Chapter 19

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Phil's POV

The next week we were back to regular lessons, and it was worse than normal. Because not only was I forced to do work and participate in class now, but Dan was moved to the front of the room for 'conventional purposes'. And in his place was no other than Devon Peters. She kept trying to touch on me, and even grabbed my 'you know what' once. I reported her to the principal for sexual harassment, but she didn't believe me and said "Why would a sweet girl like Devon do anything like that?" Since we were in the back of the classroom, there were no witnesses, so I was stuck having Devon try and touch me without my permission. I didn't even try and tell Miss Jackson, because she would think I was making something up just so I could be back with Dan. 

But I know that Dan was having it worse than me. He's told me that they all refuse to call him  Dan and continue using his birthname and old pronouns. I make sure to show him extra love once we're out of school because I can't always be with him. He doesn't have any other classes with me, so all day I'm just waiting for lunch or waiting for school to be over so I can be with him. 

"Oh Philly, why do you ignore me?" Devon whispered into my ear. Her lips brushed against my ear and I shuddered with discomfort. "Devon, get away." I mumbled and scooted closer to the window. "Oh Phil, don't be like that." she came closer and I went farther towards the window until she had me backed up against the wall. "Devon, stop. I don't want to do anything with you." I told her and gently pushed her away. "Why not, Philly? Can't you see that I want you?" she said and came way too close to me. Our faces were so close that I could feel her breath and see clearly into her eyes, which were filled with lust unlike mine, which were filled with fear. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered. "I like when they play hard to get." she replied with a smirk. She then put her hand onto my crotch and attached her lips to my neck. By this point I had dealt with enough, but this sent me over the edge. I pushed her back so hard she almost fell out of her chair. I shot up and went to the front of the room. "Philip! What's the matter with you?" Miss Jackson said. Everyone was looking at me with shock, but Dan was looking at me with worry. 

"May I please have a pass?" I asked in the politest way possible. "What for?" she replied "Uh..Bathroom" she just rolled her eyes and scribbled me a pass. I took it and ran out of the classroom. I went into the bathroom and tried to regulate my breathing and think about what just happened. Devon touched me without my consent, that's what just happened! I looked at the time and saw the class only had a few minutes left, so I just stayed in the bathroom until the bell rang. When it did I exited the bathroom and ran into a very worried Dan. "Oh Phil! Are you okay? What happen-" I cut him off by saying "I'll tell you later, Dan. Right now I need to go talk to Miss Jackson." He just nodded and followed me back to the classroom, but stopped at the door. 

I went in and she asked, "Philip what was that all about?" "Miss, I need to tell you something," I took a deep breath and said "It's about Devon. Ever since you moved her seat next to mine, she's been harassing me. She keeps trying to touch me without my permission and whispering inappropriate things to me. Today she...she touched my crotch and kissed my neck. So I pushed her back. And before you say it, yes I have tried reporting her to the principal, but she doesn't believe me." Miss Jackson gasped and said "Philip! You put your hands on her?" "What do you mean! She's been trying to put her hands on my in inappropriate places for a week! This is the only time I did anything to defend myself." I replied. She sighed and said "I will talk to Miss Peters  tomorrow and move your seat. Is there anyone who you would like to sit with?" Dan" I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. "-ielle. Danielle, please." She nodded and dismissed me. I felt so guilty using Dan's birthname, and swore to never use it again.

Dan's POV

I was worried about Phil. Since he was sat next to Devon, I had an idea of what happened, but I needed to hear the full story. He came out of the classroom and I asked "Are you okay?" He just nodded and grabbed my hand.

I'm so happy that he agreed to hold my hand in public. I knew he wasn't ashamed of me, but he was just scared. I wasn't going to make out with him in front of people or anything, I just wanted to hug him and hold his hand in front of people. And I'm glad he's agreed to it.

-time skip-

After school, we decided to go to my house since my dad wan't going to be home.  I heated up some leftover pizza for us to eat and brought it up to my room. Phil was already spread out across my bed and was taking up all the space. "Philll, move your legs!" I whined and he just laughed and moved his feet. I set the pizza down on the table near my bed and sat down. We ate the rest of it while exchanging some horrible jokes. When we finished, I turned to Phil and said "Okay, please tell me what happened in class earlier." He sighed and explained it to me. "Who does she think she is, trying to get all handsy with my man?!" I yelled. "Calm down Dan. Miss Jackson said that she'll switch you and Devon's seat so that you'll sit next to me again." He said.

"And don't worry. There's no chance in a million years that I would leave you to be with Devon or anyone else. You're stuck with me"

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