Good Things Must End

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I woke up and still handcuffed. I don't think anything is gonna change that. What time is it? Is Oliver know i'm gone?

Oliver's point of view

Yesterday I Let lexi go. That was stupid of me. Oliver thought to himself. I have to get her back. I trust her, I would never think that she would cheat. She never lied, she never really told me anything about her past besides what happened to her family. I never told her anything about the island and Slade. I was the one that hid the biggest secret. I should've told her. But she figured it out. God damn it Oliver you're so dumb. How could you let her walk out the door. I have to get her back.

Oliver goes to Lexi's apartment and he knocks on the door. No response. So Oliver decides to break the door open. He breaks it open. He sees that her entire apartment is trashed. He ran around her apartment looking for her. He went in every room. There was one helpful thing, her phone. He runs out and goes to Verdant. He goes down to the basement and finds his team. Which is made up of John Diggle and Felicity Smoak. Felicity asks some questions like anyone you think would take her? Are you sure she didn't just leave? Find anything useful? After Felicity finished Oliver places Lexis phone on the table next to Felicity. He says.

"Jared her ex. I think he took her because she left him and he kept texting her to meet up and she said no every time. Track his number now felicity." Oliver said as he heads to the glass case that holds his bow and arrows.

Meanwhile Lexi's (pov)

"Jared!!" I yell. He comes in.

"Can I help you?"

"What day is it? What time is it? And last, when do I get food?" I say as we both hear my stomach growling.

"It's Sunday, 4 pm and in an hour. I have a question for you and if you answer the right way you can ask me a question. Plan? Plan." He answers to himself.

"Why did you leave?" He asks me as he pulls out a knife.

"You never touched me, hugged me, cuddled me, and you cheated on me several times. I really did like you but I never thought you felt the same way. I didn't know me leaving would bring you plan and for that I am sorry Jar bare." I say hoping that he doesn't use the knife.

"Well..." he say as he approaches me with the knife.

"That was a bad answer." He starts slicing through the skin on my thigh.

"Ahhhh fuck fuck fuck!!! STOP STOP PLEASE!!" I beg and beg. He does it over and over again. Then after he cut five times he went to the dresser and pulled out some rags. One to wipe off the knife and he brought a couple and pushed them on top of the incisions. He left and about and hour one of his minions came in with my food. I couldn't eat. Every time I moved I felt him cutting again even though he wasn't. The thoughts felt so real again. I sat there in the silence for hours. Until one of his minions came in and put a needle in my arm. It was the same one they used before. Everything was there one minute and gone the next.

Oliver's pov

"I got a location." Felicity said over intercoms. She continued with.

"47th street south."

"Going." I said as I got on my motorbike.

I got there. It was empty. Everything was gone.

"It's a dead end Felicity." Oliver said over intercoms scared out of his mind.

"Oliver she is going to be fine." Diggle said in a firmly yet friendly tone that Oliver is used to.

I went back to her apartment to see if I missed something. Then I found nothing. As I am about to leave I see a map on the back of her door. This seems familiar. I go back to Verdant and meet back up with Felicity and Diggle.

"I found this. It seems familiar to me." I tell Dig and Felicity.

"That's because that used to be part if the Glades. Where Tommy's mom worked. Do you think she there?" Felicity finishes.

(It took Oliver a couple days to get all this put together)

While Oliver was doing that Lexi was doing...

I wake up. Nothing changed. I still feel sick when I try to move. I still have five cuts on my thighs. What did he do to me. I look around the room. Oh. I start to cry. No please tell me he didn't. I'm still dressed. Why did he? NOOO. I say as I see a condom wrapper on the night stand. Was I? I tried to say the word but I  can't. It won't come out of my mouth. But it's in my head.

  A couple days later

I wake up to a noise and a drunk Jared. He comes in my room and starts making out with me. I can't move back. I just freeze there, nothing I could do. He takes off my shirt, then my shorts, and he struggles to get my bra off but he can't. He gets mad about it and pulls out his knife. The only thing I am thinking is please cut the bra. Don't cut me. He doesn't cut the bra or me. He puts the knife into my lower stomach. I wince in pain. I can't scream, I can't move, I can only feel. My heart is broken, my thigh is cut and my lower stomach was stabbed. I need Oliver.

Oliver's pov

I finally got to the new location I found. I see a couple cars. I go into the house and fight off some guys. I found Jared and grabbed him and put my hand around his throat and asked him questions.

"Oh you're here for Lexi. She's upstairs, in pain or I can only assume." He says before I knock him out. I ran upstairs and I found a door with several locks on it. I kick it down. I see Lexi. I she the cuts on her leg, the knife in her stomach and her wearing very little. I rush up to her to see if she is breathing. I put my hand on her neck looking for a pulse. It takes me a couple seconds but I find it. It's very slow, I need to get her out of here immediately. I untie her feet and uncuff her handcuffs. I get her shirt on her and her shorts on. I don't take the knife out because I don't know what damage that could cause. I decided to take the knife out because I can't let it go deeper into her stomach. I take one of the cars and go back to Felicity and Diggle.

I run down the stairs with Lexi in my arms. I get down there I put her on the table and pull her shirt to show the stab and just past her shorts you see the five cuts. Diggle and Felicity come over. Felicity is almost in tears. I grab all the medical supplies. Felicity got her oxygen. Dig got her stab wound and I stitched her cuts together. I gave her some of the special herbs from the island and some other pain meds.

  After three hours of waiting her heart rate and breathing rate go up. I sat there watching her and waiting. My hands ran through my hair and covered my face.

Lexis pov

I get up and start coughing I couldn't stop coughing. I then realized that I wasn't at Jareds. I was in the arrow cave. Ollie rushed over to me. He was a mess. He had blood all over his clothes and sweating. I stopped coughing and Oliver looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I look at him and I don't know what to say back.

"I don't know. Things happened and more things happened. I was drugged. I was cut and stabbed. I don't know what the definition if okay is Ollie. But.." I get stopped by my coughing. Oliver comes even closer.

"Would you like to meet the team now or later?" Oliver asks in his rich boy tone.

"There is only one thing I want right now." I say as I reach my arms out. Oliver lets me stay wrapped around him for a couple minutes. I never wanted that to end. But like all good things they must come to an end. Oliver pulled back and said.

"I will be right back.Kay?'

"Kay." I say as I wince in pain while I try to sit up. I see two bodies come through the door. I look closer.

"Holy shit. Felicity Smoak. That makes sense you are a computer genius and Diggle. Not just a bodyguard. Right?" I say with a smile.

"How you doing Lex?" Felicity asks while she approaches.

"Okay, yeah okay I guess. I mean I am here and you're here. Dig can me and Felicity have a minute." I ask and he smiles and starts to go find Oliver.

"I'm sorry Felicity." I start to say but Felicity runs over to me and cries into my shoulder.

"It's fine Lex." The only words I can hear her make out of her crying.

Not sure how often I am gonna do different point of views. Please feel free to comment and do all the other stuff.

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