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"Let's go home." I say. Oliver stands up. I reach my arms out and he pulls me up.
"Wait a second." I say grabbing a makeup wipe from my bag. I start rubbing off his eye makeup. I see his blue twinkling eyes watch my face.
"Done." I say. Oliver bends down and pecks my forehead.
We went upstairs and I went behind the bar.
"Want anything?" I ask him.
"Jack daniels." Oliver says. I get a cup and grab some Jack Daniels and a little bit of different things, pour it in the cup, and slide it to Oliver.
"Good?" I ask grabbing a cup for myself. I make the same thing and sip it.
"Different ." Oliver says.
"You don't like different?" I say giggling. I see a smile on his face.
"Certain different." Oliver says.
"Ahh. You know I still want a cat and my birthday is soon. Wink wink." I say.
"We will see. Let's go home." He says finishing his drink. I walk out from behind the bar and link elbows with him. We get in the car and drive to my place.
"Why my place?" I ask.
"Your bed is better." He says shutting his door.
"That's kinda surprising." I say. We walk to my front door and grab my keys from my purse. I open the door and walk in. I sit down to unlaced my shoes. Oliver came in behind me and did the same.
"Can we go to bed?" Oliver asks.
"I am gonna talk a quick shower and you need one to." I say as I walk to my bathroom. I got in and did things. I got out, put my hair up, and wrapped a towel around me. I unlock the door and go to my room. On my way I see Oliver and tell him his turn. I get to my room and got dressed. I take my hair down and brush it. I put it into one side braid. I go to my bed and get comfy. I fall asleep and a few minutes later I feel Oliver lay down. I roll over and lay my head on his arm and my arm on his shirt less chest. I say love you to Oliver and I hear him say it back. We both fell quickly asleep.
I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand. I reach my arm out and grab my phone. I turn it on and I am blinded by the brightness. A text from Felicity talking about how Barry hasn't talked since earlier. I look at the time. 2:47 am. I look at Oliver and wonder if I should stay or go.
Want me to come talk to him? I text Felicity. She texts back. Could you? I text her back and get more details. Shake Oliver's arm to wake him up a little bit.
"I will be right back. Barry needs me for something. Kay?" I say.
"Kay." Oliver says. I give him a peck and change into different outfit and leave.
I get to Felicity's place and knock. Felicity answers.
"Hey you're here." She says.
"Yeah, I would rather sleep. What's wrong with Barry? You said things I was half asleep."
"Barry won't talk to me, he wont sleep, and he hasn't moved. I tried to talk to him but it did nothing. And I'm sorry about waking you up." She says.
"It's fine. Where is?" I ask. She opens the door and lets me in.
"Guest bedroom." She says. I put my stuff down and walk to the guest room. I knock on the door before I enter.
"Hey Bar. Felicity is worried so she called me. Can you talk to me?" I sit down next to him.
"What do you want me to say?" Barry asks.
"I don't know but I will tell you the same thing I told Oliver. There was nothing you could do to stop that. You may be the fastest man alive but you can't be faster than a girl's mind." Barry looks at me and he leans in. I think for a few seconds.
"Barry I can't." I say but get cut off by Barry who doesn't care. We continue to kiss. I shouldn't be doing this. I pull back and tell him I will be right back.
"Felicity I got home to talk and made him listen. He's good. Can I go home?" I ask Felicity.
"You can stay here. I don't want you driving tired. Did you know more people get hurt from driving tired than drunk? True fact. Stay in the guest bedroom." Felicity says as she takes my keys from my hand.
"Fine." I say heading back to Barry.
"Hey roomie."
"Let's get sleep." Barry says unfolding the corner of the bed. I climb in and go to bed. I make sure I am far away enough from Barry to make sure he doesn't get the wrong idea.
"Hey Bar?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
"You know that isn't happening again. It can't. I'm with Oliver and I really really really like him. He can't find out about that. Ever." I say.
"He won't." Barry says laying down and facing the other way. I lay down and face the other direction. I text Oliver and tell him I'm to tired to drive. Then I finally fall asleep.
I wake up to Felicity shaking me. I sit up and rub my face.
"What?" I ask.
"We have a problem." She says. I look at her confused.
"Oliver is in the living room. He saw you and Barry." She says.
"Oh god." I say climbing out of bed.
"Hey." I say. I see his head perk up and then back down.
"Nothing happened Oliver. I wouldn't do that to you." I say and I see Oliver stand up.
"NO I am not letting this thing you think happened ruin us. You trust me right?" I say as I beat him to the door and stand in the way of him leaving.
"Nothing?" Oliver asks.
"Nothing." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

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