Chapter 28

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I woke up much earlier than I would have liked the next morning. The guilt from what happened yesterday morning gnawed at me and I couldn't do anything. I had called Phil countless times yesterday and left him messages. I jut wanted him to forgive me. I saw that he had read the messages, which made me even sadder. He saw what I had said to him, yet he didn't care. 

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt the tears hit my hands. I'm so pathetic, crying in a dark room at 3 in the morning. I tried going back to sleep, but all that filled my head was Phil actually dumping me in the middle of everyone. I managed to fall asleep again, but a horrible nightmare filled my mind.

Phil came up to me while I was at my locker and hugged me from behind. I jumped and he whispered 'Why hello, handsome" into my ear. I felt my face heat up and leaned back into him. 'Hey, Philly." I said in a small voice. "I don't feel like going to class today. Wanna go somewhere?" he said in a low voice, his breath bouncing at my neck. "Um, sure." I replied in a squeaky voice. He smirked and slammed my locker then dragged me out of the school.

He started walking somewhere without telling me. I realized that he was going to the tree that we shared our first kiss under. When we got there, he pushed my back against the tree and whispered "Wait here." He stepped back then went to behind the tree. I was confused, I didn't see anything back there on the way up. He came back out with something- no someone. She had long, dark brown hair and was noticeably shorter than Phil. She wore a dark purple dress despite the wind that had just started blowing around us. She had on a hat that shadowed her face out, so I couldn't see any features.

Phil carefully positioned himself and the girl in a way that I could see in full view what they were about to do. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He started leaning down and she started leaning her face up towards his. Their lips collided in a kiss. I tried going forward and pushing her off of him, but I had some kind of invisible restrains holding me back. I screamed out for her to get away from him, and that he's mine, but they ignored me. The kiss started getting more intense, including him rubbing his hands up her side and slipping them up her dress. I screamed again, this time more forcefully, but nothing came out this time.

My vision started getting blurred a bit, like I was staring through slightly dirty glass. I looked around me and saw just that: I was trapped in a glass box with smudged windows. I could hear what was going on with them crystal clear, though. They pulled away, both with red faces and her with messier hair. I felt tears coming down my face and made no effort to wipe them away. "Why Phil? Who is she?" I yelled and my voice actually came out this time. "Oh, her? She is my new girlfriend. She's so good, in every aspect." Phil replied, smirking. She did a little giggle that sounded so innocent, but one that I hated with every fiber of my being. "But Phil, what about us?! Why did you do this to me?" I cried out. 

"And why did you lie to me, Dan?"  Phil asked. He tiled his head slightly and raised his eyebrows. "Huh?" he teased. I was speechless. I wanted to tell Phil, but I couldn't for some reason. I was trying to force the words out, but I heard nothing. "That's exactly what I thought. Now he'll be off. We have some..." he looked down at his..area, then back up at me. "business to attend to. So long, liar." She tapped Phil's shoulder and leaned up to whisper something into his ear. He smirked, then nodded and she started walking closer to the glass. She smiled, showing off rows of  perfect shiny white teeth. She kissed the glass beside my head, leaving the signature red lipstick stain on the glass. 

"Don't worry Dan, I'll take good care of him. Better than you, I might add. Goodbye, little liar!" She said with an accent that was unknown to me. She did a little wave then skipped back up to Phil. He kissed her cheek and they started going down the hill. I saw their arms were around each other, like a real couple would do. I started crying harder than before. There was a puddle of tears starting to surround my feet. Outside, the sky started becoming darker, despite it still being morning. It kept going until it was pitch black. Suddenly, the walls of the box started cracking. A hole opened and thick, black liquid started pouring in. Another hole opened from the other side of the box and the same substance started leaking in. I tried putting my hands over the holes to stop the leaks, but they kept coming, harder and faster. Pretty soon, the majority of the box was filled with the liquid. I tried moving, but I was stuck in place. It rose to about mouth level and slowed down. I expected it to stop, but it still kept coming. I had to breathe through my nose to avoid it.

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