The Sound Of Silence

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I remembered my match at Summerslam like it was yesterday. I remembered the roar of the crowd when I came out, I remembered the loud pop when I pinned Seth Rollins to become the first ever Universal Champion, and I also remembered the sharp pain that was coarsing through my right shoulder. When I had got backstage I went to WWE medical experts and told them what happened. I had landed awkwardly off of Seth Rollins buckle bomb on the outside barricade. I was told by the doctors that I was gonna need surgery immediately the next day. After a long operation to fix my shoulder I was able to lay in my hospital bed and think about my career as a whole and if I was even gonna get back in the ring again. That was until the doctors told me that I'd make a full recovery but the catch was that I wouldn't be able to step back in the ring until at least 6 or 7 months. Wrestling was my life so you could say that hit me like a ton of bricks. I haven't had time away from the ring like that in a very long time. Once the doctors left I looked out my hospital room window and saw that it had started to rain. That pretty much mimicked how I was feeling in a nut shell. I was gonna try to get some sleep but that's my hospital room's door opened and in walked in The Legit Boss herself Sasha Banks, but I knew her as Mercedes Kaestner-Varnado. She had a bouquet of flowers in her hands and was wearing grey leggings with a Bálor Club t-shirt on which made me smile at first sight.

"Hey." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Hey." I responded.

"I came as soon as I heard about your surgery, they wouldn't let me see you since you were going under an operation so I picked these up for you." She said holding up the flowers.

She put the flowers on the nightstand next to my bed. I leaned the hospital bed upright so I was sitting up facing her.

"You shouldn't have" I said with a smirk.

"Well I was worried about you, we all were." She said.

"We?" I asked.

"Oh yeah Rebecca, Pam, and Ashley should be here any minute by now, they were really worried about you too especially Rebecca." She said sitting on the edge of my bed.

She was talking about the other 3 of the 4 horsewomen Becky Lynch, Bayley, and Charlotte. I took her hand in mine and looked her in the eyes.

"At least you're here" I said.

"Well of course I'm here, I always be here for you Fergal, don't ever forget that." She said.

"You sat out there waiting to hear if I'd be ok for god knows how long, trust me I won't forget" I said.

"Well we all did, it's just they all had places to go so I decided to be the one to stay and wait to see if you'd be ok." She said.

"Well I appreciate that, I really do. The doctors said I'll make a full recovery in about 6 maybe 7 months." I said.

"Ouch, Fergal I know how much you love to wrestle but maybe this will be a good thing for you. You know like a blessing in disguise." She said.

"Yeah because missing out on everything for possibly 7 months is great." I said rolling my eyes.

"Look it's gonna suck at first but maybe you'll come to find out that you need the time off I mean people like us don't get a vacation like this ok, so maybe you'd ought to take advantage of this and just be able to just breathe." She said.

"Maybe you're right but for now I'd be lying if I said I wasn't gonna miss the ring." I said.

"Oh Fergal, I'd hug you but I don't wanna mess up your shoulder." She said.

"You being here is good enough for me." I said smiling.

A knock came at the door before it opened and in came AJ Styles or as knew him, Allen Jones. He had at least four balloons all bunched together in his hand.

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