Chapter 15

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Phil's POV

After the whole PJ scene, the kiss just kind of got forgotten. Well, not by me, but maybe by Dan because he didn't bring it up anytime after we left the tree. There was no conversation made between us as I walked Dan home then walked back to mine. This was mostly because I was still thinking of what Dan said about Devon. 'she's just going to make Chris fall for her, do....the do with him, and then leave him.'  What did that even mean! Is she doing that to me too? Is she just being nice to me to try and get into my pants?! That would explain her getting all touchy with me and her trying to get me to do the same... But maybe she's not, and she's actually trying to be my friend? Should I just stop hanging out with her to eliminate the chances of that happening? I was starting to get a headache from all the questions bunching up inside my head. When I got to my home, I went straight to my room and onto my laptop. I plugged in my headphones and put my latest played album on shuffle. I just started thinking about things, which is the complete opposite of what I was intending to do. I gave up and just let my mind wonder until I fell asleep, subconsciously thinking of what would have happened if PJ didn't interrupt me and Dan this afternoon.


When I got to school the next morning, I saw Dan just standing there watching some people. I took this opportunity to sneak up and scare him. I started creeping along the wall and was about to put my hands on his shoulders to scare him, but he randomly said "Oh, hey Phil. Look over there." He pointed towards where he was looking, all without turning around. I frowned and crossed my arms like a child and said "Aww, how'd you know it was me?" He turned around and laughed at how I was acting. "Phil, you're a literal giant. Everyone can hear your big feet from a block away!" I just turned my head away from him and muttered "Meanie." He just shook his head and turned back around to look at whatever he was looking at before. I looked up to see the soo interesting scene was what looked like PJ begging Chris for something. And from our conversation yesterday, I'm guessing that something was forgiveness. Devon just stood off to the side and looked really uninterested in what was going on. But then PJ must've said something that sparked her attention, because next thing I know she's in the conversation, pointing all in PJ's face. A few seconds later, all 3 of them are full on arguing. They are near the school entrance, and I was afraid that if we went to close and they saw us, they would try and involve us. Now for me, that is way, WAY too much social interaction fro such early morning. 

"Wanna skip today's classes?" I asked. He nodded and we turned around and left the school grounds. I carefully slipped my hand into Dan's, and he definitely did notice.  He smiled a bit and his eyes shone a bit brighter. We ended up in my 'cool off area' in the park I think between Dan and Phil, its more of a hang out spot now. When we got there, we picked up rocks to skip across the water. It turned into a contest when eventually all the atones were at the bottom of the lake. Dan laid down and I laid my head in his lap. "Daaaannn I'm booooreddd again. What should we dooooo?" I whined to Dan but he just clucked and started playing with my hair. "I dunno! Let's just chill." We fell into a comfortable silence, with Dan playing with my hair and me still bored, but very happy to be spending time with Dan.

This chapter is shit and I' tired but I needed to get something out so here.

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