Chapter 7

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I changed the book cover! And I actually made this one myself Anyway on with the story

~a week later~

Phil's POV

Dan told me he wasn't coming to school today, so I had to work on the project by myself today. When the bell rung, I I left to go to my next class, but a girl with long brown hair stopped me. She was short, about 5'5, and has big round glasses on. She was kind of chubby, but she was really cute. I saw her hanging out with PJ once or twice, so I knew she was popular but I didn't know her name or why she was talking to me.

"Hey, Phil is it?" she said and I nodded. "Well, my name is Devon. And what was a cutie like you doing sitting all alone?" I felt my face heat up and said "Uh, my partner wasn't here today, so I was working on the project by myself." "Well, since your partner isn't here, do you want to sit with me today at lunch?" I usually hung out with Dan outside the school during lunch, and since he wasn't here, I had nothing to do so I agreed. She smiled really wide and showed off her straight, white teeth. "Great! I'll be at the front of the lunchroom so meet me there!" I nodded again and she smiled at me so I returned it and walked away. Well, at least I have something to do during lunch today.

~le time skip to lunch time~

When I got to the lunch room, I looked around and saw Devon with 2 other girls. I went over to them and she introduced me to them. "Hi, Phil! This is Becky and Jessica." she said, pointing at them while saying their names. They both waved and I waved back. We all got to talking and I couldn't stand Jessica. She just kept talking and talking! And whenever Becky tried to say something, Jessica would say, "Omg Becky, shut up!" then Becky would mumble an apology and stayed silent for a while. I stood up and said I was going to get lunch and Becky tried to come with me, which I was completely fine with, but Jessica pulled her back down and said "Ugh Becky, you don't need anymore food! You're fat enough" and Devon went with me instead.

I felt bad for Becky because I'm guessing that she had to deal with Jessica all the time. I decided that I would meet up and talk to her afterschool before I went to Dan's house because she seemed nice. In the line for lunch, I felt Devon grab my hand and put it on her butt. I jumped back and said "Oh my god, Devon I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" I said it even though I knew she did it on purpose, and I didn't want her to get the wrong idea about me. She smiled and said "It's ok" I nodded and walked in front of her the rest of the time so she wouldn't do it again. 

We went back to the table and ate while Jessica droned on and on about what this dude named 'Kyle' did to her. Luckly the bell rung soon and we all left. I pulled Becky aside and asked her if she wanted to meet up after school. She agreed and said "Anything to get away from Jessica's blabbering mouth." We walked away and went to our next classes.

~after school~

Me and Becky went to Starbucks and I found out that Becky is actually really nice. She told me that Jessica was her sister and she has to deal with her all the time. I felt bad for her but she told me that she was going to move in with her girlfriend next year when they turn 18.I had to leave to go to Dan's house but I got her number before I left.

When I got to Dan's house, his dad answered the door. "Who are you?" his dad asked me. He was very intimidating; he was very tall and very buff. He had a strong jawline and very boxy frame. His eyes were the same dark brown shade as Dan's. "Hello, Mr. Howell. I'm a friend of  Dan's and we are working on a project together." I saw him become a little less tense, but still intimidating. "What's your name" he asked. I told him and he nodded and closed the door a bit. "DAN, SOMEONE NAMED PHIL IS HERE FOR YOU!!" he yelled up to Dan. I didn't hear Dan's response, but his dad opened the door and let me in. "His room is upstairs, at the end of the hall to the left." I nodded and I smiled at him and he returned it. He had dimples, just like Dan.

I went to Dan's room and saw him just sitting in a hoodie and some sweatpants on his laptop. "Well, I see someone had a lazy day today." "Shut up!" we both laughed and I sat down on a chair near his bed. I showed him the work I did during school and we continued working. After about 2 hours, we finished. "YES, WE'RE FINISHED!" Dan yelled and fist-bumped the air. I laughed and flopped down. "I was really bored during school while you weren't there!" I said. Dan blushed a bit and said "Aww, you missed me? Well I don't blame you anyone would miss this fabulousness!" He flipped his fringe and stood like a model. I laughed at him and threw a pillow at him. 

"Do you want to play Mario Kart?" I nodded and Dan set it up.


"DAN, STOP CHEATING!!" I yelled at him after he bumped my controller. He just laughed at me as his character passed the finish line. "OH dear Philly, it's not called cheating, its called playing with skill. I was going to stay something back but my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw my mom was calling me. "Sorry Dan but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He nodded and we both left to downstairs. "Bye, Mr. Howell!" I said  to him as we passed. He just nodded and went back to watching T.V. I went to hug Dan but he backed away. I was confused and a little hurt but just left their house.


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