follow me?" I asked in the most innocent way possible. But on the inside, I was wearing the biggest smirk possible. He nodded and followed me to the back of the school where we were supposed to meet Devon. Sure enough she was there, looking bored as hell. When she saw Phil, she perked up and smiled at him. Phil just hunched his shoulders and hid behind me. "Why hello, Phil!" she said with a smile, but it didn't match her eyes at all. Her eyes looked desperate like she was craving something. 

"Devon, we have to show you something!" I said. She nodded, smile still on her face. I smirked and slammed Phil against the wall and basically attacked his lips with mine. He was shocked but quickly melted into the kiss. It turned into us fully making out right in front of Devon. The kiss lasted a full 30 seconds, and Phil only pulled away because he remembered she was there. I turned around to see her mouth wide open and glossy eyes. 

I pecked Phil's cheek and said "I win~" in the sweetest way possible. I grabbed Phil's hand and walked away feeling a bit happier than I should of. "What just happened?" Phil asked. I just realized that I hadn't told Phil about the bet yet, so he's probably confused as all hell. "Nothing."

We walked back into the lunchroom and asked Becky if she wanted to go with us. We saw Louise sitting in a corner with a whole lot of people. The amount of people made me nervous, but we promised Louise we would be there. Phil had to drag me over there. When we got there, Louise introduced us to the people at the table.

"Guys! This is Dan, Phil and...?" Louise started but stopped. "Becky,"  "Well Dan Phil and Becky, these are Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Felix, Marzia, Charlie, and Alex." she said.  They all waved and we waved back. After that I zoned out to try and distract myself from the number of people. Phil did the talking for both of us. After we left, he told me that Zoe and Alfie were dating, as were Felix and Marzia. He told me a few things about all their personalities, but I could care less. I didn't really want anymore friends. I mean I had Phil, Becky and Louise. How many more did he need?

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