Chapter 17

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-a week later-

"Oh Dan, you know we have to present that project tomorrow?" Phil said as we were walking into the school. "Really? I had forgotten about that whole project!" I replied. Well, that's what I said. I was starting to get anxiety just thinking of having to stand in front of the class and present. My mind kept coming up  with 'What If?'s like 'What if I forget something and they all laugh at me?' or 'What if someone points something out that I did wrong?' You see, I hate being the centre of attention. I absolutely hate it with a passion. I mean who doesn't? Everyone's judgmental eyes watching your every movement, some whispering to others about what could be as irrelevant as the weather. But my mind just registers it as them talking about my appearance, the way I talk, my posture, the list goes on! A hammer of anxiety and self-doubt  started pounding down on me. If I was alone, said hammer would beat  down on me, continuously, until I was practically sobbing from it. I try my hardest to avoid the storm of stress from school at all costs, but sometimes I can't avoid it. And when the storm hits, it hits me hard. And this was one of those times. But fortunately, I wasn't alone this time.

Phil noticed I was shaking and asked, "Dan, are you okay? What's wrong?" I couldn't say anything, because if I did, the knot in my throat would become undone, releasing all the tears. By this time, we were at his locker. I would breakdown in the middle of everyone and start rambling about all my doubts. He would start asking me question that I didn't want to answer. He would probably make us leave school, and we couldn't risk that anymore. My dad had already gotten 2 phone call about it, and yelled at me for both of them. I didn't want Phil to see that, so I just nodded. He seemed unconvinced, but didn't push it any farther. We went to my locker next, and were met by Louise waiting for us. We had met her at the bakery where she works when Becky, Phil, and I were there after school. We all became friends and found out that she goes to our school. When she saw us, she ran up to us and exploded with questions. "Oh my goodness Dan, you're okay! You scared me yesterday when you weren't answering your phone! What were you doing? Who were you with? Did something happ-" Phil cut her off by saying, "LOUISE! Calm down! Dan's not feeling the best right now. And yesterday he was with me and we were, the cinema." I looked him with 'Oh really?' eyes. Yesterday we were at his house all day watching movies, until that kind of turned into a heated make-out session.

She sighed with relief and said, "Well, that makes sense. I was going to ask if you two wanted to go to a friend of mine's house tonight?" "Sorry Louise, we would love to but we need to practice for our presentation that's tomorrow." I said, also letting Phil know what we needed to do after school. She nodded and we walked her to her class. Along the way, she talked about the date she had before and how the guy treated her like a queen. We all made a mutual agreement that Louise should go on a second date, and possibly ask him out. We dropped her off and then walked to our own class. "Oh Phil, we really need to involve Becky in more things. She's been telling me about how Jessica yells at her all the time for no reason. Can we take her out somewhere tomorrow?" I told him. I felt really bad for her. Her sister is absolutely awful. She's also told me about how Devon sometimes comes over and does it too, but I didn't tell him that. Devon still think the bet is on. Sometimes I'll just think about that and start laughing. I plan have a plan to show her how the bet is over, but that'll be sometime later.

"Oh, absolutely! Ugh, I can't stand Jessica! She's so rude! But let's not focus on that." Phil replied. This is one of the reasons I like, maybe even love, Phil so much. He's probably the least judgmental person you'll ever meet. No matter how bad the person or situation, he'll never focus on the negative things or silently judge like I do. He'll just move on or try and find the positive. I try to be more like that, but it doesn't work out so well.

We were sitting in the back of the class, talking as usual when our names were called. "Danielle and Phillip, you two are wanted in the office." I flinched at her use or my birthname, but Phil just squeezed my arm and looked me in the eyes as to say 'Don't worry, it's alright.' We got up and left the room. When we got there, we were met with the, for once, wide smiling face of PJ Liguori. "I need to talk to you guys, like now." He said. Me and Phil looked at each other then nodded. We all stepped out into the hallway and as soon as we were out of sight, PJ almost yelled "Your plan worked! He took me back!" "Congratulations! What happened?" Phil asked. 

You see! PJ Liguori, the same person who has beaten Phil senseless multiple times, who sent people to hurt Phil because he was bored, who has made Phil feel horrible and ashamed about being who he is. Phil is happy for him. This just goes to show you that Phil is the most forgiving, most loving, most kind, and overall amazing person on the planet. And I'm so happy that I get to be with him.

"Everything that Dan said was right! Chris came crying to me on Saturday night saying that Devon used for...that and and left.  He said that he's seen that I've changed and is ready to take me back. He made me swear that I would never purposefully hurt anyone or he would leave me in a heartbeat. We spent all of yesterday together." PJ told us. "Aww, I'm so happy for you two! And I'm sorry about what happened to Chris." I said to him. I was actually happy for him, but there was just a little part of me that was saying 'He hurt Phil, he doesn't deserve Chris.' But I had to push that away, everyone deserved to be happy no matter of their past. "Thank you both, so much. I would still be a crying mess and hurting more people if it weren't for you two. I don't know what I can do yo repay you guys." PJ said to us. It felt really good to know that I helped PJ. It must have for Phil too, because his face broke into a wide and toothy grin. "It's our pleasure PJ. You can repay us by staying with Chris and making him happy." Phil said. "Will do" PJ replied and walked away. 

"Phil Lester, you're the most amazing person on this planet, ya know?" I said turning to face him and putting my hands around his waist, pulling him closer to me. "D-dan.." He said, looking around. "someone could see us." "Let them. I want to express my love for you." I said, leaning into him. He put a hand on my shoulder to stop me from going any closer.



This chapter is dedicated to @Mylifeismadeofemo and @glitteriscoolgirl for reading and giving me motivation to update with their amazing comments!

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