Never know

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I wake up to the monitors beeping. Scared for a second I read them. Then I see a tube on the floor. I pick it up and reattach it to Oliver's arm. I then sit down on the bed next to Oliver. I wonder if he heard me talk to him last night.

"Can you hear me?" I ask him. Of course he doesn't respond. How ever I hear a sweet voice.

"Maybe he can. Not really sure though. I got a text message saying that something was wrong." Felicity says.

"Yeah, I fixed it. Just a tube fell off. Did you race here that fast for that?" I ask.

"Well I wasn't sleeping." She says.

"You really are that scared." I say joking around.

"Yeah. Were you that scared when you met Oliver?" She asks.

"I was drunk. But every time I see him, hear him, or feel him I have butterflies. I know how it feels to have that. You and Barry have that?" I ask her.

"I think. I don't know how he feels."

"Oh I do. Every time you enter the room I see his face light up like a christmas tree. Felicity is see the happen whenever I see Oliver's face after I smile. You and Barry are both people who try to make the world a better place. It's time for you two to be happy." I say.

"You love Oliver?" She asks. I look at Oliver and think about it for a little bit.

"Yeah. I would do anything for him. If it could save him I would. There isn't anything I wouldn't do. Besides take back that kiss. That kiss made me realize that Barry isn't for me. Oliver is. Barry is for you. You both are the nicest, caring, smart, helpful, and sweetest people. You deserve him and he deserves you. Oliver deserves better. I don't deserve him. I love him but I don't think he would want me." I say as a tear falls down my face.

"Lexi we all make mistakes. Trust me in college I made a hacking thing and hacked places and my boyfriend went to jail. Lexi things happen, they change us. They make us realize things. You kissed Barry, rude because he's mine. But you realize that Oliver is the only person you need. I'm not trying to clarify that kissing Barry was right because it wasn't. But one mistake shouldn't ruin things. If Oliver wakes up you have to tell him. It has to be you." Felicity says.

"Thanks. Now should we get food?" I ask her.

"Sure." Felicity says as she grabs her bag.

"I will be up in a few seconds." I say as she starts to head up the stairs. I turn to Oliver and give him a kiss, grab my bag, and go.

Felicity and I decided to go to Perkins. I got french toast and hashbrowns. Felicity got fruit and pancakes. We talked about Barry, Oliver, and dating. Felicity couldn't stop talking about Barry. Really cute but also annoying. I feel the table start vibrating and I look to my right and see my phone, Barry is calling. I pick it up.

"Hey Bar." I say catching Felicity's interest.

"Hey you with Felicity?" He asks.

"Yeah. Want to be on speaker?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to you some quick questions. Because Felicity and I are going on a date tomorrow."

"I've heard. How can I help?" I ask.

"Should I get her flowers?" He asks.

"Let me text you the answer." I say as I hang up. I text him that he should get her something that is special between them. He texted back and thanked me. I said no problem.

"So what did he ask." Felicity asks.

"You will find out later or not depends how well Barry listens." I say a I continue to eat.

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