Little Brother

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Not edited and please feel free to talk to me. I am gonna try to keep updating every day. Hope you like this book so far. Please tell me what I could do to make this book better. I am trying to include more people from the show.

I wake up stuck in his arms. I don't want leave this position. It doesn't last long before Oliver rolls over.

"No." I whisper rather loudly. Oliver rolls back over.

"What?" He asks half asleep.

"Nothing." I say as I wrap my arms around Ollie again and his go back wrapped around me.

"Ahh that's what you wanted." Oliver says with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. We end up falling back asleep. I don't mind I love to sleep and so does Ollie. Plus I first woke up at 7:00 am. I am still used to getting up early. I hear Oliver star mumbling things. 

"Lexi you are staying home all day and I am going Queen Consolidated. I am still the CEO." Oliver says covering his face after he speaks.

"Can I go home at least? I mean I love it here but I want to be at home. Before you say no because you don't want me to be alone. Give me a guard. Maybe even the best." I say hope he makes Diggle be my guard.

"Okay let me make some calls and I can drive you home and have someone make sure you don't get hurt or die." Oliver says laying on his side.

"Kay." I say gazing into his eyes.

"Kay." Oliver responds. Oliver gets up and starts getting dressed. Oliver walks into the bathroom as I yell for him.

"Can I keep your shirt on?" I ask yelling at him.

"Go right ahead." Oliver yells back. Yay. I think I almost love Oliver's shirts more than him. No. I love him. I really do like him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I get out of bed and look through my bag for leggings. I put my hair into a messy bun and grab everything and put it in my bag. Oliver comes out with his spiky wet hair and fancy pants on.

"Find a shirt." I tell him as I look at him and back at my phone.

"What you don't like what you see." Oliver says with a smile. I turn and look at him.

"Well I mean it could be better." I say with a gigantic smile.

"How could it be better?" Oliver says with a slight laugh.

"Well I mean.. Well I guess it couldn't. But mine could be." I say laughing.

"What you want to work out?" Oliver asks with a side smirk.

"I mean no. But with you I guess it could be fun. When I can walk without it hurting. Then maybe. "Kay?" I finish.

"Kay." Oliver says as he finds a shirt. He puts on a blue checkered button up.

"Time to go. Ready?" Oliver asks me.

"Yeah." I say as I walk toward him. I wrap my arm around his waist and we walk to the door.

We get to the car and Oliver opens the door for me. I slide in and get my seatbelt on. Oliver gets in and we start driving. I plug my phone in and start playing my spotify playlist. The first song that plays is Ooh by Jon Bellion. I start singing along and then I even get Ollie to sing as well. 15 minutes later we get to my apartment. Oliver helps me out and to my apartment.

"So who is my guard?" I ask Oliver.

"Who do you think it is?" Oliver asks me with a big smile as he puts my bag down.

"Dig?" I say.

"Yeah. You mind?" Oliver asks.

"No not at all. I never hung out with him. At all. This should be fun. When is he coming and when are you leaving? I mean I love you and all but you are a very important person." I say.

"Diggle is on his way and I will leave when he gets here." He says.

"Come sit." I say as I pat my hand on the couch. We make small talk and I hear a knock on my door. I get up and I see that Oliver started standing up.

"I got it." I say looking at Oliver.

"Hey." Diggle says.

"Come in." I say. Diggle walks in. Well this feels more awkward than I thought it could be.

"Well I should get going." Oliver says breaking the silence. He approaches me and gives me a kiss and leave.

"So I want to take a shower. So I am gonna do that. Make yourself feel at home." I say to Dig as I see him nod. I walk to my room for fresh clothes. I find a different shirt of Oliver's and some grey shorts. I go into my bathroom and start the shower. I decided to take off my bandages. I look at them. I wonder when are they gonna heal. I stopped thinking and got in the shower. DAMN the water is hot. It's either as hot as hell or as cold as ice. Never the right temperature. I think that is like a big problem I have. I turn it down. I cup my hands and pour the water on the stiches.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off, get dressed, and put my hair up into the towel. I check my smeared eye makeup. I look like a racoon. I grab makeup wipes and fix it. Lets go see how Dig is doing. I walk out and I see him channel surfing.

"Nothing good on?" I ask as I sit down next to him.

"Nothing. How was your shower?" He asks.

"Pretty good. Did you eat breakfast?" I ask Diggle as I get up off the couch and walk to the kitchen. I start looking all over the kitchen for something.

"I did not. What do you have?" Diggle ask as he gets up and comes to the kictchen as well.

"Cereal, waffles, sandwiches, and fruit. Personally having fruit and Cereal. What about you?"

"I will take the same." Diggle says reaching for the cereal off the top of the fridge. I grab the fruit out of the fridge. We get or meal prepped and get seated at my small table.

"Tell me about yourself." I tell Dig before I put a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"I started off as Oliver's bodyguard. Then he became the Green Arrow and I turned into his black driver. I was in the army for some years. That's pretty much it." Diggle finishes.

"I am gonna just say it. I moved here because I wanted a fresh start. The reason I wanted a fresh start is because my family and I were going on a trip. Then the plane engine failed and we went down. That day I lost my mom, dad, and my little brother. And Jared he used me like a piece of paper. I loved him and that was a stupid choice. I want to get better emotional and physically. Oliver said he would help after I get better. That is all." I say.

"I lost my brother too." Diggle says. We continued to talk about things and continued eating. I found out a lot of things about him. From what Oliver told me Diggle didn't sound like a very open person. But Diggle is actually a very sweet person.

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