Alt. Ending (Rebecca)

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I was laying in my hospital bed watching the tv mounted on the wall when I heard a knock on my door. I expected a nurse but instead there was Rebecca for the third time this day. She had been visiting me a lot since my surgery, not that it was that serious but she kept showing up. It wasn't nothing new though, Rebecca had always been like that with me. She always made sure I was ok and that I was in good hands, even if I was a grown ass man.

"Hey Fergal." She said walking over to my bed.

"Hey, what brings you back....again?" I asked laughing.

"Just checking on you...again." She said smiling.

"What's that?" I asked notice the letter in her hand.

"Oh it's just....I don't know...just something stupid I wrote." She said putting it on my nightstand.

"Oh yeah who's it for?" I asked grabbing it.

"Well it's for you Fergal." She said.

"Really, why write a letter? Why not just talk to me?" I asked.

"You know me Fergal, I'm not always the best with venting. Writing a letter was just the best way to do that." She said.

"Well you know you can talk to me, right?" I asked.

"Just read it." She said.

"Ok ok." I said opening the letter.

Dear Fergal,

I know it's a been a long time since we were even close to being in a serious romantic relationship. In fact it's actually been about eight years give or take. As you know I'm with Allen right now....or I was with Allen. You see that's the thing about you Fergal, as hard as I try I can never get over you. I don't know if it's because you were my first love or if it's the Irish we share in our blood but Fergal Devitt, I love you. I know that's not really that surprising but I don't think you understand what I mean. Fergal when you got injured I felt as if a part of me got injured with you. I was so worried and I felt like a piece of me was just missing....until I saw you. That's when I knew I couldn't be without you Fergal, that's when I decided to break up with Allen. Because I love you Fergal Devitt and I only need to know one you still feel the same about me?

                                             Your Friend

I looked up from the letter at Rebecca who was standing there with her head down like she was embarrassed. I slowly sat up and stood up from my hospital bed. I held her hand using my good arm and watched as she looked up at me. I didn't say anything, there was nothing that needed to be said in that moment. So I did the only thing that made since, I leaned in and kiss Rebecca on the lips.

Five Months later

I was practicing my in ring work at the performance center with Rebecca getting ready for my return. Ever since that day in the hospital Rebecca and I have gone back to being official as a couple and to be honest, it was amazing. No more sneaking around, I could kiss her in public and show everyone that she was finally all mine. Right now we were busy locking up with eachother, of course Rebecca was hip tossing me all over the place.

"You gotta be quicker than that Fergal." She said.

"So I've heard." I said standing back up.

"One of these days you'll get it." She said smiling.

"Don't tempt me, today may be the day." I said.

"Well come on then try it." She said.

We locked up again and this time I wrapped my arms around waist and bear hugged her. She started laughing and tried wiggling out to no avail. Eventually she just stopped and kiss me on the lips. I moved my hands to her ass before I hip tossed her.

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