Chapter 13

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A/N: I actually kind of have an update schedule for this story. Updates every 2 days, between 2-3 A.M central time (US)

tw; homophobic slur

Dan's POV


I saw Phil entering school today. I saw Devon and him create eye contact. She waved to him, but he just froze then ran away. Something was obviously up between them. I wanted to find out, see if anything happened with the bet me and Devon had made. But I decided that I would ask him about it later. I walked up to Phil when we was at his locker. "Hey, Phil." He looked shocked, as if he had been expecting someone else to talk to him. "Oh, hey D-dan." I smiled at him and asked "Do you want to walk to class together?" He nodded, somewhat eagerly and we started walking.

Phil's POV

I didn't want to go to class at all. I didn't want to walk to class alone with the possibility of Devon bumping into me. I didn't want to have to talk to Devon after what happened on Saturday. I was going to skip class altogether, but Dan asked to walk with me, so I had to go. I didn't expect that out of Devon at all, she seemed like a nice girl. But after that...I didn't think I could trust anybody! Except Dan, of course. He was always so sweet to me, never done anything bad to me or anything that made me uncomfortable in any way. He was just so perfect.. But I did not want to be catching feelings for him, I just wanted a friend. Maybe we could be both? Nah, you'll just find a way to mess it up, like you always do. I sighed and continued walking with Dan.

He noticed something off and asked, "Hey, are you alright?" I just nodded and kept walking. Dan suddenly stopped and I did too. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I don't know, for some reason I just really don't want to go to class today. Want to ditch?" He asked. "I would really really want to, but unfortunately, we're standing in front of the classroom and the teacher's already seen us." I pointed to across the hall, to where Miss Jackson was looking at us waiting for us to come in. 

"Oh, you're right," he giggled, which I might mention is so adorable. "Welp, there's always tomorrow right?" I nodded and starting walking to the classroom. "Phil, wait! Will you please wait for me while I...t-take my sweater off?" he asked. I nodded and walked over to the lockers outside of the classroom. He started taking his sweater off quickly and his shirt came up a bit. ERMAHGOODNESSLOOKATITITSSOJUSTBJGPTDTULDLCUDYDDDK. I started inner fanboy-ing about the little, tiniest piece of Dan's stomach that showed. But he quickly covered it and looked down in shame. "Sorry.." I was confused. "What are you apologizing for? You've done nothing wrong." I said to him, but he just shook his head and walked into the classroom.

When we get in, unfortunately, Devon is sat in the front table nearest the walkway. Meaning that we had to pass her. I got a bit scared and held onto Dan's arm. If he noticed it, he didn't say anything about it. She looked at me and..winked at me. Ugh, I hate when people do that! They mostly look creepy doing it. She put her foot out to trip Dan. But I was walking nearest to her, so I fell instead. When I was falling, instead of letting go of Dan's arm, I pulled it down with me, causing Dan to fall too. I fell on my back, causing Dan to fall on top of me with our chests touching. Our faces were millimeters apart, and I could feel his breath on my face. The room went silent for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.   I could hear everyone's words; "Ha! Faggots!" "Look at the 2 boyfriends here." "They look like they're about to kiss! Gross!!" Me and Dan got up and walked to an empty table in the back of the room with our heads down and both of us blushing madly. Everyone was still laughing like hyenas and It took Miss Jackson (ARE YOU NASTY?) a solid 5 minutes to calm everyone down. Fortunately I didn't touch anything I wasn't supposed to on Dan's body during the fall, so there wasn't that factor of extreme awkwardness between us two.

At the end of class, I was walking out with Dan and I felt someone slap my bum. I spun around and saw Devon just walking away with a big smirk on her face. I shuddered and shifted myself a bit closer to Dan. "Phil, what's the deal with you and Devon? I her wave to you this morning and you just ran off." He said. My eyes widened and I just looked down. He saw this and quickly added, "You don't have to tell me." I shook my head and said "It's fine. Meet me in the back of the school by the big tree after school and I'll tell you." He nodded and we continued walking to our classes. 


I did not want to have to deal with Devon again during lunch, so I asked Dan if he wanted to sit outside. He agreed and now we're sat at a table playing a game of cards I randomly had in my bag. I got a text from Becky asking if I was at school. I told her me and Dan were outside and I invited her to come. She told me that she couldn't get away from Jessica. I told her that we'll meet up tomorrow to make up for it. "Hey Phil, who're you texting?" he asked me "Just Becky. Why? Is little Danny jealous?" I responded with a smirk and a blush spread across his face. "Wha? M-me? Pffttt, Nah. I n-never get jealous." I just laughed at him and we went back to playing the cards.  

-after school-

Dan's POV

I was so worried about what was going on with them. I knew it had something to do with the bet. I was going to make sure that she lost. Phil might not even feel the same about me as I feel about him! But if I win and Phil doesn't feel the same way, then at least there's no chance of Devon using him like she wants to. 

I got to the tree and Phil was already there, sitting cross-legged and just looking off into oblivion. He looked so peaceful, like he was thinking about something important. If I knew how to draw, I would totally draw him right now. I took out my camera and silently took a picture of him. I put the phone away but still stood there, just admiring him. He suddenly turned to me and said "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Little did he know that I already did.

I plopped myself down on the grass next to him and said "So what is it that's going on between you two?"

Phil's POV

"So what is it that's going on between you two?" I took a deep breath and told him everything. About the party, what Becky said to me, and today at the end of class. At the end, I said "I know I'm probably making a bigger deal put of this then needed, I'm sorry." I put my head down and looked away from him. "Phil? he said softly. "Yes?" I said. "Look at me" he said. I don't know why, but I felt ashamed of myself that this had happened. I felt guilty, like I had done something wrong. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I heard him scoot over that he was closer and in front of me.

 "Phil..." Dan put his hand under my chin and gently pulled my head up so that I was looking at him. For the second time today, our faces were only millimeters apart. "Phil, I want you to know that none of this is your fault, okay? It's Devon, she's just does things like that to get what she wants. If anything else like this happens, come to me okay?" he said to me softly and I nodded.

I don't know who leaned forward first.

Maybe it was the heat of the moment, it just felt so right.

Or maybe it was the feelings that I had kept hidden from earlier that came crashing down in the moment.

But all I know..

Is that we kissed.

And may I say..

That it felt so good to have Dan's soft lips on mine.

I wanted it to last forever.

And apparently, Dan did too.

Because neither of us pulled away for about 30 seconds.

And I loved every single second of it.

His hands got tangled in my hair and my hands got tangled in his.

We pulled our bodies closer together, until I was pushed up against the tree and Dan was practically sitting in my lap.

When we pulled away, both trying to catch our breath,  we just sat there looking into each other's eyes.

It was perfect.

My Handsome Young Man // Phan AUWhere stories live. Discover now