Chapter 3

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~End of the day~

Phil's POV

My locker was on the first floor by the exit of the school so by the time it was 5 minutes after the bell, I was already out by the football (soccer) field. Dan was taking a while, I'm guessing it was because its his first day, so I sat down and started thinking about what we would do. I think I was spaced out for a bit too long, because next thing I know Dan is sitting across from me, waving his hand in front of my face and shouting my name. "PHIL!! PHILLLL!!!!" "Yes?" Dan chuckled a bit and said, "You sure do think a lot, don't ya?" I blushed a bit because this was the second time Dan had to do this today.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking of how we're gonna start the project" Dan nodded and said "But before we do anything, I'm starving. I was late and skipped breakfast and we skipped lunch so can we go get something to eat before we start anything?" We both agreed on getting some Nandos. We ordered our food and sat down and started talking, trying to get to know each other better. We were playing the normal '20 Questions' game. Dan laughed at a few of the questions that I asked and I couldn't help  but stare. He was so adorable, and his dimples!! Ahh, his dimples, and the way his eyes lit up when he laughed... 'Ugghh he's soo.. just... ahhhh' I inner fanboy-ed about Dan. Wow I only met this boy today and I'm already thinking like this.

 I put my hand down on the seat and Dan accidentally put his hand over mine. We both looked at our hands then at each other and we both blushed, but didn't move our hands. I was attempting to stutter out an apology when our waitress came with our food.

"Here you boys go with your food. And might I say, you two are a very cute couple!" As if possible, we both blushed a deeper shade. "But we're no-" Dan started to say to her, but she was already walking away. He sighed then we both looked at our hands that were still together. We pulled away and he rubbed his neck in embarrassment. My hand felt tingly where his hand was, and I missed the feeling a bit. Dan cleared his throat and said "I'm starving, so let's eat!"  I nodded my head in agreement and we both ate. 30 minute later, we finished, I paid even though Dan wanted too, and we went to my house to start the project. The pavement wasn't very wide, so me and Dan ended up walking quite close, our hands grazing each others every so often. It always heart flutter whenever our hands touched. Oh I have feelings for Dan??

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