Chapter 9

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Phil's POV

Did I really want to have lunch with Devon? That would mean that we would have to listen to Jessica's blabbering again. Honestly, I would much rather spend lunch with only Dan today. Who am I kidding? I would rather spend lunch with Dan everyday! He was strong, he never let the insults that people would say to him while passing get to him. And he was so very kind to me. And whenever people would say insults to me while passing, he would pull me to the side and tell me that they were wrong, and that I was an amazing person, and compliment me until I was smiling to wide I thought my face would split open. Whenever he would do so much as touch my arm, I would feel something different inside of me. And I have to admit, it was very very nice.

But I did notice that over the past few days that my bullying had gone down a bit. I saw PJ hanging out with Chris. Those meatheads that always followed him were like fish out of water without him. It was actually quite funny to see them trying to come at me in the hallways, but stopping at looking confused as if they didn't know what to do.

~at lunch~

When me and Dan walked into the lunch room, Devon was pushing Becky roughly. But when she saw us, she stopped. I found that a bit strange, but brushed it off. We sat down and I introduced Dan to them. "Dan, this is Becky and Jessica. Oh, and you already know Devon. Becky and Jessica, this is Dan." They all exchanged waves and Jessica immediately started talking about Kyle again. Becky was just staring at the table, I'm guessing she had learnt to tune Jessica out. Man, I should really learn how to do that In the meantime, I just started thinking of random things, and somehow my mind wondered to Dan

Eventually, Devon and Jessica starting arguing about something. I just decided to leave and get lunch. I saw that Dan looked very uncomfortable for some reason, and I wanted to save him. "I'm gonna go get lunch. Dan and Becky, you guys wanna come with me?" Dan quickly stood up and followed me, while Becky heard her name and looked very confused, but still followed us.

"Thanks for saving me, Phil. They are so boring! Becky, you have to teach us how to tune them out." Dan said. I nodded and we both looked at Becky. She just laughed and walked on. When we all got our lunch, Dan said "You guys wanna ditch them? I don't think I can stand another minute of them blabbering on about whatever" We all agreed and went outside instead of back to the table with them.

Devon's POV (surprise surprise)

When the 3 of them left, we stopped talking. "So Devon, what are you gonna do about Dan?" Jessica said to me. Made a motion for her to stop talking so I could think. I wanted Phil so badly. And I mean I wanted Phil, all of him. If I was still at my old school, I would have been with 3 guys already. But I had to resist myself. Phil seemed different than all those other guys at my old school. All the guys at my old school were just like me, looking for a quick fuck and then moved on with their lives. But Phil seemed different. Like he actually wanted a relationship. I didn't really do relationships. But if I wanted Phil, I was just gonna have to fake it.

(slight tw: transphobic slur)

Now I know what you're thinking: What does Dan have to do with all this? Well, me and Dan have a past. He used to be friends with me and my group at the old school, but then he turned into a tranny. We all rejected him. But now, he is here with Phil. I have to think of a way to disconnect him from Phil. I got it! But I'll have to get to him after school to start it..

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